A little bit of black mist is condensing. In the dark fog, a giant snake close to ten meters rushed out, rushed to Bronze Behemoth’s huge body, and fiercely bit it.

Roar! ! !

There was a roaring roar in place, with a rage of anger and pain.

Kneeling on the spot, hit by this blow, Bronze Behemoth’s half of his body was bloody, and the bones and viscera in his chest were exposed, looking terrifying.

With such a severe blow, even if the vitality of this Bronze Behemoth is still tenacious, it will inevitably weaken at this moment.

The shining light bloomed around, standing in place, Adier waved at his hand, and several balls of particles were quickly condensed out, then rushed forward.

His spell is very accurate. While Bronze Behemoth is unable to move, he manipulates the spell to rush towards the wound on the chest of the opponent, and aggravates the damage again on the old injury.


I don’t know how long, with a dull sound, the tall Bronze Behemoth fell directly to the ground, making a strong collision with the ground.

“it is finally over.”

Watching this Bronze Behemoth fall to the ground, all the people present were relaxed and no longer nervous.

Standing in place, Adier looked around.

When they came here, in addition to their apprentices, there was a Great Knight, several Knights, and dozens of elite warriors.

But up to now, except for the few apprentices who have survived with one or two Knights, the rest have been almost completely solved by this Bronze Behemoth. The surviving ones are also very invasive and need to be treated as soon as possible.

But looking at the wounded around, Adier not at all meant to help.

He walked directly to Bronze Behemoth’s body and watched the behemoth quietly.

Bronze Behemoth’s appearance is actually similar to that of an ordinary orc, except that the body is too large and coupled with no sense, so it looks more like a wild beast.

“Legendary giant beast.”

Reaching out gently, stroking the stiff hair on Bronze Behemoth’s body, Adier ordered to the chip in his head: “Chip, bring out the data of Bronze Behemoth.”

“The task is established, the database is established, and the real data are screened …” In the head, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

“Bronze Behemoth, an adult who is ten five meters tall, can fight against formal wizards. It has a trace of Bloodline with the ancient beast giant beast.”

“Bigmont giant beast …” Hearing here, Adier was thoughtful.

The so-called giant beast is an ancient creature that is said to be the top-level existence of the other side of the world. The adult body is full of 1000 meters tall and has the terrifying power of level 4 wizards.

Once this level of terror creatures broke out, it is estimated that one punch can sink an island.

Thinking of this, Adier couldn’t help but look towards the Bronze Behemoth in front of her, right hand waved forward.

A bit of cold burst out from the surroundings, freezing on Bronze Behemoth’s body, freezing the whole body with a trace of blood that would not leak out.

Now that the battle is over, according to the previous agreement, the body of this Bronze Behemoth is already owned by Adier, so it is natural to take good care of it.

After doing this, Adier had time to look around.

Behind him, Mokarat had already stood up, although his face was a little pale and faintly dark, but it didn’t look like all major event.

As for Syraher, it was a bit miserable. He had previously suffered a blow from Bronze Behemoth, and his armor was directly shattered. At this time, he was fainted and looked not bad.

It ’s Aishaer, because not at all rushed forward, and Bronze Behemoth ’s attention was attracted by Mokarat, except that Spirit ’s power was a bit more expensive, but there was nothing else.

There were a few surviving Knights around, riding a few surviving horses at this time, and running quickly towards the distance, it seemed to be ready to call someone to deal with the scene.

It wasn’t too far from the camp where they had been stationed. After half a day, several Knights who had gone out on horseback had brought people back to deal with the wounded and dead bodies around them.


A few days later, in the manor, Adier watched Bronze Behemoth in front of the ice quietly, with a headache.

“Such a huge body, even if you want to extract all the blood, I am afraid it is a big project.”

Standing in place, he thought with a headache.

For the entire body of this Bronze Behemoth, he paid a lot for Mokarat.

Although agreed in advance, the value of Bronze Behemoth’s corpse was significantly higher than they had previously expected. Since Adier wants to monopolize the body, he naturally needs to pay more.

And this Bronze Behemoth’s body is a bit tall, and it took days to transport this Bronze Behemoth’s body back.

Standing in place, after thinking about it, Adier still stepped forward.

As he stepped forward, the surrounding ice began to melt away.

Looking at this Bronze Behemoth with a body of seven meters, Adier pulled out the black long sword on his waist and drew several swords on several nodes.

As the sturdy epidermis was pierced by the long sword, blood began to pour out into the small pond below.

Looking at the blood that continued to flow, Adier’s face was calm, a little blood light appeared on his hand, and a little faintly discernable traction was issued.

The magic scene began to happen.

Under the pull of spell, the blood that had originally flowed downwards began to automatically move towards the right hand extended by Adier, where it condensed into pieces of deep red blood essence.

This is a small spell developed to facilitate the collection of blood from various organisms, and it is just right to use it here.

However, compared to other creatures, this Bronze Behemoth’s body is too large, and the blood content within the body is obviously not comparable to that of an ordinary orc.

Adier stood here for an hour, then barely took out most of the blood from the corpse, and then waved again to freeze the corpse that appeared to be dry because his blood was drawn.

After doing this, he took the extracted blood essence and went to the laboratory under the manor.

Ordinary blood cannot be used directly. Whether you want to make Bloodline medicaments or use it for other purposes, you need to purify the blood again.

He put the coagulated blood essence in a specific separator, and tried to extract the water in the blood as much as possible by a specific method, and then began various processing.

The wizarding world has been researching the extraction experiments of Bloodline, there are many ways to extract the impurities in the blood, leaving only pure Bloodline.

In this regard, through Aishaer, Adier has learned a lot of Bloodline knowledge, and has also been conducting Bloodline research for a long time. He is very proficient in these steps.

By the end of this, most of the whole ten liters of blood had disappeared, and only a small bottle of crimson thick liquid remained, emitting a bit of bronze light under the shimmer of light. No inclusions were visible. .

This is the Bloodline in this Bronze Behemoth’s body, which represents the most precious thing on this Bronze Behemoth.

Bloodline has reached this level, which is already the limit for other wizards. But for Adier, there are still things to try.

In the previous life, in order to facilitate research by researchers, memory chips generally have micron-level microscopic magnification functions, which can magnify objects up to 5 million times.

After crossing this world, this kind of function of the chip is also brought over, and as the soul of Adier becomes strong, the function of the chip attached to the soul also continues to become strong, and now it has far surpassed Initial chip version.

According to Adier, although the wizarding world today also has similar amplification methods, the multiples are certainly far from being comparable to the capabilities of the chip.

Other wizards cannot continue to separate Bloodline, and Adier with the chip may not be able to do so.

Thinking of this, he lifted a bronze-colored glass bottle in his hand and walked to the side of the laboratory.

“Chip, put the observation multiple to 1 million times.”

Standing in front of the test bench, he extracted the thick liquid in the glass bottle a bit, and then took a deep breath, ordered to the chip in his head.

Suddenly, the sight in front of me started to change.

Under the magnification of 1 million, many scenes that cannot be seen under normal circumstances emerge.

In Adier’s eyes, the Bloodline in front of me has become a mysterious and complicated long line, which is connected to each other to form a very fuzzy pattern, as if there is a magical Strength in it.

“This is the chain of Bloodline !!”

Looking at the enlarged scene in front of his eyes, Adier was shocked and thought of some records.

According to the ancient wizard’s research records, in some powerful creatures’ Bloodline, there will often be a large number of complex and mysterious Bloodline runes, which contains the mysterious Strength deep inside the Bloodline.

At this time, in the eyes of Adier, a long line was entangled and entangled, and it seemed to be a vague and complex texture.

“Chip, the magnification will continue to expand!” Looking at the pattern in front of him, Adier continued to order the chip in his head.

As the order was issued, the sight in front of me changed rapidly.

At 3 million times, the texture in front of me started to be clear.

It was a complex and mysterious mark. In the center of the mark, thousands of Bloodline lines are constantly intertwined to build a large and complex structure.

Just looking at this mark and feeling the complexity of this structure, Adier’s scalp was a little numb.

He shook his teeth and let the chip extend his vision to the limit.

Suddenly, the previously appearing marks disappeared, replaced by a mysterious Bloodline chain.

These Bloodline chains are constructed by the complex Bloodline rune of each and everyone. Each complete Bloodline chain has at least several thousand thousand tiny Bloodline runes linked and combined to form an extremely large and complex structure.

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