Adier stood quietly in the spacious laboratory.

In front of his eyes, countless Bloodline runes emerged, exuding some mysterious Strength.

Several hundred thousand complex Bloodline runes were combined into a Bloodline chain, and finally formed a complex Blood Imprint in front of Adier.

Feeling the complexity of this Blood Imprint, Adier shook the head, and then directly looked towards the Bloodline chain at the bottom of the mark.

In his eyes, most of these Bloodline chains emit extremely weak light. Only a few Bloodline chains not only have a more complex structure, but also emit a brighter light. They seem to carry more Bloodline molecules. As the main structure supporting Blood Imprint, it is centered in the center.

At the core of the Blood Imprint, Adier also found several Bloodline chains that emit silver. Just just watching, there is a weak Bloodline majesty passed to Adier’s Spirit, which has caused him to be far beyond Feelings of horror creatures staring at their own level.

These more rare Bloodline chains represent the thin ancient Bloodline of Bronze Behemoth within the body. The higher the Bloodline, the more scarce and powerful it is.

“How to extract the higher Bloodline from the Blood Imprint?”

Looking silently at the scene in front of him, Adier frowned.

It is his advantage to be able to directly observe the hidden Bloodline chain in Bloodline through the chip. But if you only see it, you can’t extract the higher Bloodline hidden in the Blood Imprint.

Standing in place, he thought for a long time before finally thinking of several possible ways.

“If you want to purify the higher Bloodlines contained in the Blood Imprint, you must remove those lower Bloodlines and leave those higher Bloodline chains behind.”

Standing in place, Adier meditated silently: “Compared with other wizards, my biggest advantage is that I can directly observe the countless Bloodline chains that make up the Blood Imprint through the chip.”

“So, can I try to use the Spirit force to directly impact the Bloodline chain, forcibly destroy the structure of those lower Bloodline chains, leaving only those higher Bloodline chains to reassemble?”

“No, no.” Next moment, Adier overturned his previous thoughts: “Observing the Bloodline chain is already the result of the chip being put into the whole millions of times. Such a huge magnification, even if I can observe it, it is not It’s impossible to do such a small operation. “

“Moreover, this method is not desirable by itself. The Bloodline chain in a Blood Imprint has at least several hundred thousand. If you want to extract a high enough Bloodline chain from it to combine it into a higher Bloodline, you need at least tens of thousands. Extraction is only possible in Blood Imprint, and it is too slow to use Spirit alone to break it. “

Standing in place, Adier was calm and thinking constantly.

“In this case, can we study the unique structure of the Bloodline chain to create a special dissolving agent that will continuously dissolve the lower Bloodline chain in the Blood Imprint?”

Thinking of this, his heart moved: “Chip, build tasks, and deduced the feasibility of this method!”

“As soon as the mission was established and the database was being established, simulations began …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

“The deduction is complete, feasibility is 93.4% …” A few minutes later, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

“Sure enough.” Suddenly, Adier’s face appeared happy, but he was quickly suppressed by him.

After half a month.

On the test bench in the laboratory, Adier held a bottle of pale blue potion in his hand, and there was a bit of excitement in his eyes.

At this point, his image changed a bit. The white robe on his body was a little messy, and his face also had an inexhaustible feeling of exhaustion. He seemed to have not slept for a long time.

Even so, his eyes were bright and a little excited.

The experiment went more smoothly than he expected.

After more than ten days, through hundreds of experiments and tens of thousands of simulations on the chip, he finally got a little bit of results, and configured the first dissolving agent.

“Chip, build tasks, simulate success rates.”

Standing in place, looking at the light blue test tube in his hand, Adier took a deep breath, and asked the chip in his head.

“The task is established, and the expected success rate is 98.6% …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

Listening to this voice, Adier calmed down, looked around, and walked out of the laboratory.

Outside the manor, he first took a bath, then took a good nap, and after the Spirit was fully recovered, he walked again in the direction of the laboratory.

At the familiar laboratory, standing in front of the test bench, Adier picked up the light blue test tube on the test bench, took a drop of the above medicine directly onto the Fred’s concentrated Bloodline, and then directly let the chip adjust the magnification to maximum.

As the field of vision expanded, the familiar Blood Imprint began to appear in front of Adier.

In his eyes, countless chains of Bloodline resemble a single thread, intertwined and intertwined. And on these Bloodline chains, countless Bloodline runes are constantly flashing, playing their role silently.

Over time, under Adier’s sight, a light blue liquid wrapped countless Blood Imprints.

A few minutes later, under his tense gaze, among the tens of thousands of Bloodline chains within the Blood Imprint, some of the structures of the Bloodline chains began to collapse, and began to slowly dissolve under the package of light blue liquid, decomposing into each and Everyone-based Bloodline rune, sinking downwards.

However, apart from this type of Bloodline chain, any other Bloodline chain not at all changes, still maintaining the original structure, quietly intertwined.

At this point, the experiment is not over.

As part of the Bloodline chain was dissolved, the complete Blood Imprint was suddenly missing a part, and the original structure began to loosen.

Under Adier’s gaze, dozens of Blood Imprints in the Bloodline wrapped in light blue potions immediately disintegrated, and the number of hundred thousand Bloodline chains that originally built the marks began to loosen, and began to reassemble under the traction of each other.

After dozens of minutes have passed, when the immediate changes are over, the new Blood Imprint combination is complete. Less than half of the original Blood Imprint was in sight.

Compared with the original imprint, the new Blood Imprint appears to be more complicated, and the number of combined Bloodline chains seems to be more. It looks more complicated and stable than the original imprint.


Seeing this, Adier relaxed: “It seems my direction is right. In this way, the lower Bloodline contained in the Bloodline can be removed, and the higher Bloodline can be revealed.”

“As long as the lower Bloodline chain contained in Bronze Behemoth Bloodline is slowly removed through experiments, you can get a higher Bloodline …”

Thinking of this, his eyes grew brighter, and he couldn’t help walking to the test bench aside and continuing the experiment.


Time passes quickly in research.

half year later.

In the morning, the sun shone on the earth outside.

In the cold laboratory, Adier looked at the test tube in his hand, his face was full of tiredness.

“After more than half a year of research, we finally completely separated more than a dozen low-level Bloodlines in Bloodline and got this concentrated high-level Bloodline!”

He looked at the test tube less than ten centimeters long and murmured in his mouth.

Under the shimmer of light, the test tube in Adier’s hand emits a faint silver glow, which is much more mysterious compared to Bloodline, which has not been purified in the past.

In the enlarged field of view of the chip, the Blood Imprint of each and everyone silver flashes in the thick liquid inside the body of silver, just by looking at it, you can sense a huge Bloodline majesty.

This is beyond the scope of Bronze Behemoth and belongs to the higher level Bloodline.

“Unfortunately, the chip’s amplification capability can only be achieved at this stage, and the Bloodline obtained from that Bronze Behemoth is not enough.”

Looking at the Bloodline in front of this pale silver tube, Adier faintly sighed.

Bronze Behemoth’s Bloodline source is a giant beast that is comparable to the Level 4 Wizard’s original Beam. Without a doubt, it has a meager Bloodline of the original Beamon.

However, after a long period of time, the Bloodline of the original Beam Giant in Bronze Behemoth has undoubtedly become extremely thin. Even if Adier allows the chip to maximize the magnification, countless traces of this Bloodline can be found.

“If you want to find a higher-level Bloodline hidden in Bloodline, and refine Bloodline again, I am afraid that you must wait until you are promoted to a formal wizard, and then the function of the chip will be improved again.”

Standing in place, looking at the test tube emitting a faint silver glow, Adier murmured.

Thinking about this, he couldn’t help looking towards his physical fitness.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 12.9. Agility: 13.8. Constitution: 14.2. Spirit: 5.1.”

“For half a year, I finally reached the standard of being promoted to third-level wizard.” Looking at his physical data, Adier thought silently.

Although he has been focusing on the Bloodline experiment for more than half a year, he has never relaxed in meditation. After so long, he has finally reached the standard of being promoted to the third-class apprentice.

However, since this standard is reached, it will be short of Adier’s return to Wlardo College.

Although the breakthrough of the third-class apprentice is not as difficult as a formal wizard, there are also a lot of stresses. Not only must you start to strengthen your Spirit Sea, but if there are some specific resources to assist, the effect will be much better, which will shorten the meditation time of the apprentice for several years .

These precious resources are not available outside the world. They can only be obtained by going back to Academy.

This is why Adier did not try to break through immediately after reaching the promotion conditions.

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