“Do you have any other recipes here?”

Looking at the old apprentice in front of him, Adier suddenly smiled on his face, opened the mouth and said to him.

“Yes, although there are not many potion formulas, there are still some, which are all found from Secret Realm. Absolute ancient potions.”

As the old apprentice sorted out his things, he casually said, “Why, do you want?”

“Of course, although these things are no longer available, some of the knowledge above is still good to learn from.” Adier said calmly.

“This is it.” In front of the counter, the old apprentice agreed with the nodded: “The formula of the pharmaceutical is often accompanied by the principle of making the pharmaceutical and a lot of knowledge of the use of energy particles, which is still useful to us.”

“If you want, I have included a total of four recipes here. According to the selling price given by Academy, they are a total of eight hundred magic stones.” Looking at Adier, the old apprentice said: “These recipes are all good, It ’s an ancient formula, but it ’s because of the recent price cut. ”

“I understand.” Listening to the words of the old apprentice in front of him, Adier nodded, did not choose to bargain.

The counters here are official Academy sales offices. Although things are more reliable and the goods are more complete, things are relatively more expensive than outside, and bargaining is not allowed.

Adier took out eight high-end magic stones and placed them on the wooden table in front of the counter.

This refreshing attitude surprised the old man in front of him.

But he didn’t say anything and shrugged. “Do you need anything else?”

“You know, because I explored Secret Realm some time ago, now I have everything here.”

Adier nodded, continue to pick from the forms.

After several years of precipitation, during the period of Ancient Armor City, he successfully accumulated some magic stones by continuously configuring the potion, which is definitely rich and imposing compared to other third-class apprentices.

Therefore, here he did not hesitate, directly ticked a lot of treasured materials, and bought some of the rare materials.

“What it is?”

After buying the materials, Adier suddenly noticed that there was a stall on the side of the counter with scattered items on it.

“That’s my personal stall.”

The old apprentice recounted the materials and responded, “You know, although many precious things can be unearthed in Secret Realm, there are also some things that are useless after a long time.”

“Effective potions and incomplete magic templates … are basically things that look good but are actually useless.”

Looking at Adier, the old apprentice shrugged: “Because most of these things are useless and worth a few magic stones, they are basically treated as waste by Academy, but it is a pity to lose them. So I collected them and put them here A stall. “

“If you are interested, you can pick something here, maybe it will be useful to you.”

He said to Adier.

Hearing this, Adier nodded, went straight to the side.

On a huge rug, many things were lying quietly on it, and many things looked a little inexplicable.

Looking at these things under his feet, Adier thought about it and first picked up a black music box.

Ding Ding Miles …

A little clear sound came out of the music box, with a fascinating and unique singing voice, which could not help calming down.

Listening to this voice, and wondering why, Adier suddenly felt kind.

“The music box handed down from ancient times, according to some grown-ups, some runes in it are very strange. They may come from Strange World, which stores a forest elf song that is ten thousand years ago.”

Listening to the sound, the old apprentice explained to him casually: “I have checked that the rune in this music box has been destroyed most of the time. The original sleeping and sedative functions are no longer available, and even the singing voice sometimes cannot be released. . “

“But this forest elf is extinct here, so this music box has some memorabilia and collection value.”

Listening to the explanation of the old apprentice, Adier nodded, after thinking about it, he just wanted to put down the music box in his hand.

For wizards, this kind of thing that can neither be used for learning nor direct use is basically useless. Except for some collectors, few people will waste precious magic stones.

However, when he wanted to put down the music box in his hand, his movement suddenly stagnated.

In the depth of one’s soul, an inexplicable feeling began to surge, and the World coordinates that originally existed in the depth of one’s soul began to tremble slightly, as if something was being sensed.

He suddenly hesitated, the action that he originally wanted to put down the music box could not help but opened his mouth and said, “This music box is not bad. How many magic stones?”

“Three magic stones are all right. They are not valuable at all.”

Listening to Adier’s words, the old apprentice didn’t look back, and said a little bit dizzily.

Listening to this price, Adier nodded, standing in place and thinking about it, put away the music box in his hand.

Put away the music box, he looked towards the large carpet on the ground, and began to find it casually.

There are actually many materials and things on the ground, but most of them are not practical and can only be stored like the music box just now.

It took him a long time to see a few things in a corner.

It was a few huge grey bones, lying quietly in the corner.

“What kind of bone is this?”

He showed an expression of interest, and asked the old apprentice aside.

“According to what was found at the time, it should be a bone from a highland giant.”

Turning and glancing at Adier, the old apprentice said casually: “This was found in the laboratory, because the time passed too long, the flesh and blood on the bones have completely disappeared, and only these few bones are left by me. Come here. “

Listening to this, Adier nodded.

The Highland Giant, a creature of antiquity, is now extinct.

Although this highland giant is called a giant, it is not actually a descendant of the giant. Although its strength is good, it is only equivalent to the ordinary Great Knight when it is an adult. It is not as good as Bronze Behemoth.

The bones in front of me have been stored in Secret Realm for thousands of years. The vitality above has obviously disappeared, and it has lost its value to the current wizard.

But for Adier who has chip assist and is proficient in Bloodline, you can try it.

Standing in place, after thinking for a while, Adier put away these gray bones, set them aside, and then raised something from the raise upwards in front of the stand, ready to take away.

“Count a total of ten magic stones for you.” Taking a look at what Adier took away, including the music box, the old apprentice gave such a price.

Listening to the price, Adier nodded directly took out a medium magic stone and quietly placed it on the wooden table in front of the counter.

After paying the bill, he left without the slightest hesitation and walked towards his dormitory.

It’s already dark outside, the surroundings are quiet, and a few silhouettes can’t be seen.

After a while, Adier returned to the dormitory, watching the dark surroundings and waving his hand.

The surrounding light energy particles are slowly gathering, and under the agglomeration of the magic template, they turn into a bunch of light clusters, and the soft light quietly illuminates the surroundings.

Looking at the surroundings that suddenly brightened, Adier was satisfied with nodded.

This little spell was exchanged with other apprentices in Gumoduo Kingdom. It is a basic use of light energy particles. Although there is no special effect, it can be used for stable lighting. It can last for a long time if it is not actively dismissed.

After doing this, he could not wait to walk into his room, then opened the package on the side and took out the music box.

With the contact with the music box again, in Adier’s heart, an inexplicable heartfelt rushed into his heart, with an extremely strong sorrow and grief.

And in his depth of one’s soul, what seemed to be sensed, a World coordinate was trembling gently.

“Yes, that’s the feeling …”

Feeling the instinct conveyed in the depth of one’s soul, Adier muttered to himself: “What does it mean?”

He has some doubts.

Although it is his own innate talent to pass through abilities, Adier himself has not figured out the specific rules.

“Does it take a long time?”

After a while, looking at the black music box in his hand, he was speculated.

At this moment, the sky outside was completely dark. Looking at the sky outside, after thinking about sitting on the bed, Adier directly put the music box in his hand and started today’s meditation.

Time goes by.

At night, Adier had a dream, and there were many scenes in the dream.

In the middle of a forest, a beautiful elf girl wearing moon-colored sleeves, tall and beautiful appeared quietly.

She has long silver hair with a waist, walking quietly in the forest, with a sweet smile on her face.

“Lader ···”

The scent of flowers is scattered and the butterflies are flying quietly. The girl was sitting on a large, smooth slate, quietly reading a person’s name, with a happy and sweet smile on her face, as if thinking of her lover.

She began to sing songs from afar, recording all her thoughts on a black music box, hoping that when her lover returned, she could hear him.

Time goes by, and thoughts keep accumulating … Until one day, a little blood flower suddenly blooms.

In the girl’s chest, a sharp long sword penetrated directly from the heart, splashing all around with crimson blood.

The girl’s sweet singing came to an abrupt halt, her original beautiful face lost her vitality, and everything stopped here.

In the final scene, behind the girl, a tall shadow quietly pulled out the sword and waved her hand to cut off the girl’s head.

The music box in his hand silently recorded the sound of the sword stabbing into the flesh, which was slowly soaked by the blood of Fred.

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