“That apprentice is Edith’s student, and she has marks on her.”

In the calm space, the owner of Scarlet’s eyes said, “If you want to be chased by her afterwards, you can try it.”

“That’s still ok.”

Lying on a branch, the black cat shook the head very humanly: “It’s a pity, a young third-class apprentice, if it can be caught and eaten, it must taste very good.”

Having said this, the black cat continued to lie down, and a pair of black cat eyes quietly looked at Adier in the distance.

In their sight, Adier has a unique wave of mana that is slowly spreading. Although the unique breath left by the formal wizard is slowly dissipating, they still feel clearly.

This is the mark that Adis set on Adier before. Before the mark is completely dissipated, if Adier is killed, that mark will turn into the strongest curse and entangle with the person who killed Adier. Edith easily sensed it.

The wrath of a formal wizard does not even want to provoke him.


“The faint glance disappeared.”

Walking on the road, I don’t know how long it took, Adier stopped suddenly, and he was a little nervous and relaxed.

When he just stepped out of Academy, he clearly felt that something was staring at him in the surrounding jungle.

The opponent’s camouflage is perfect, even if Adier’s Spirit sensor of the third-class apprentice can’t find a trace of the other party.

However, apart from the gap in Spirit’s power, Adier’s own physical quality is no less than that of a formal wizard, and he has a faint perception of the feeling of being peered into.

The chip test also proved this.

Although the other party did not leak any breath, the flashing energy particle wave was accurately recorded by the chip.

“No matter what the reason is, since the other party didn’t choose to take a shot, it should be fine for now.”

Standing in place, monitoring the surroundings through the chip, Adier was sighed in relief.

Can make him and the chip can not be found, just the peeper is likely to belong to the level of the formal wizard.

The strength of the formal wizard is far from being blocked by the apprentice. Even though Adier has a strong physical fitness, the strongest is only a little longer than other third-class apprentices that’s all.

So when he just walked, he was ready in his heart. As soon as the opponent showed signs of shooting, he immediately opened the door of the World and teleported himself, even if he exposed his uniqueness.

Fortunately, for no reason, the opponent did not choose to shoot at him in the end, leaving him to leave the Academy.

Thinking of this, he looked behind him, could not help speeding up his pace, quickly walking from the place to the distance, ready to accelerate away from the Academy.

More than a month later.

At noon, Adier rode into a port.

“Alasl Port, finally here.”

Sitting quietly on the horse, Adier rolled out the map in his hand and carefully looked at the terrain before he said it.

After a while, he slowly put away the map in his hand, continued to ride the horse, and walked forward.

The number of people in the port is not too large, but occasionally silhouettes of some wizard apprentices can be seen.

On the map obtained by Adier, this port belongs to an important transit station. There are occasionally some apprentices gathered here, and relatively speaking, the number of ordinary persons will be less.

This is because wizards mostly have powerful high-energy radiation. For ordinary people, living in a place where a large number of wizards gather for a long time can easily cause some harmful changes to the body, leading to premature death.

Therefore, in some legends, some powerful wizards often hide alone in an unmanned corner.

Entering the port, Adier strolled here for a while, then followed the directions on the map to find a shop on the edge of the port.

“Come in.” A soft, indifferent voice came from within.

On the counter in front of the shop, an apprentice wearing a light green vest and a white headscarf was indifferent, holding a wooden pen, constantly counting something there.

After watching Adier arrive, he looked up reluctantly: “Is there anything?”

Listening to his words, Adier not at all immediately answered, but stood in place, constantly looking towards the shops all around.

The shops here are well camouflaged, surrounded by something that looks like antiques, and the whole looks like an ordinary antique shop.

But for wizards, the kind of spell particles in the shop in front of them can be easily sensed even if they are far away.

“I want to buy a ferry ticket.”

Standing in place, looking at the apprentice’s face before him, an impatient expression began to appear, and Adier’s face was calm. After pondering for a while, he opened the mouth and said to him.

“Ferry ticket?”

Listening to Adier’s words, the apprentice in front of him suddenly froze, and the expression on his face changed rapidly.

“If you want to take a boat, just go to the port and sit. What’s up in my antique shop?”

After pondering for a while, he looked at Adier’s young face and some uncertain probed.

“The ferry ticket I want, no one else can.”

Looking at the apprentice in front of him, the smile on Adier’s face slowly faded, and he returned to calmness: “No more temptation.”

“We are all the same kind of people.” Standing in place, looking at the green armor apprentice in front of him, he opened the mouth and said.

At this moment, a strong wave of mana spread on Adier, and it was circulated here without cover.

Feeling this huge mana fluctuation, in front of him, the green armor apprentice’s face suddenly changed, and he quickly stood up and looked at Adier: “It turned out to be a third-class apprentice.”

He looked at Adier, feeling the huge Spirit fluctuations on Adier, his face could not help becoming respectful: “Excuse me, what do you need?”

“I want to make a trip to the Baltic Islands. Is there a vessel ready to pass recently?”

Standing in place, Adier didn’t mean to turn around, and asked straightforwardly.


Listening to Adier’s words, the apprentice in front frowned, and then said: “The area of ​​Baltic Islands is too remote. In normal times, there are very few boats in that area, and it will take at least a few months before the next trip.”

“Adult, if you want to go there, unless you are willing to wait for a while, you have to choose other methods.”

“Is there any other way?” Adier stood still, listening to the other’s words, and then asked back.

“Of course.” The apprentice in green armor nodded: “You can take a boat to other transfer stations, and then from other places to the Baltic Islands.”

“But in this case, not only will it be more troublesome, but there will be more magic stones to be paid.”

Looking at Adier, he added.

“Just do it.” Listening to the apprentice in front, Adier nodded, said so.

The price of this kind of ticket is not too high. At most, it is about two or three magic stones. Even if the price is higher, it is not much to Adier.

Soon, he paid a magic stone here, and then from the apprentice received a sign made of a black crystal with a special serial number engraved on it for identification.

After a few days, when the agreed deadline was approaching, Adier came to the side of the port under the guidance of a guide, waiting quietly for the ships in the distance.

As he waited, after a period of time, a little dark shadow gradually emerged.

It was a black ship as a whole, which looked like a slightly larger cargo ship on the surface, which was very different from the usual ship not at all.

However, in Adier’s eyes, distant ships are constantly fluctuating with weak energy particles, and obviously the strength of spell has been used in it.

As time passed, the ships began to dock.

Watching this scene, Adier took out the brand made by the black crystal and walked up quietly.

After some inspections, Adier walked into the cabin, found his room, and went straight in.

The rooms in the cabin are well furnished, both in terms of the materials used for decoration and in other respects. In terms of luxury alone, this is the level of many middle nobles.

Silently putting down some heavy luggage, Adier sat on the bed, preparing to start meditating.

bump! bump!

Just a moment of meditation, there was a sudden knock outside the door.

“Come in,” Adier eyes opened, yelling softly in the direction of the door to the room.

With the crisp sound of the wooden door opening, two people came in outside.

It was a man in a black fur coat and a high hat on his head, looking like a middle-aged nobleman. There was also an old man in a white robe with a metal crutch in his hand.

Judging from the mana fluctuations emanating from them, these two people are obviously third-class apprentices.

“Hello, Your Excellency.”

The moment they saw Adier, both had envy and surprise on their faces. Then the third-level apprentice, who was dressed like a middle-aged nobleman, stood up and looked at Adier: “Excuse me, please forgive me, your youth is beyond our imagination.”

“Two are?” Looking at the two third-class apprentices in front of him, Adier stood up, looked at them, and asked calmly, “Is there anything wrong?”

Listening to Adier’s words, the two looked at each other, and then the middle-aged nobleman stepped out again: “Please let me introduce myself.”

“My name is Damara Crady and I am the accompanying wizard for this voyage.”

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