“Coming soon …”

Walking in the slow wilderness, watching the distant scene, Adier whispered to himself.

At this point, after half a month of marching, the entire group walked a long distance.

In front of him is a mountain range that stretches several dozen li. In the mountain range, there is dense air-conditioning of plants and forests, among which various creatures seem to hide.

“According to what Mokarat told us, that orc tribe should be right here.”

Behind him, a rough voice sounded, and then a robust apprentice rode from behind Adier, officially a white-bearded Syraher.

At this point, he was wearing a silver-white armor and carrying a stable in his hands. It didn’t look like a wizard apprentice, but rather Knight.

“By the way, aren’t you really like me, come in an armor?”

Looking at Adier, Syraher loudly said: “The battlefield can be different from normal times. Although we have spells, a little more protection is always good.”

Speaking of which, his right hand was shot on the chest armor, and he made a clear sound: “The armor I made is completely made of Silver Iron. While possessing a stronger defense force than other armors, it will not cause damage to the cast. What effect. “

“If you want Adier, for the sake of our friendship, a set of five magic stones is enough!”

“Forget it …” A quick glance at the side Syraher, Adier was a little speechless: “Let’s think about what spell should be built in the future, if something goes wrong, then something will happen.”

“Haha, don’t be nervous.” Looking at Adier, Syraher laughed heartily: “I have experience with this kind of thing, just a few more times.”

As they spoke, behind them, Aishaer also followed.

Because they followed the army, they were riding horses this time. However, as second-class apprentices, their physical fitness will not be worse than that of ordinary Knights. In addition, as a native of the ancient Mordor, their equestrian skills are not bad, even if they have been trekking in the wild for half a month, their faces are I don’t see fatigue.

At this point, as the team progressed, thousands of troops had been divided into several batches, constantly wandering around.

“Some adults.” A voice came from the front, it was a Knight, and on the horse, hurried to the place where the Adiers were.

“Master Keksis lets you pass!” He shouted as he watched the Adier, though Zema walked in the direction it was coming from.

Glancing at each other in silence, Adier walked forward.

To the front, they walked into a camp and saw Keksis and Mokarat inside.

“You are here.”

Looking at the Adier people, Mokarat nodded: “We are almost at our destination. Please prepare a few.”

“This time our target is a middle-level tribe. There are about three thousand orcs in it.”

Looking at the people in front of him, Keksis opened the mouth and said: “My Knight is leading someone to fight with this tribe, and probably after a while, we will be able to get there, and hope that some of them will take the shot and bring the Bloodthirsty Orc is resolved. “

Listening to his words, Adier several people were nodded, and expressed no objection.

The team rested for a while and then started marching again.

When we came to the wilderness in front, the wild beasts around were obviously increased. Occasionally, some scattered orcs were hiding around. After seeing their entire team, they were scared away from the distance.


The sound of long arrows breaking through the air resounded.

Keksis looked calm, looking at the orc who was shot in the chest by a long arrow in the distance, his eyes remained unchanged.

I don’t know how long after that, scattered shouts began to appear in front. Some soldiers were fighting with the scattered orcs in front, and it seemed to be evenly matched temporarily.

Immediately after receiving support from Keksis, the battle was tilted towards the human side.

Here, Adier looked around.

The orcs here are not the same as those he has ever seen. Although they are all tall, their body hair is thicker and warmer.

When he arrived, Keksis led someone forward.

“You guys, it’s time we got up.” Mokarat opened the mouth and said as he approached the people.

Several wizard apprentices were nodded and rode on horses, walking slowly forward.

Ahead, there are some Bloodthirsty Orc scattered all over the place, and the height of more than three meters is even obvious among the orcs.

As agreed in advance, several apprentices rushed towards the Bloodthirsty Orc.

“Bloodthirsty Orc … I really miss it.”

Looking at the distance, Adier couldn’t help sighing about the tall silhouette that was similar to the memory he once had.

When he first came to this world, he once fought against the orcs on the battlefield, and even broke through Knight.

However, even though he is now Peak Great Knight, he has no intention of going directly to fight.

Gently reaching out, on the horse’s back, he took out a long red bow and slowly pulled out the bowstring.

This was acquired by him at Academy. It originated from a third-class apprentice. Although it is not a Magic Transformed Item, it was also reinforced by the wizard’s method. It can withstand Adier’s current strength and was finally bought by Adier at the price of a magic stone. .

“Calculate wind resistance … Calculate angular deviation …” In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery is constantly sounding, and Adier constantly helps to adjust the angle through powerful calculations.

With a soft beep, the long arrow quickly left the longbow and headed towards the tall orc who counted beyond ten meters.

No spell blessing is needed. With Adier’s physical Strength and shooting with a single arrow, the damage can be compared with the spells of some second-class apprentices.

The long arrow quickly turned into a black point in the field of vision, rushing towards the distance.

In counting ten meters, a tall Bloodthirsty Orc with a gray-red skin and a gray-red skin was snarling the giant sword in his hand, and was about to wave forward.

Roar! ! !

A tingling sensation came from his chest, and Bloodthirsty Orc roared, looking at his chest in disbelief, where an arrow passed through it.

But even so, with the vitality of Bloodthirsty Orc, it still hasn’t died. It doesn’t seem to have serious injuries. Instead, it roared and rushed in the direction of the arrow.

He quickly found his goal. In counting ten meters, Adier was wearing a black robe, sitting on horseback, and holding a scarlet red bow in his hands, which looked very striking.

“Without enchanted arrows, formidable power is really not enough.”

Looking at the tall orc rushing towards him in the distance, Adier shook his head and continued to pull up the bow and arrow in his hand.

“Calculate the wind speed …” In the mind, the sound of the chip machinery is still sounding.

An arrow quickly broke through, hitting Bloodthirsty Orc’s heart exactly.

Because of the closer distance, this arrow passed directly through the opponent’s body.

The heart broke, and the Bloodthirsty Orc twitched and fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

After solving the orc in front of him, Adier looked towards the other ground.

In the distance, Syraher wore a silver armor, like a Knight and Bloodthirsty Orc. It didn’t look like a wizard at all, but a bit of brutal Knight’s fighting style.

With his unique blood spell, Aishaer is about to solve the orcs in front of him.

Seeing this, Adier has no interest in watching.

This orc tribe is almost over.

Bloodthirsty Orc is very unlikely to appear. Often, there is only one Bloodthirsty Orc among hundreds of orc infants.

According to Keksis’s introduction, this orc tribe is only about 3,000 people at present, and it is good to have Bloodthirsty Orc with seven or eight heads.

After these Bloodthirsty Orc are solved by their apprentices, the remaining ordinary orcs are definitely not Keksis and the others’ opponents and will be completely defeated soon.

I don’t know how long it took, and at dusk, the battle ahead was almost over.

The orcs of this tribe were completely defeated, with the exception of those killed directly on the battlefield, all the others ran towards the deeper mountains.

Around, each and everyone warriors began to clear the battlefield, occasionally grabbing some orcs and binding them with special ropes.

This is to accommodate the captives. For the lagging Ancient Armor City, these orc captives are the biggest source of income. A strong and cheaper reason, a large number of slave merchants come to buy each year.

When the road ahead was cleared, the Adiers walked forward, where the orc tribe’s location could be seen far away.

Compared with human villages, although these orc tribes seem to be relatively backward, they also have a certain civilization, and the orcs do not live in the cold and humid crypts, but some extremely humble houses.

Like humans, orcs are also races with wisdom. Although intelligence may be generally low, they do have their own civilization.

Walking into this extremely rudimentary village, the stink coming around them made several apprentices frown.

The environment here is bad. After all, in this world, even human cities are messy. In some places, cities are even full of dung, and the place where orcs live is only worse.

Stepping into it, all around began to sound subtle.

It was the mourning of some orc children, and the roar of old orcs unwilling.

“What are they doing.”

Adier frowned, listening to the sounds around him, looking at the old orc who was snarling with ropes before him.

“Clean up these useless individuals.”

On one side, Mokarat, wearing a black robe, came over from behind.

“The average orc slave, because of its strong body and easy to feed, is very popular with those slave merchants, but these young children are not the same as the old orcs.”

He looked at Adier and slowly explained to him: “An orc is similar to a human being. It takes at least ten years for a newborn child to grow into a robust workforce. Old orcs and those with disabilities are basically unable Living too long is not worth wasting food. “

Hearing here, Adier nodded, didn’t say much.

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