“Why, is there a problem?”

Standing in place, listening to the apprentice’s question in front of him, Adier looked calm and looked at the apprentice, his tone was differently said.

“No, of course no problem.”

Stared by Adier’s eyes, listening to his words, the second-class apprentice in front of him opened the mouth and said: “A total of 50 basic magic templates, a total of 1,800 magic stones …”

He looked at Adier and quoted the calculated price.

At this price, Adier’s face remained unchanged, and the prepared magic stone was taken out and placed directly on the counter in front.

After a while, after taking away the crystal of knowledge that recorded the magic template knowledge, he went straight out.

“The magic stone on my body is almost running out.”

Walking on the road, thinking about the magic stone spent during this time, Adier thought frowning.

During the period of Ancient Armor City, he never stopped the refining of the medicament. He spent more than a year down and smashed more than 2,000 magic stones. During this time, he had spent most of it.

That’s why he only buys some basic spells instead of primary ones.

In Academy, the primary spell already belongs to the third-class apprentice who is eligible to purchase the spell. If you want to buy it, you not only need to sign a contract with the Academy, but if you buy it in large quantities, it will easily attract the attention of the Academy.

And on the other hand, the price of the primary spell and the basic spell are also very different. If you choose to buy the primary spell directly, Adier estimates that he can’t buy much of this magic stone, and it will not play the role of storing spells.

“The chip itself has a strong deduction ability. For me, it is entirely possible to optimize the spell basic spell through the chip. There is no need to sign a contract with Academy, and at this time attract others’ attention.”

With this in mind, Adier walked towards the place where the Exchange Square was located.

After purchasing the magic template, he still has some magic stones left, ready to spend before leaving Academy.

It was noon at this time, and when walking into the square, there were more people inside than in the past few days.

However, compared with the time when Adier just returned to Academy, the apprentices around him now have a faint haze on their faces, apparently they have heard some wind recently.

In this regard, Adier was not surprised.

The news of the Academy’s move to the top did not intend to hide it, and could not hide it. It ’s estimated that a little bit of wind sounds ahead of time just to prepare for later demobilization

However, due to this effect, the prices on the square were obviously affected a lot, some things began to depreciate, and some things rose rapidly.

Fortunately, the wind has just spread. Although prices have fluctuated, it is still in the initial stage and has not been affected much for the time being.

“As soon as the mission is complete!”

When Adier stepped out of the Exchange Square again, the sound of the machinery in his head sounded again.

“Through the comparison of 1,300 78 data, false information is excluded … The World conforms to: Jadeite World, Fairy World, Black Rock World, Ama Forest World, Smart Ancient Boundary.”

“Full of five possible Worlds?”

Adier frowned at the sound of the chip: “It seems that this can only be ruled out for the time being.”

“Although it is not possible to deduce which World it is, it is not bad to be able to reach that level.”

Settled, Adier thought.

After a while, he looked towards the distance and walked straight down a certain path.

After walking a small section, he brought something to the front of a tall building.

This is the experimental area of ​​Academy, which is specially used for some high-precision experiments.

Into it, after paying the magic stone of the rented laboratory, Adier went straight in.

Just entering here, a feeling different from the outside came on.

The laboratories here are all equipped with a special Wizard Array, which not only can protect, but also can adjust the general conditions such as temperature and humidity in the Wizard Array as needed.

“Entering a sterile and dust-free environment …” In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

Listening to the sound of the chip, Adier went straight ahead.

On the test bench in front, there are some glass bottles, with some special green medicinal liquid inside.

And among these green medicinal liquids, several grey bones were soaked inside.

This is the bone of the Highland Giant, which Adier had inadvertently bought before, and he placed it here for treatment with specific potions.

“It’s almost ready to start.”

After roughly examining the condition of several bones, Adier’s face was calm, while wearing gloves for himself, while facing the chip instructed: “Chip, enlarge your vision.”

As the order was issued, a faint glow began to appear in his eyes.

The sight in front of me was constantly enlarged, and the surrounding scenes suddenly changed.

“Sure enough, there is still a trace of Bloodline left.”

With the line of sight zoomed to a million times, looking at the Bloodline traces left in front of him, Adier nodded, continued to the next step.

Integer hours pass quickly.

When the door of the laboratory opened again, Adier stepped out of it and had an extra test tube in his hand.

“Unfortunately, after tens of thousands of hours, although there are still some Blood Imprints in the wreckage, this is the only thing left.”

Shake the test tube in his hand, Adier said silently.

In his hand, the thick red liquid was flowing quietly in the test tube, occupying only a small part of the entire test tube.

Under Adier’s magnified sight, in the test tube in front of him, a little Blood Imprint with a gray luster quietly settled in it, without any movement.

“You also need to find a way to excite the activity in Bloodline.”

Watching the changes in the Blood Imprint, standing in place, Adier flashed the thought in his mind.

“Chip, build tasks, simulate activation of the inactive Bloodline!” He ordered to the chip in his head.

“As soon as the task is established, the database comparison is started … The estimated time is five minutes.” In my mind, the sound of the machine sounded again.

Listening to the chip’s prompt, Adier’s original footsteps could not help but stop and continue to stand still.

Five minutes was not long, and soon the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

“Scheme 1: Establish Bloodline to activate Wizard Array. By consuming a large amount of magic stones, there is a certain chance to activate Bloodline activity. Scheme 2: Transplant Bloodline into a living body through Bloodline transplantation experiments, and periodically draw blood from the living body to extract Bloodline …”

“Two options … The method of building Bloodline to activate Wizard Array has long been lost. Even if there is no loss, it is certainly not my third-class apprentice.

Standing in place, Adier muttered to himself: “Then there is only Option 2. But the Bloodline transplant is too time-consuming, and I’m leaving Academy soon, I’m afraid it’s too late.”

“It seems I have to wait until later,” shook the head, he said to himself.

A decision was made in his heart, and he no longer hesitated. He looked directly away and found a direction to leave.

Time passed quickly.

When Adier prepared the contents of the Academy almost, it was several days later.

Sitting on the bed and looking at the prepared things in front of him, Adier knew in his mind that it was time to leave.

“Go to Edith teacher again and leave immediately.”

Looking at the pile of things in front of him, thinking about Academy’s recent movements, Adier couldn’t help sighing.

In the last few days, the classes in Academy have been completely stopped, and rumors of various versions have also become more and more, which has made the hearts of the people around them almost chaotic.

Feeling the atmosphere in the Academy, Adier understands that if nothing else happens, in the next few days, the Academy will start to dismiss the apprentices in the Academy and let the majority of first-class apprentices go out for themselves.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with him.

A decision was made in his heart, and he stood up silently and walked in the direction of the mentor zone.

With the sound of footsteps, a tall tower was soon visible.

Before coming to the tower, Dyer casually looked around.

In front of the familiar high tower, there is a large garden. At this time, the flowers inside are still quietly opening, and it looks very beautiful.

Looking at these blooming flowers, Adier understands that if nothing else happens, this scene will never be seen again. Even if you can see the familiar scene again in the future, this place will not be.

His face was calm, and after standing quietly for a while, he looked forward.

As his silhouette moved forward, the gate of the tower in front opened quietly, revealing the scene inside.

“Adier, you are here.”

Just walking into the tower, a familiar voice started to come in front.

In the front hall, Edith was dressed in a white robe, and her soft long hair fell down, facing back to Adier.

“Etis teacher, here I am.”

Looking at Silhouette of Edith, Adier’s face was calm and quietly opened the mouth and said.

Listening to his voice, Edith lowered her hands and turned quietly.

In front of him, Adier was wearing a black robe with a long sword on his waist. His handsome face was calm and calm and natural.

Looking at him, feeling the changes in the past few years, Edith couldn’t help sighing: “The time passed so quickly, in a blink of an eye, the original child also grew up.”

She said this with a smile, and then continued: “Since you came to me, you should decide to leave.”

Adier nodded: “I’m going back to the Baltic Islands to see what is happening to my clansman.”

“Oh, Baltic Islands.”

Listening to Adier’s words, Edith frowned a bit: “The place is very remote, there are not many wizards at all. If you go there, many resources may not be found.”

After saying this, she paused and shook her head: “But the situation in Southern Continent is also very bad now. It’s good to go there for a while to hide.”

“I will only be there for a while, and I will not stay there for long.”

Looking at Edith, Adier also opened the mouth and said.

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