Lunch time passes quickly.

When lunch was over, Adier stood up and took Alder to the other part of the estate.

This is an area that Adier specifically divided in the manor house, where some things are placed.

Taking Alder to this area, several one meter silhouettes quickly passed through the surrounding fruit trees.

It was a few gray skins, faintly carrying some rosy orcs, but compared to adult orcs, they were generally not large and still young.

After seeing Adier, the gray faces of these orcs suddenly changed. They ran quickly to Adier’s body, and there was a little kind of affection in the gray and red eyes.

Beside Adier, watching the orcs approaching, Alder’s body was subconsciously tight, and the right hand could not help touching the long sword on his waist, and seemed a little vigilant.

“take it easy.”

Looking at Elder’s appearance, Adier opened the mouth and said, then with a smile on his face, he stepped forward to the shoulders of the orcs.

These tamed orcs are also the fruit of his six months.

Compared with humans, although orcs are tall and civilized, they do have their own wisdom. The reason why there has been very little communication with people is simply because of the opposition of existence, and the inability to communicate that’s all due to the difference in physiological structure between each other.

The orc’s own vocal organs have some differences from humans, and they also have their own set of languages, which is difficult for an ordinary person to understand.

But for wizards, this is another matter.

In the past six months, in order to study the Bloodline of the Orcs, Adier has studied a lot of information about the Orcs.

The communication between wizards and orcs has actually begun very early.

The so-called orcs were not originally a species of this world, but originated from a distant world.

In the glorious times of the ancient times, the ancient wizards conquered the World and plundered the resources of the Endless World. They once occupied the World where the orcs were, and therefore brought the Orc race back to the Wizard’s World.

According to the ancient book, the orc race was born with a strong physical strength, and its radiation resistance to wizards is much stronger than that of ordinary people. In addition, due to hardship and hard work, it has become a slave race for ancient wizards. Serve the wizard.

But with the passing of the Epoch of Glory, the glory of the ancient wizards is no longer, and the once-Strange World races of the orcs have continued to multiply in the Wizarding World until today.

The problem of orc language communication is not difficult for Adier.

With the powerful analysis power of the chip, it is not difficult to analyze the language of the orc. As for the different vocal organs, it can also be done by fine-tuning of the mimicry.

The domesticated orcs in front of them are all juveniles specially selected by Adier. After being catalyzed by the special Spirit spell, they can erase the previous memories of these orcs.

This is not difficult to do. With Adier’s current ability, as long as he is given a certain amount of time, through the cooperation of potions and spells, even if the opponent cannot resist, even the Knight-level powerhouse can rough erase the opponent’s memory.

The orc’s intelligence itself is not high. Even the intelligence of an adult individual is not as good as an ordinary person, let alone a juvenile. It only takes a dozen days to erase their memories with idiopathic psychedelic potions.

Coming here, led by several orcs, Adier went deep into the manor.

Just now, a faint roar came from a distance.

Going forward, Adier saw in the distance.

I saw a Bloodthirsty Orc with a grey skin and red skin, holding a giant sword in his hands, on a wide and flat training ground, slicing a specially-made wooden stake in front of him.

A huge Strength erupted in the hands of this Bloodthirsty Orc. The wooden stakes in front of him were not cut by him. There were pieces of wood scattered all over the training ground.


Looking at this tall Bloodthirsty Orc, Adier smiled and looked at him in the distance.

This shout was in the language of orcs, and Alder and the others did not understand what it meant.

However, in the distance, after hearing the call of Adier, he stood on the training ground, a full three meters tall Bloodthirsty Orc was first a sigh, then quickly held the giant sword in his hand and ran to Adier.

In the light of the sun, Bloodthirsty Orc’s three-meter-high body cast a huge shadow on the ground, and then quickly approached Adier.

Compared to Adier’s height, Bloodthirsty Orc is as tall as a little giant.

However, standing in front of Adier, this Bloodthirsty Orc was directly kneeling down, looking at the silhouette of Adier in front of him, and a pair of scarlet red eyes also showed a kind of kindness.

If Keksis and the others were standing here, watching this scene would be shocking, even unbelievable.

“Unfortunately … Although after a lot of experiments, the only successful individual is this one.”

Looking at Bloodthirsty Orc, who was kneeling down in front of him, Adier felt a little regret at the same time.

During this half year, through his relationship with Keksis, he purchased a large number of orc larvae for experimentation, as well as many corpses of Bloodthirsty Orc.

He has not given up on Bloodthirsty Orc and Orc Bloodline.

In this regard, Aishaer helped Adier a lot. Not only did he get a lot of advanced knowledge about Bloodline from the other party, but he also successfully purchased a set of instruments that can be used for Bloodline experiments from the other party.

Through the Bloodline experiment, Adier found that, compared with ordinary orcs, Bloodthirsty Orc’s Bloodline is not only higher, but also has a unique violent factor in Bloodline, which makes it gain the strength of entering a bloodthirsty state.

By studying the Bloodline of Bloodthirsty Orc and this violent factor, Adier has also achieved a lot of results, such as the bloodthirsty medicine before, and the Bloodthirsty Orc in front of it.

But compared to bloodthirsty agents, the Bloodthirsty Orc in front of him is completely an accident.

A few months ago, Adier tried to purify the violent factor in Bloodthirsty Orc Bloodline, and then directly injected some adult orcs within the body, but unexpectedly gave birth to a Bloodthirsty Orc.

Later, Adier did some similar experiments. In the end, all the orc individuals used in the experiment could not adapt to the violent changes in the body. The Bloodline within the body collapsed directly, leading to death.

Thinking of this, Adier had a headache: “The orcs used for the experiment are not enough anymore … It seems to be buying another batch.”

“Also with Aishaer, I have been studying for half a year, and I have learned almost everything.”

Adier’s learning ability is far beyond ordinary people, because of his memory chip, he has a strong advantage in learning. If it wasn’t for Aishaer’s deliberate delay, I’m afraid it won’t take half a year to empty the other side’s stuff.

Up to now, Adier has learned about the other school ’s inheritance knowledge. As for the remaining blood spells and secrets, Adier thinks that he will never teach himself.

“Speaking of which, Syraher’s side, it seems that inheritance also has some advanced knowledge of alchemy. The kind of refining method of synthesizing wizard metal through ordinary metals is very interesting, and I don’t know whether the other party is willing to teach.”

With this in mind, Adier was thoughtful.

After staying there for a while and checking the physical condition of the surrounding orcs, Adier left with Ald and the others, and walked outside the manor.

Just walked there, and in the distance Bagel walked quickly, bringing news that Mokarat was coming to visit.

Listening to this news, Adier was a little surprised.

Compared to other apprentices in Ancient Armor City, Mokarat seems very mysterious. Except for occasional party appearances, other times often communicate with others through letters and rarely participate in various banquets. I did not expect that this time they would Come and visit.

“Let him wait in the living room for a while, I’ll be right over.”

Standing still, Adier said.


“Keksis was seriously injured?”

Sitting quietly in the living room, listening to the news from Mokarat in front of his eyes, Adier’s face was surprised.

“Who did it? With Keksis’ strength, not many people can do it.”

After thinking about it, Adier asked with a frown.

Keksis’s strength, he knows it, even if it is among the top knights in Great Knight.

With such strength, except for people like Adier, ordinary second-class apprentices are not opponents of the opponent at all, and even if they barely defeat the opponent, they are unlikely to seriously hurt the opponent.

As far as Adier knows, in Ancient Armor City, except for Adier, there is only Mokarat in front of him.

“Is this someone from elsewhere?” Frowned, Adier continued.

“No.” Sitting in front of him, Mokarat shook the head, his face looking a little somber.

After half a year, his mask had been removed. The rotten face seemed to be gradually recovering during this time. It seemed to be pale, but at least not so scary.

“It was done by the orcs.” Looking at Adier in front of him, his face was gloomy, so opened the mouth and said.

“Orcs?” Adier was surprised by this answer: “Orcs have this Strength?”

Even the Bloodthirsty Orc among the orcs, its Strength is at best comparable to ordinary Knights, which is still a long way from Great Knight.

Unless there is a large number of Bloodthirsty Orc surrounded at the same time, otherwise with the strength of Keksis, it is unlikely to be seriously injured even if lost.

“This time, it is not the so-called Bloodthirsty Orc, but another form of orc, which is likely related to the mutant orc you have been investigating.”

Sitting in front of Adier, Mokarat shook his head and said so.

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