“It’s just temporary, it’s ok.”

Standing in place, listening to Adier’s words, Edith was nodded.

“So now …”

After speaking, she went aside and took out a light blue crystal ball.

This is a crystal of higher consciousness. Unlike those crystals that could only be used once, this higher crystal not only has a stronger storage capacity, but also can be reused. Therefore, it is very precious and often only owned by formal wizards.

“As my student, you can get an official spell from me as a template for your promotion.”

She looked at Adier and said quietly, “But as your teacher, I must remind you that the spell you choose to promote to a formal wizard is very important.”

“This is equivalent to permanently curing a spell on your body. After curing, this spell will become your instinct, equivalent to those of Bloodline’s innate talent spell. There is no need to build a magic template when using it. It only needs to consume a little of its strength. It ’s ready to use, and it can even be turned on permanently. “

Listening to these words, Adier silently nodded.

He also knew about the conditions required for the promotion of a formal wizard, and after that time, the chip included crazy information.

If you want to be promoted to a formal wizard, you will not only need some unique precious resources to assist you, so that the strong Spirit will reach the node of qualitative change in an instant. .

The spell solidified during the promotion of a formal wizard will not only strengthen the Spirit Sea of ​​the wizard, but also form a certain instinct, which will have a great impact on the future of the wizard.

“Etis teacher …”

Standing in place, Adier took a deep breath: “I’m ready.”

“Very good.” Edith was nodded, and right hand stroked the pale blue crystal in her hand.

A ray of light bloomed quietly, and a little gleam emerged in the crystal in front of me, with several images on it constantly rotating.

“Here are several first-level spells that I can use to solidify innate talent. You can choose.”

Standing in place, looking at Adier in front of her, she quietly opened the mouth and said.

Listening to her words, Adier nodded, slowly moved forward and came to her side.

He extends the hand and touches the crystal ball directly.

Suddenly, the information of several spells came to mind, not only the approximate effects of these spells, but also some guesses about the effect of curing.

Looking at the few spells in front of him, Adier fixed his mind, quickly compared the advantages and disadvantages of several spells in his mind, and quickly eliminated some of them.

Offensive spells are ruled out first.

For formal wizards, the means of attack will not be lacking. Although curing an offensive spell can obtain powerful destructive power, it is not critical for a wizard.

“Spirit of Nature, Warping Barrier, Heart of Steel …”

After screening all the revealed spells, he stood still and whispered to himself.

Of these three spells, the natural eye is the auxiliary spell. Once solidified, not only will its affinity for many energy particles increase, but its ability to observe the surroundings will also be greatly improved.

This is an auxiliary observation spell in itself, although after that, the wizard’s own induction force will become extremely powerful, and it is pretty good in terms of applicability.

Warping Barrier and Heart of Steel are defensive spells. Among them, the Warping Barrier uses two or more energy particles of different properties to collide and react with each other, thereby forming a high-definition field with strong defense on the caster surface.

As for the heart of steel, the defense function is achieved by strengthening the wizard’s physical defense. After curing, the wizard’s own system will greatly increase, and the surface of the skin will become stronger than steel. Physical attacks are very defensive and have strong spell resistance.

Of these three spells, the spirit of nature was first eliminated by Adier.

This spell has a strong blessing in terms of induction, but it does not help the wizard’s own combat power to increase at at all. Once it is directly opposite other wizards, it will look very weak.

Among the two spells of Warping Barrier and Heart of Steel, Adier hesitated for a while, and finally eliminated the heart of Steel.

From the data given by Edith, there is a clear record and analysis of the effects of these two spells. In terms of pure defense, Iron Heart’s spell is actually not as good as the Warping Barrier.

The curing effect of this spell is more about the improvement of the wizard system after curing.

However, Adier estimates that the effect of this system improvement is not very useful to him.

For ordinary wizards, although their physical strength is strong, it is far from reaching their limits. Therefore, after curing this spell, the Constitution can be greatly improved.

But Adier is different.

His own body Strength has already reached the limit allowed by the body, even if he wants to improve a little bit more difficult.

The solidification effect of the solidified Heart of Steel may be significant for other wizards, but it may not be much improved for Adier.

On the other hand, the warping barrier spell is just as good. Not only has a strong defense force, but also through the combination of different energy particles to collide, can also form different force field effects to face different situations.

“It looks like you have made your choice.”

Before Adier, watching Adier quietly, Aidis smiled on his face: “I have transmitted the contents of the magic template. You only need to use your Spirit force to try to pull, and you can transfer the knowledge inside Into your head. “

Listening to Edith’s words, Adier was nodded first, then straight forward, and put his hand on the light blue crystal ball.

As the body touched, Adier’s powerful Spirit moved slightly, resonating with the crystal ball in front of him.

“The entrance of the information transmission was detected, is it connected?” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

“Access!” Adier said quietly, listening to his voice.

In an instant, a lot of information flooded into my mind, and transmitted all the materials of the warping barrier spell, including the advanced knowledge required to construct this spell.

After the process was over, Adier closed his eyes and silently looked at the large amount of information in his mind.

The formidable power of the formal spell is much higher than that of the primary spell, but it is also more difficult to build, even if it is just as complicated as Adier today.

“It seems to be over.”

Standing silently, looking at the appearance of Adier, Edith was nodded, and then waved.

In front of her eyes, the light on the pale blue crystal ball disappeared, and the several images that had originally appeared were not seen, apparently interrupted by Edith.

“Let’s go.” She looked at Adier with a calm expression. “Although Academy hasn’t done much now, leave as soon as possible.”

“Etis teacher.”

Silent eyes opened, looking at Aidis in front of her, Adier stood still.

It was a long time before he was nodded: “So, I leave first.”

“Wish you a pleasant journey.” Looking at Adier, Edith was also nodded, smiling and opened the mouth and said.

Silently nodded, Adier glanced back at Edith, then turned away without the slightest hesitation.

He quickly walked down the tower, went outside the tower, and looked into the distance.

In the distance, there is a path that slowly spreads towards the distance.

Looking at the path, he didn’t hesitate, and walked directly into the distance.

The strange path soon came to an end, and there was a wall in the distance, and it seemed that there was no way out.

But looking at this scene, Adier went straight forward.

“Here’s where Edith teacher said.”

Going forward, looking at the wall in front of him, Adier whispered to himself, took out a ring and put it on his hand silently.

“Ka … Light …”

Standing in place, he murmured, quietly speaking the ring’s secret curse, while injecting the mana of the inside into the ring in his hand.

With the infusion of mana, the ring in Adier’s hand glowed silently, emitting a soft light green brilliance, shining on the wall in front.

The magic scene began to happen.

Under the shimmering light, the front wall automatically exposed a full three-meter-high passage below.

Looking from a distance from the direction Adier stood, you can even see the scenery in the distance.

“You can pass.”

Looking at this scene, Adier’s face was calm, and the thought flashed in his mind.

At this time, more than half a month had passed since he returned to the Academy, and the senior officials of the Academy had already ordered the closure of the courtyard to block all passages. Not only can outside apprentices no longer come in, even apprentices inside Academy cannot go out.

The passage in front of her was specially arranged by Adice for Adier. It is one of the several hidden passages exclusive to formal wizards, and it is also one of the few passages that has not been completely closed.

Looking at the aisle in front of him, silently picking up the prepared luggage, Adier looked calm and slowly walked forward.

Soon, he walked through the passage, and the silhouette kept walking slowly towards the distance.

Behind him, a little inexplicable breath was rising.

Where ordinary people can’t see, as Adier stepped out of the Academy, a pair of scarlet’s eyes slowly opened, and the cold eyes stared at the back of Adier. The powerful gas field started to make the surrounding energy particles become chaotic.

“Silavas, don’t you need to take this apprentice back?”

Aside, a voice sounded.

It was a black cat that looked plain, but exuded a huge bloody air. At this time, it squatted on a branch of a large tree, and a pair of deep black cat eyes looked at Adier in the distance, as if in Looking at a dead man.

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