“That feeling just now … is it a dream?”

Early in the morning, Adier eyes opened, and the blurry scenes in his head began to emerge.

That was the scene I dreamed of last night, at this time still quietly settled in his mind, every detail can be remembered by him, too real.

“I seem to have a little regularity …”

Sitting on the bed, Adier muttered to himself.

The last time he came to another World, he seemed to have had a dream, and the content in the dream was extremely real, and it was consistent with the World scene that he came later.

Thinking of this, his heart moved slightly and he couldn’t help feeling it.

In his depth of one’s soul, a faint light is flashing, and a new World coordinate emerges quietly, leaning against the other coordinate.

Compared with the coordinates that appeared before, this coordinate is obviously much darker. The entire large area is dimly colored. It seems that the accumulation of energy is insufficient to open the door of that world.

“Sure enough, an extra coordinate!”

Feeling the change within the body, Adier’s eyes flashed a happy look.

Crossing abilities is one of his dependencies in this world, and one of his most important advantages over other wizards.

The wizard world since ancient times has records of contact with other Worlds, but the wizards who can do this are themselves at the top of the wizard, and each one is enough to leave a record in the history of the wizard and admire it.

In the present era, the glorious era has passed, and the shaman should not go to other Worlds, even the World in which he lives has not been fully explored.

Adier only needs to accumulate Strength for a period of time, then he can go to other Worlds through his own innate talent, which is undoubtedly an extremely important advantage compared to other wizards.

No matter how barren a World is, it will also have many World-exclusive resources. As long as it can be developed, it will have great appeal for any wizard.

Thinking of this, Adier could not help but feel the new coordinates.

Suddenly, a huge flow of information came back to my mind.

“It takes more than ten years to store energy.”

Adier was slightly surprised by the fluctuations in the lower coordinates.

At this point, he had reached the level of a third-class apprentice, and the strength of the soul was far greater than when he was still Knight, and the speed of accumulating energy also accelerated accordingly.

Adier has tried it before. At his current level, it doesn’t take five years to accumulate energy if he wants to go to that end world. Even if he starts from the beginning, it only takes more than two years to accumulate, which is a reduction from the original Doubled.

And to his current level, if he wants to travel to this world, he still needs to store energy for so long.

“Why the gap is so big?”

Sitting on the bed, Adier thought: “Is this because of the different World mechanisms or the strength of the World itself?”

At this moment, he thought of the scene that World once experienced.

That World has a magical mechanism. Just to kill some mutant creatures, you need to gain the blessing of an unknown Strength to make the killer more powerful.

Looking at this example, the specific mechanisms and rules running in different Worlds are likely to be different. Some Worlds are very difficult to enter, and some Worlds are less difficult to enter. These are all reasonable.

Sitting on the bedside and thinking about it, Adier gave up this temporarily unverifiable guess and reached out to pick up the music box on the side.

The black music box looks quaint, with a moon pattern engraved on the surface, and some detailed silver patterns.

At the corner of the music box, Adier saw something different from the surrounding colors.

It was a trace that had been soaked with a lot of blood, and it has become part of the music box. It is absorbed by the special material on it and cannot be washed away.

Looking at the music box that looked much older and worn out than in dreams, Adier’s eyes were calm and his hands were lightly forced.

Di di di ···

A little crisp voice sounded, and then a few intermittent songs came.

The sound was very sweet and clear, and it must have been a beautiful girl who sang the song at that time, and she fully expressed her thoughts in her heart, and it was left tens of thousands of years later.

At the end of the vocal, the original beautiful singing sound was suddenly interrupted, a sudden noise sounded, and then the dull grounding sound was a bit inexplicable.

But listening to this voice, Adier could imagine the scene at the time.

It was the sound of the sword stabbing into the flesh and the dead body falling to the ground, symbolizing the passing of a beautiful life.

“Let’s find the materials of this new World …”

Looking at the music box in his hand, feeling the end of the music, Adier muttered to himself.

The newly emerged World is obviously related to the World where this music box is located. With some traces above, it may be possible to investigate the origin of this new World.

This is also very important. For Adier, it takes a lot of time to save Strength by crossing it once. If you know in advance what the opposite world is, you can make a corresponding arrangement to maximize your own gain.

Thinking of this, he stood up and looked towards the window.

After a night of meditation, the sky was just now bright, and although the light was not enough, it was still clear.

Looking at the sky, Adier changed into a robe and walked straight out.

After a while, he came to Academy’s library.

Compared to the Secret Realm incident, there are now few apprentices here, and now that it is just dawn, there is no one around except the caretaker.

After verifying his identity, Adier walked directly towards the library’s 3-Layer.

The library here is layered, and apprentices of different identities can only enter different places to read.

In the past one or two years in Academy, Adier had already recorded all the contents of the First Layer and 2nd floor in the chip, so at this time, he directly entered the 3rd-layer which can be accessed by third-class apprentices.

“According to Edith teacher, Academy has another month to go to prepare for the migration, so during this time, the required information must be recorded as soon as possible.”

Looking at the large collection of books around him, Adier covered his forehead and said to himself.

This is not only to find information about in one point New World in a large number of books, but also to reserve information for yourself.

Wlardo College inheritance has been in existence for more than two thousand years, and the information collected is extremely rich. Although most of the precious information can only be read by formal wizards, there are also many remaining ones, which is an extremely valuable asset.

After leaving Academy this time, it is likely that you will never be able to return in the future. Many things have to be found by yourself. Therefore, it is necessary to record these materials saved by Academy before leaving.

“let’s start···”

Looking around, Adier walked forward, randomly took a book from the bookshelf, and flipped through it quickly.

As you flip through it quickly, the chip in your head is also running fast, quickly recording the contents of the book in front of you.

For half a month, Adier was in the library.

He didn’t read the book at all, just flipped through the books and let the chip in his mind record quickly.

“The collection is finished and the basic database is completed …”

Standing in the library, when Adier turned the last book in his hand, the sound of the chip machinery in his head began to sound.

“it is finally over.”

Covering his forehead, Adier lamented.

During this period of crazy book turning, this boring and numb feeling, even with his Spirit and Constitution, was a bit overwhelming.

“Build a mission and use the materials and production methods of the music box to derive the source of the music box!”

He ordered directly to the chip in his head.

“As soon as the mission is set up, the simulation will start. Time required: one hour …”

In my mind, the sound of machinery sounded again.

“One hour.”

Listening to the chip, Adier was nodded, and then walked outside the library.

After soaking in the library for half a month, he still has a lot of things to do, and just happened to go to one after another.

Thinking of this, he walked away and walked directly to Academy’s collection room.

This is where Academy collects the magic template. Here, many stone slabs stand quietly, with each and everyone depression on it.

“Without Academy, many magic templates could not be found, so we must take advantage of this time to collect some …”

Walking around, he thought as he walked forward.

Walking to the first slab, he quietly looked towards.

In front of this slate is recorded spells dominated by fire attribute energy particles. Compared to other energy particle spells, aggressive spells occupy most of them.

“Blazing Fireball, Hot Stream, High Temperature Force Field, Flame Breath …”

Looking at the spell recorded above, Adier was a little speechless: “Except for a few auxiliary properties, most of them are offensive spells.”

This is also the characteristic of the fire energy spell. After all, compared with other energy particles, the energy particles of the fire attribute are much more aggressive, which is more suitable for developing attack series spells.

Standing on the spot and shook the head, looking at the dozens of basic spells in front of him, Adier still chose a few excellent ones among them for future spell reserves.

There are many spells included here. Although the spells based on other energy particles are not as many as the fire attribute, there are also many. There are at least 500-600 magic templates, which are enough for Adier to choose slowly. .

He chose here for a long time before heading to the trading desk ahead.

“Fifty basic magic templates, are you sure?”

Sitting at the counter, listening to the spell name quoted by Adier, the apprentice in charge of trading magic template touched his forehead, some doubted that he had hallucinations, and could not help but reconfirm again.

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