“I want some orcs to do some experiments, these orcs’ larvae, and the bodies of the Bloodthirsty Orc, I want some, and I’ll give you a price.”

After thinking for a while, Adier looked towards Mokarat aside and said to him.

“Orc larvae, I can give you some of them. As for the bodies of Bloodthirsty Orc, how about two magic stones?” After thinking about it, Mokarat opened the mouth and said.

Compared to ordinary orcs, Bloodthirsty Orc is not only as powerful as Knight, but also a unique mutant species. The corpse has some experimental value for some wizards, and the price is more expensive.

“Concluded.” Listening to Mokarat’s offer, Adier nodded, agreed.

Time passed quickly, and after this tribe was mobbed, Keksis led his army and continued to drive deep into the mountain range.

In this area, there are many orcs, scattered in the form of each and everyone tribe.

After Keksis led people deep into the area and continued to raid more than a dozen orc tribes, they began to return and rushed in the direction they came.


Two months later, in a spacious experiment, Adier was standing quietly.

In front of him, a tall Bloodthirsty Orc corpse was lying quietly on the test bench in front of him, and all parts of his body had been dismembered, with the chilly air still on it.

Next to the corpse of Bloodthirsty Orc, there is also an ordinary orc corpse, which has also been dismembered and wrapped with a spell that delays decay.

Looking at the bodies of two different orcs in front of him, Adier said to himself as he took off his blood-stained gloves, “Sure enough, Bloodthirsty Orc’s body structure is different from that of ordinary orcs, but it is actually the basis of ordinary orcs. It ’s more optimized, but while strengthening the existing organs, it also has several unique small organs. “

“This relationship feels like Knight’s relationship with ordinary person.” Standing in place, he said to himself.

Although the body structures of Knight and ordinary person are generally similar, they are actually not the same. This is something Adier understood early on the chip.

Ordinary person exercises through the Knight Breathing Technique. While making Strength constantly stronger, it will also cause some changes in the body itself, optimize Knight’s body structure, and adapt to the growing Strength.

This optimization may not be obvious in Knight, but after the Great Knight, if you compare it with ordinary person, it will show a great difference.

In fact, it’s not just Knight, but so is the wizarding system.

While the apprentice continues to meditate, making his Spirit constantly grow, he will also continue to optimize the body, and finally drive the growth of physical fitness. That’s why second-class apprentices have physical fitness comparable to Knight’s.

The current Bloodthirsty Orc and ordinary orcs, Adier feels like Knight and the relationship with ordinary person.

“The reason why Knight’s body structure is different from ordinary person is because Knight’s continuous strengthening through the training of Knight Breathing Technique, and the result that the body continues to adapt and change is an acquired change.”

Standing in place, Adier meditated silently: “But the existence of Bloodthirsty Orc is obviously different. Bloodthirsty Orc was Bloodthirsty Orc at the time of birth. Although the strength of the larvae is not much different from that of ordinary orcs, sooner or later Can surpass other orcs and obtain a Strength comparable to Knight. “

“Unlike the exercise of Knight Breathing Technique, this is an innate result and has something to do with Bloodline.”

With this in mind, Adier continued to ponder: “What is the difference between a Bloodline that belongs to Orcs, Orcs and Bloodthirsty Orc?”

“It seems that if you want to find the results, it will take a long time to observe, even Bloodline experiments.”

Standing in place, looking at the orc carcass that had been dismembered, Adier thought.

“It seems that we need to find some time to purchase some equipment for Bloodline experiments.”

This type of appliances, because of the inconvenience, Adier had not brought at all before. And with the barrenness of Ancient Armor City, it is not realistic to expect to find around here, you can only buy from some fixed resource points.

“Chip, how about the formula of crimson blood?” Standing in place, he asked the chip in his head.

“The formula of crimson blood, has been parsed 78.1 ……… Expected resolution time is seven days …”

In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

“It takes seven days to parse it.”

Listening to the tip of the chip in his head, Adier could not help but nodded.

Previously, the crimson blood obtained from Aishaer was exchanged. Through this period of research, the approximate efficacy has also been checked.

Through the specific detection of the body by the chip, Adier found that this kind of crimson blood has a unique active substance, which can not only strengthen the Constitution to a certain extent, but also play a very good healing role.

If you use this crimson blood for a long time, some of the internal injuries on Knight, and even the powerful repercussions of Life Seed, can be improved.

This effect is not so much for wizards, but it works well for Knight and even Great Knight.

“The orc materials for the experiment are running out, and Aishaer’s side, those refined sober potions should also be taken out.” Looking around, looking at the several bottles of light red potion that were refined on the side of the test bench. , Adier thought.

The sober potion is just the basic potion. As long as there is a formula, the difficulty is not much for Adier.

However, in order to disguise himself as an ordinary pharmacy apprentice, he has been dragging on for two months, and now he is ready to take it out.

A few days later.

One morning, with Elder and the others, Adier came to a manor house in Ancient Armor City.

Inside, Aishaer was in an expensive outfit, like a noble lady of nobility, who was receiving Adier inside.

Several apprentices in Ancient Armor City basically have their own identities, just like Adier is a new noble on the surface. In the eyes of others, Aishaer is also an aristocratic lady with the rank of Viscount. In Ancient Armor City Has a good reputation.

“Does something bring?”

Just sat down, and after the servants around him left, Aishaer looked at Adier, and couldn’t wait to ask.

Looking at her like this, Adier gently nodded, then took out a package from behind.

After the package was opened, it contained a few bottles of light red potion, which looked like blood and was very touching.

With a light sound, Aishaer quickly opened the potion bottle and sniffed it directly in front of his nose.

“Yes, that’s the smell. Just just breathe, you can feel Spirit calm down.”

Looking at the potion in his hand, Aishaer’s face first showed excitement, then calmed again.

“Now that the promise has been reached, let’s start our deal.”

Sitting opposite her, looking at each other’s expression, Adier reminded with a smile on his face.

“Of course, this is already agreed.”

Looking at Adier, Ashara also smiled on her face, then slowly stood up: “Please come with me.”

She led Adier toward the depths of the manor.

After a while, in a dark place, he opened a layer of slate on the ground, exposing the stairs below.

A strong bloody smell suddenly came from below, and it could be smelled even after a long distance.

But smelling this kind of bloody air that would make the ordinary person sick, neither Adier nor Aishaer showed any reaction, and it seemed that they were accustomed to this kind of breath.

Gently glancing at Adier, Aishaer took the lead.

As the footsteps sounded, the surrounding lights continued to light, illuminating the dark basement.

“This is my private laboratory. Usually, everyone except me will come here.”

Entering a room deep in the basement, sitting on a chair, Aishaer looked at Adier in front of him, a charming smile on his face.

“I can understand.” Adier was calm and directly nodded.

Some experiments of wizards are often not exposed to outsiders, so having their own laboratory is actually a normal thing.

However, compared to other wizards’ labs, the scene in front of them is a bit scary.

In the spacious laboratory, various organs and skeletons lie quietly on the surrounding test bench. The tube-by-tube blood exudes a dizzying thick bloody smell, turning the surrounding area into a red.

In some corners, Adier saw a lot of tortured, corpse-like bodies with extremely distorted expressions on his face, and it looked like he had suffered a lot before he died.

If this scene is seen by others, it is estimated that he will come to hell.

“Well, this is the research of the bloodline spell. If you want to learn this knowledge, you will have to get used to this scenario in the future.”

Opposite Adier, looking at Adier’s eyes, Aishaer shook his head and explained to Adier.

Having said this, she went to the corner and took out some very old-looking books.

“This is the basic knowledge of the bloodline spell, which is some information obtained by our school in the past. It is not difficult in itself.”

She looked at Adier and said quietly, “You can take it back and do your own research. If you have any questions, you can ask me again.”

After taking over the ancient book in her hands, Adier nodded, and then took out a higher magic stone from the package: “This is the tuition agreed before, as the price of learning this knowledge.”

“Then, happy cooperation.”

After taking the magic stone in Adier’s hand, feeling the unique touch, and the surge of energy particles, Aishaer’s smile was deeper, and he couldn’t help facing Adier said with a smile.

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