“That was a tall orc who was seven meters tall, but his hair was bronze.”

Looking at Adier in front of him, Mokarat’s face was somber and said, “This orc is very powerful. According to Keksis, he was taking a tour around the city, besides him there were several Knights and hundreds of elites. The soldiers were all killed by the opponent, leaving only Keksis himself to escape with serious injuries. “

“According to Keksis’s previous description, this bronze orc is not only strong, but also seems to be in a state of rage. Regardless of whether it is an orc or a human, he will be torn by this bronze orc whenever he encounters it.”

“Bronze orc.”

Hearing what Mokarat said before him, Adier froze for a while, and then said, “So why are you here this time?”

“Gather our Strength and kill this bronze orc!” Looking at Adier, Mokarat chop nails and sever Iron opened the mouth and said.

“This orc is now outside the city, and has just blocked an important commercial road between Ancient Armor City and other cities, where it is constantly hovering and killing people!”

“In just a few days, several caravans have been killed by this monster. Who would dare to go to our Ancient Armor City?”

He looked at Adier and explained, his face grew darker when it came to the caravan.

Ancient Armor City is located in a remote and marginal zone of Gumoduo Kingdom. It is surrounded by barren land and restless orcs. It cannot support itself with food and weapons. The entire city is supported by orc slaves and a few specialties such as fur. .

Once foreign caravans dare not come to the city to do business again, in a short period of time, Ancient Armor City is bound to have great vitality, which shows the seriousness of the matter.

Hearing this, Adier frowned secretly.

Being able to kill Keksis in front of several Knights and hundreds of elite warriors and destroy it seriously, this bronze orc is undoubtedly extremely powerful.

Although it may not be comparable to a formal wizard, it is likely that it has reached the range of third-class apprentices, and even among third-class apprentices, those who need strong apprentices have this strength.

“Adier ···”

Pause God, Mokarat sorted out the language, and then persuaded: “I know you have been studying the Bloodline of the Orcs, and for this reason you have to purchase a large number of Orc captives from us every month.”

“The Bronze Orc’s Strength is very powerful. It is a very rare mutation species. Bloodline is more powerful than Bloodthirsty Orc, and it definitely has great research value.”

He looked at Adier: “As long as you’re willing to take the shot, I can take the lead after the incident and give you the bronze orc body.”

A powerful corpse that is comparable to a third-class apprentice is worth at least two hundred magic stones on the black market.

Adier didn’t look at this magic stone, but he was really interested in this bronze orc’s Bloodline.

Moreover, he was also tasked with investigating mutant orcs. Now that the other party appears, it is natural to go and see.

So he pondered for a while, and then directly nodded and agreed.

Suddenly, Mokarat’s face was hilarious. After chatting with Adier for a while, he hurried away, and seemed to persuade other apprentices to join.

Watching the silhouette where Mokarat hurriedly left, Adier shook his head, stood up, and walked towards the laboratory deep inside the manor.

Listening to Mokarat’s description, the bronze orc is obviously very difficult to cope with. Although Adier is not afraid, it is necessary to prepare some means for insurance.

A few days later, several apprentices gathered again in the city hall.

What surprised Adier was that I didn’t know what conditions were allowed by Mokarat. Except for Zide, who was always a taciturn, the other apprentices in Ancient Armor City were all here.

After a while, in the City Lord Mansion, Adier met Keksis.

The other party looked miserable at this time, covered with white cloth everywhere. At this time, his face was pale, and he barely spoke a few words with the Adier, reminded them of some things, and went back to the cultivation directly, looking seriously hurt.

In the process, Adier also let the chip analyze. In the end, it was discovered that Keksis was not only seriously injured, but also had traces of Life Seed’s outbreak, which made Adier startled.

After explaining something, they set off quickly. In addition to a few apprentices, there were several Knights, led by Mokarat and a Great Knight.

After coming to the wilderness outside the city, after a while, they walked to a village.

There, Adier saw some traces of the bronze orc.

It seems that there has just been a demolition here. None of the surrounding buildings is intact. All of them have suffered severe damage. None of them is intact.

Under the massive ruins, a pale body was scattered around, and it seemed that the village was originally inhabited.

Walking into the village, Adier glanced around.

The dried red blood was scattered all around. Going forward, Adier also saw a corpse bitten off half of his body, and several bronze-colored hairs.

“Unknown breath molecules detected … Bloodthirsty Orc approximation 79.4%, Oxygia orc nearly 76.7% …” In his head, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

“It really is a unique mutant …”

Looking at the few bronze hairs in his hand, and the cue of the chip in his head, Adier’s face remained unchanged, but he looked quietly towards one side.

In the direction he was watching, the buildings and trees all around seemed to be bumped by something huge, and the remaining building materials and fallen trees paved the ground, forming a unique long road.

“This is the last place where the bronze orc appeared, and if it is correct, it should have left this way.”

In the rear, Mokarat rode a horse and slowly came to Adier’s side. At this moment, he looked at the forcibly distant road in the distance, his eyes were a little dignified.

“Wait a second, as long as the other party is still around, after a while, there will be traces.”

Looking into the distance, Adier’s face was calm and quietly opened the mouth and said.

Aside, Mokarat didn’t speak anymore, just silently nodded.

Half a month passed.

During this time, the bronze orc did not attack anyone again.

If he could not find the trace of the other side from time to time, Adier almost thought that the other side had left the area.

It wasn’t until the early morning next to a village near a stream that the other party appeared again.

When Adier and the others received the news and quickly rushed from the camp to the village, the bronze orc had killed all the people in the village. At this time, he was sitting quietly on a ruin, and his mouth was still chewing. With.

Through good eyesight, Adier clearly saw that the small half of the body still held on the right hand of the other person had been stung.


Looking at this scene, in the presence of several people, their faces suddenly became iron blue, in addition to anger, but also with a hint of faint fear.

The opponent’s body is too big.

Bloodthirsty Orc’s body size is also very large, but it is only more than three meters tall, equivalent to about twice the average person. The bronze orc in front of him has reached a height of only seven meters, which is definitely a behemoth for ordinary people.

Such a large body, even if there is no powerful special ability, just stepping on one foot, I am afraid that it can also step on a Knight seriously.

When he saw this orc, Adier’s eyes also became extremely dignified.

“Compared with the database, comparing more than 300 text records and image records, Bronze Behemoth is almost 96.1% …”

In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

“Bronze Behemoth …” Standing in place, Adier’s eyes were a little grim.

Over the past six months, he has deliberately collected a lot of information about orcs because of his research on the Bloodline of the orcs, among them some records about Bronze Behemoth.

Bronze Behemoth, a very rare Bloodline creature, often appears as a companion to orcs, and can only be born if it meets extremely demanding conditions.

This kind of creature is often short-lived, and it is very unlikely to be born only in a place where a large number of orcs gather.

According to the records, the Strength of Bronze Behemoth is extremely powerful. The height of the adult body can reach more than ten meters. Once it broke out, it can even briefly compete with the formal wizard. It is an extremely scary Bloodline creature.

However, what makes Adier faintly relaxed is that this bronze is obviously not yet mature. Although the body is very large, it is obviously still a long way from the adult body and has not reached the Peak period.

“Bronze Behemoth. Strength: 14.8. Agility: 10.7. Constitution: 15.7.” In front of him, the physical data of the other party was quickly detected by the chip, and accurately emerged.

“Terifying physical fitness, even though I’m a minor, my physical strength is better than me.”

Adier muttered to himself as he looked at the body data emerging from his eyes.

His physical data has already surpassed the limits of Great Knight. According to his estimation, even if an ordinary apprentice has reached a formal sorcerer, in addition to mana and Spirit power, I am afraid that it is only him who has the physical strength.

Standing around Adier, looking at Bronze Behemoth in the distance, everyone’s faces became extremely dignified.

Although they didn’t recognize what this creature was, it didn’t prevent them from knowing the terrifying of this creature. Just the huge size was enough to make a pot.

But at this time, they could not hesitate. Because in front, the tall Bronze Behemoth had already stood up at this time, just looked towards the direction of Adier and the others.

With a startling roar, in the distance, a huge bronze silhouette quickly rushed out of the village ruins.

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