“The valuable knowledge left by the senior wizards cannot be underestimated.”

Adier couldn’t help sighing in the spacious living room looking at the old and worn books.

At this point, a few days had passed since the last transaction with Aishaer was concluded.

During this time, Adier’s thoughts all flew on this new knowledge. After studying it for a while, I couldn’t help but marvel at the knowledge recorded above.

Aishaer’s school of inheritance has a long history. Although it has gone through several inheritance ruptures and has now declined, it can be traced back for thousands of years.

The knowledge in front of him, although it seems only the foundation in the eyes of the other party, but in the opinion of Adier, it is undoubtedly an extremely precious wealth.

The summation of these basic knowledge must have the constant exploration and experimentation of countless advanced wizards before it can be summed up and passed on to future generations.

“The so-called blood spell is by no means just a unique spell system. It is also a digging and sorting of the Bloodline of life.”

Sitting silently in the place, Adier’s eyes were bright: “There are countless kinds of life in this World, and every creature can reproduce to this day, and its Bloodline undoubtedly has huge potential.”

“By studying the Bloodline of these creatures, understanding the construction and changes of Bloodline, and grasping the Strength hidden in Bloodline, which is a powerful life, this is the true idea and essence of this school.”

Thinking of this, Adier couldn’t help sighing.

In these books, there are some basic knowledge about Bloodline, including how to purify the Bloodline of powerful life, how to understand the information of living things from the blood, and even how to use blood to make some simple Bloodline medicines. .

The so-called Bloodline medicament is a medicament made from the blood of various organisms as the main material, which is not consistent with the mainstream medicament refining methods in the wizarding world today, and belongs to another unique refining method.

This Bloodline potion often has some magical effects not available in ordinary potions, such as crimson blood, which is a basic use of Bloodline potions.

In Adier’s view, the potential of this Bloodline pharmaceutical, if fully developed, would not be inferior to the existing pharmaceutical system.

But unfortunately, this school has passed down to the extreme today. Most of the inheritance in the past is missing. In the existing inheritance, the remaining Bloodline formulation is estimated to be only crimson blood in the hands of Aishaer. The effect is even for some basic potions. Instead, it can only exist as a supplement.

Thinking of this, while secretly regretting it, Adier couldn’t help expecting more advanced knowledge from Aishaer.

Time little by little past.

Soon, half a year passed.

During this half year, there have been some changes in Ancient Armor City.

An aristocrat named Adier came to Ancient Armor City from a foreign country. When other nobles wanted to flee the city, they set up many industries in Ancient Armor City.

At the beginning, many local nobles also wanted to see the jokes of this foreigner. I did not expect that after just six months, the industry of this foreign aristocracy became bigger and bigger, especially the pharmacy stores under it. It became the most famous pharmacy in this area, and many nobles from other places came here.

However, all of this is related to Adier, but he is not taken to his heart.

At this point, he was standing in a living room, looking at the mirror in front of him quietly, somewhat surprised.

In the mirror, a handsome teenager quietly reflected, wearing a white robe, looking gentle and elegant.

“I’m sixteen by now.”

Looking at the silhouette that he had grown a lot in the mirror, feeling the passage of time, Adier gently sighed.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 12.4. Agility: 13.1. Constitution: 13.2. Spirit: 4.7.”

At this point, it was a year and a half before Adier was promoted to second-class apprenticeship.

Because the effect of this Meditation Method has been greatly reduced, even if this year and a half, Adier has never relaxed his meditation, and every day he has thought about the body ca n’t bear it, but his progress is still limited. There is still a long way to go for Spirit.

“It will take at least half a year to meet the requirements for a third-level apprenticeship.”

Touching his forehead and feeling the growth of his Spirit, Adier sighed.

“In addition … it takes more than a year to complete the accumulation of energy.”

In the Spirit Sea of ​​Adier, a bit of light was flashing, and a faint glow was emitted on the World coordinate on it. The white light had occupied most of the area, and only a small part of it remained dim.

This represents the accumulation of energy. When the dim area in World coordinates disappears, the door of World can be opened by the soul of Adier, and Adier can be teleported to other Worlds.

“I have a hunch. When I get to a third-level apprentice … even after being a formal wizard, the speed of energy accumulation will accelerate a lot.” Standing in place, Adier flashed this thought.

The crossing innate talent is attached to his soul, and the speed of the accumulation of crossing energy is determined by the strength of his soul.

After the third-level apprenticeship, the Spirit and soul of the wizard will have a great increase, and the speed of accumulation will naturally become much faster.

“Lord Adier, it’s lunch time. Do you need to start dining now?”

There was a sudden sound outside.

In front of the gate, Bagel was wearing a black gown with a serious and old-fashioned expression on his face, looking at Adier respectfully asked.

“Get started now.” Adier nodded, listening to the other person: “Let Elder come here too, I just have something to ask him.”

“Yes.” Listening to Adier, Bagel respectfully nodded, then stepped back in silence.

Leaving the spacious living room, in the respectful look of the maid, Adier walked to the dining hall.

Here, several people are already waiting there.

“Master Adier.” A familiar shout sounded in Adier’s ear.

At the table, Elder was wearing a black and white striped tights with a long sword on his waist, and looked at Adier respectfully.

Compared with half a year ago, the breath on his body has changed a lot. Although he still seems taciturn, he is obviously more calm and has an immovable temperament.

“Name: Aird. Strength: 3.7. Agility: 3.5. Constitution: 3.7.” In front of him, Aird’s physical data appeared.

“Elder, how does the bloodthirsty potion feel?”

Looking at Elder in front of him, feeling the opponent’s apparently physical fitness, Adier asked with a smile on his face.

“The effect is very good.” Listening to Adier’s words, Aldermune’s face showed a respectful expression, and said with excitement, “I have inspired Life Seed.”

Listening to this, Adier nodded.

In this half year, he was not completely idle.

Through continuous learning of the Aishaer school of knowledge, his understanding of Bloodline also began to deepen. Finally, by integrating the crimson blood and an incomplete formula of ancient bloodthirsty agents, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the two, a new bloodthirsty agent formula was successfully summarized and improved.

The new bloodthirsty medicine refers to some ideas of Bloodline’s medicine. The blood essence purified by Bloodthirsty Orc is added to the material, and then the bloodthirsty factors in Bloodthirsty Orc Bloodline are completely excited through some reactions.

This kind of bloodthirsty medicament has reached the level of primary medicament in terms of grade alone, and even if it is in the primary medicament, it definitely belongs to the batch with good effect.

The use of this improved bloodthirsty agent not only can increase the strength of the body, but also has a strong effect on the stimulation of Life Seed because of the strong stimulation to the body.

Elder was the first experimenter of this medicine. He not at all, after high-intensity fighting, he directly used the bloodthirsty agent, and activated the life seed through the bloodthirsty agent’s stimulation to the body.

“According to the chip’s deduction, a person can only use bloodthirsty drugs at most three times in his life. If there are more, the body will be resistant and the drug will be invalid.

Standing in place and watching Alde’s body changes, Adier thought silently: “Take Alde’s current physical data and wait for his adaptation period of Knight to pass, then use the bloodthirsty medicine twice, maybe directly You’ll meet the criteria for promotion to Great Knight. “

“But at that point, the effects of bloodthirsty agents will be completely gone. If you want to go from Knight Breakthrough to Great Knight, you need to develop other more irritating agents, or experience high intensity killing like other Knights. Only. “

Thinking of this, Adier could not help but nodded.

At his current level, ordinary soldiers are of no use to him. To assist him, at least it must be Knight.

Now he has the chip-modified Dier Breathing Technique, and he has a bloodthirsty potion. As long as he is given a certain amount of time, Knight can be mass produced, and even a powerful Knight Legion will not be a problem for the enemy.

As a traveler from the technology world, Adier does not advocate singles alone.

“However, loyalty is a problem in this regard, and it is also difficult to find enough people with Knight qualifications.”

Thinking of this, Adier could not help frowning.

Although Knight resources are not as rare as wizard qualifications, they are also relatively rare innate talent.

And the measurement of Knight innate talent is not as difficult as testing wizard innate talent, but it is more troublesome. In addition to practicing the Knight Breathing Technique in person, you can only find a real Knight who has activated Life Seed. By entering his Life Energy into other people within the body, you can know if the other person has Knight innate talent.

An ordinary Knight can only test a maximum of seven or eight people at a time, and then it will take several days to recover because Life Energy is exhausted, and the efficiency is too low.

“It seems that I have to find this information in the future to see if I can find a more suitable measurement method.”

With this in mind, Adier was thoughtful.

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