“The Damara family.”

In the spacious room, listening to the words of the middle-aged nobleman, Adier’s eyes flashed a little clear.

The Damara family, this family is very famous. It is said that there are formal wizards in the family and it is an extremely powerful family of wizards.

In this area, the Damara family is known for its magic ship manufacturing technology. It is said to have monopolized the navigation of the nearby Sea Territory, which is very powerful.

Right now this person should be the accompanying wizard of the Crady family on this ship, but it has reached the level of a third-class apprentice, which surprised Adier.

Under normal circumstances, such an ordinary ship, although some people will be sent to accompany it for safety, but generally it is a person who can be a second-class apprentice in the town, even if it is good, there are very few third-class apprentices.

It seemed to understand the doubts in Adier’s heart, and Crady opened the mouth and said, “The middle-aged nobleman was dressed up this time, and this time I was going to go south to deal with some things, so I set off with this ship as the accompanying wizard here.”

“But I didn’t expect to be able to meet two adults at the same time on this voyage.”

Speaking here, a smile appeared on his face.

“I was also surprised.” Adier smiled as he listened.

Southern Continent is already barren. Basically all wizarding organizations and wizarding families are concentrated in the area near the Northern Section plain. The rest of the place was rarely seen by the wizard.

In such a barren place, a second-class apprentice is already an extremely rare and rare character, not to mention a third-class apprentice. To encounter a few really needs extraordinary luck.

After all, even in those powerful wizard Academy, a third-class apprentice is definitely a backbone.

“Introduce yourself, I’m Lader Simoc.” At this moment, the old man in a white robe holding an iron cane smiled and interjected.

“I’m Adier.Fax.” Adier nodded, also introduced himself.

“It turned out to be Adier.”

Listening to Adier’s words, the white robe in front of the old man said with a smile: “I heard Lord Crady say, is Your Excellency Adier planning to go to the Baltic Islands?”

Listening to this, Adier glanced at Crady in surprise.

“It was told to me by the apprentices left by the family at the port.”

Looking at Adier’s face, Crady explained, “Please also understand that for every third-level apprentice adult boarding the ship, we will register so that unnecessary offenses will occur.”

“I can understand.” Adier nodded in response.

The wizard’s destructive power is too powerful. If a third-class apprentice is not restrained by people of the same level, then it is not a problem for a person who is not good at slaughtering the entire ship, so be cautious.

“I’m from Baltic Islands. I want to go back to my hometown this time.”

Standing in place and thinking for a moment, Adier said, “Where are the two adults?”

“I’m going to Sea Territory, south of Seymour, to get some things done.”

Looking at Adier, Crady was nodded and looked at Rad on the side: “It’s the place where Lord Lader is going to go, it seems to be in the Baltic Islands.”

“Good.” Listening to Crady, Lader nodded: “Recently there has been a lot of chaos in the Baltic Islands, and I’m going to see my clansman.”

“Master Adier should do the same.”

He looked at Adier and said with a smile: “The surname Fax seems to have been heard before I went out to sea decades ago. It should also be an ancient wizard family.”

Listening to this, Adier’s heart moved, but his face was calm: “I also heard about the confusion there, but I don’t know the specifics.”

“Can the two adults tell me more?” He asked calmly.

For the situation there, Adier is indeed a bit unclear.

Although the Duke Aries often sent him some news, but because of the distance, it basically took a long time to receive the information once, and many things were very simple and not explained clearly.

In addition, in recent years due to the influence of the Secret Realm incident, Adier left the Academy directly and went to the Gumoduo Kingdom in the distance to avoid residence. For the other side, he has completely lost contact, and he does not know how the situation is developing.

In front of him, after listening to Adier’s words, Lader gave him a surprised look, and then said with a smile: “It seems that Master Adier’s study is very hard, no wonder he can reach the third-level apprenticeship at this age.”

He clearly regarded Adier as the kind of cultivator who only focused on study and meditation, and he could not help but admire it in his words.

For this, Adier has no meaning.

“Although there are countless small islands scattered in the area of ​​Baltic Islands, it has always been centered on the continent area of ​​Sire, and there are also the largest number of wizard families. It is the most prosperous place in that area.”

Standing in place, Zideer explained: “And this time the chaos over there started from Shire. Several northern countries attacked the southern countries at the same time. Several small countries were destroyed, and some native wizarding families also Involved. “

Speaking of this, Zide is a bit helpless shrugged: “My family happens to be the royal family of a kingdom there, so in order to avoid the family being affected by this chaos, I can only go back and look at it, so that there will be some problems.”

“Of course, the specific news can only be known in that area. After all, we are too far away from there, and many things cannot be known immediately.”

“So, is there any news about Kuma Principality?” Adier asked after standing still, thinking about it.

Kuma Principality is the duchy ruled by the Duke of Aries. It is also located in the southern countries. Although it is not strong, it is also an independent little duchy.

“Kuma Principality.”

Listening to the name, Lader’s face was a little hesitant: “I don’t seem to hear the name, it should be just a small country.”

“But in recent years, I know the country that was destroyed on the sean continental, not at all Kuma Principality.”

Listening to his words, standing in front of him, Adier also nodded, a little relief in his heart.

Several third-class apprentices chatted in the room for a while, and then ended this conversation.

For the next few days, Crady invited Adier and Lader to dine together every day, and the pull and closeness they brought was obvious.

However, Adier was not exclusive in this regard, and soon became familiar with two third-class apprentices.

Time passed by most of the time.

One morning, Adier was sitting quietly in the room with a yellow book in his hand.

“It seems that the Meditation Method varies from place to place, but the specific effect is not much different.”

Sitting on the bed, closing the book gently, Adier whispered softly.

During this time, Adier also made some gains through dealings with two other third-class apprentices.

For example, their third-class apprentices have been able to progress from ordinary apprentices to the present level, and their respective accumulations are generally relatively good.

And through trading with these two third-class apprentices, Adier also obtained some things, such as other Academy and family-based Meditation Method, and some basic magic templates and other things can be used to enrich the chip database .

For example, the basic Meditation Method is actually not very precious. After the second-class apprentice, it has lost most of its effect. It is almost useless for the third-class apprentice and can only play a very weak role in improving Spirit.

Adier only used some magic stones, in exchange for two different Meditation Methods for research.

However, the results of the study disappointed him.

After experimenting, Adier found that although the Meditation Method in different places does have different methods of exercise, it is equally ineffective for third-class apprentices, and can only be slowly polished by time.

“It shouldn’t be like this.”

Sitting quietly on the bedside, Adier whispered to himself, “For third-class apprentices, the effect of the Mediation Method has completely failed. Even if you want to be promoted to a formal wizard, you must meet the promotion conditions and then use specific resources to assist Only. “

“It has been so difficult to promote a formal wizard, so how can a Level 2 wizard, a Level 3 wizard, or even a Level 4 wizard who can expedite other planes in ancient times reach it?”

Sitting on the head of the bed, he was a little confused, and with some speculative whispered to himself: “or is, on the basis of the basic Meditation Method, in fact, there is a higher Meditation Method?”

In his heart, Adier is very inclined to this possibility.

Basic Meditation Method. Since it is called basic, there must be a more advanced Meditation Method.

“But if there is a more advanced Meditation Method, why didn’t Edith teacher tell me? And there is no record of this in the materials I included in Academy.”

Sitting on the bed, thinking about these things, Adier was a little confused.

However, he also had some suspicions about this issue.

If the higher Meditation Method really exists, it will undoubtedly be extremely precious. It is understandable that the shaman organizations that possess the higher Meditation Method completely block the news of the Higher Meditation Method in order to maintain their own advantages.

On the other hand, it may also be that the prerequisites required for advanced Meditation Method training are too high, and formal wizards may be required to access and practice.

“The specific situation in this regard can only be understood after being promoted to a formal wizard. But now, I can try other methods.”

Sitting on the head of the bed, Adier instructed the chip in his head: “Chip, establish a task, and deduced the Meditation Method based on the existing basic Meditation Method.”

“As soon as the mission is established, the database has been established, and simulation is started …”

“Insufficient reserves of basic Meditation Method, please collect more information …” In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery began to sound continuously.

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