“Yes, the number of basic Meditation Method inclusions is not enough, and it is not enough for the chip to be fully deduced.”

Sitting on the bed, listening to the sound of the chip, Adier nodded: “It seems that we need to pay attention to this information in the future, try to collect as many different versions of the Meditation Method as possible.”

bump! bump!

At this moment, there was a knock at the door.

“Come in.” Listening to the knock on the door, Adier turned and looked at the door.

With a squeak, the wooden door was opened by people outside.

Outside the door, a middle-aged man in a pale white dress was standing there, but he didn’t walk in, but he looked respectfully at Adier in the room and said, “Master Adier, Lord Crady, let you go there.”

“is there anything?”

Listening to this person, Adier looked towards the middle-aged man in front of him.

“A group of sea people is standing in front of us, and Lord Crady is negotiating with each other.”

Standing outside the door, the middle-aged man opened his mouth and said with some dignity.

Listening to him, Adier froze, and then said, “I’ll be right here.”

He stood up silently, quickly picked up the long sword from the wooden table on the side, and then went out.

On the deck, there were no more people on the outside, only some apprentices on the boat and Knight stood there. After seeing Adier coming over, they respectfully gave him a way.

“what happened?”

Going forward, Adier asked, looking at Lader standing aside.

“I encountered a group of sea people in front of me. I don’t know what happened because I was stuck in front of our ship and would not leave.”

Standing on the deck, Lader explained to Adier’s face.

Listening to his words, Adier could not help frowning, then looked towards the front.

In front of the deck, Crady was wearing a gold robe with a scepter in his hand, and looked ugly.

In front of him, a huge monster was quietly blocked there.

It was a monster with four arms and a cow-like head, and the body just out of the sea had a length of three meters.

Behind this monster, there are dozens of huge monsters of various shapes. Although not as huge as the Ox-Head Sea Beast, the body exposed to the sea is also at least two meters, and all of them are staring at the ship.

“It’s Ox-Head Sea Beast.”

Standing next to Adier, looking at the huge bull head monster, Lader’s face was a little dignified and he opened the mouth and said.

“Human … Leave!”

In the distance, a deep roar came, with a very awkward language.

This is the language of the Hai people, and only a few people can understand it.

“Dear Lord of the Seas, this voyage has always been the domain of our Damara family …”

Standing in front of the deck, Crady complexion ashen tried to negotiate with each other.

“I don’t care about those !!” A loud roar erupted suddenly.

On the sea ahead, the tall Ox-Head Sea Beast roar interrupted Crady’s words: “Leave now!”

Listening to the words of this Ox-Head Sea Beast, Crady’s face was iron blue.

“It looks like the talk has collapsed.” At the rear, looking at the scene in front, Lader frowned. “This route is a safe channel that the Damara family has spent decades exploring. It is likely that there will be unknown once the route is changed. Danger, it is impossible to give in. “

“This Ox-Head Sea Beast doesn’t know what medicine to take, and we won’t give way even if it offends.”

“So, we’re going to fight against a group of Sea Beasts soon.”

Standing next to him, Adier’s face remained unchanged, and he quietly opened the mouth and said.

“Although I don’t want to, but based on the current situation, I am afraid it is difficult to avoid.”

Standing on the deck, listening to Adier, Lader shrugged, while opening the mouth and said.

In while speaking, they are not idle either.

I don’t know when, Lader closed her eyes quietly, the energy particles covering her body were slowly gathering, apparently brewing some powerful spell.

Adier also silently pulled out the long sword on his waist and looked calmly forward.

Bang!! !

I don’t know when, there was a crazy collision sound ahead.

In front of the deck, Crady raised her scepter high, with arcs flashing on it, sending out an ordinary human skull-sized thunder ball and rushing forward.

“Start!” A muffled sound came from the deck.

As if receiving any signal, in a split second, several formidable power powerful spells were issued at the same time, rushing towards the sea ahead.

Roar! ! !

A loud roar sounded.

Suddenly, a wave patted, and then half of Ox-Head Sea Beast dived directly.

There were noises on the deck.

In an instant, thousands of sea races ran into them at the same time. Although Strength was not strong, the number suddenly compared with Adier.

From time to time, sea creatures of different shapes climbed from below and quickly climbed to the deck.

In this regard, Adier frowned, and then looked towards the front.

At this point, the huge Ox-Head Sea Beast had already submerged under the surface, and at this time was directing a large number of sea people to charge towards the deck.

The whole ship was shaking, and it seemed that something was pushing hard under the sea and colliding.

“Not good !!”

Feeling the shock of the ship, Crady’s face suddenly changed, and he shouted back at Adier and Lader: “Let’s solve the Ox-Head Sea Beast first !!”

While speaking, the scepter in his hand shimmered, covering him all over, then jumping off without the slightest hesitation.

Aside, Lader didn’t hesitate.

For a moment, his face became a bit distorted, several long sharp horns emerged from behind him, and his two arms became a pair of giant claws, which seemed to say that neither monster nor anyone believed it.

“Human body transformation experiment? With a little Bloodline transformation atmosphere!”

Looking at Lader, Adier was a little surprised, but he didn’t hesitate to move.

He first released a breath-holding technique against himself, covered himself with another force field spell, and then strode straight ahead.

They glanced at each other and then jumped without the slightest hesitation.

For a moment, the eyes became dim, and a feeling completely alien to usual struck.

Opening his eyes, because the protective force field was condensed by the energy particles in advance, his eyes were not affected by the seawater, but he was much darker than usual sight.

In the distance, Crady was already fighting the Ox-Head Sea Beast.

The wave of spell particles rang in front, blood was splattering, and Sea Beast’s roar kept ringing.

Watching this scene, Adier also rushed forward without the slightest hesitation.

The sea feels different than usual, where Adier’s speed is greatly limited.

Therefore, after a certain distance, he simply stopped and was ready to cast from a distance.

“Under the seawater environment, neither the fire attribute nor the lightning spell can be used. Only the spell that is not affected by seawater can be used.” Feeling the surrounding environment, he thought this thought silently.

At the next moment, the surrounding energy particles began to gather, turning into a huge shadow, and the snake bite forward.

On the other side, a large amount of ice was condensed on the giant oxhead sea monster, directly slowing down the opponent’s unusually flexible movement.

After all is the home of the sea, although the Adiers are wizards, they will not drown in the sea like mortals, but they will also be affected by the environment at the same time, resulting in the strength that could originally be played cannot be fully played. .

In the case of Adier, his fighting style has always been close-knit. Relying on his strong physical fitness and the strong reaction force brought by the chip, it can be said to be unfavorable at the level below the formal wizard. Ordinary opponents only need one sword to solve it, and there is no need for many things.

But in the immediate environment, Adier’s strong physical fitness will undoubtedly be affected, but spell will be more practical.

In the distance, the black snake formed by the shadow bite spell crashed wildly towards the Ox-Head Sea Beast, hitting a huge wound directly on the opponent’s huge body.

On the other side, the energy particles are also rapidly gathering, directly freezing the other half of the body.

A dark shadow flashed quickly.

Under the staring eyes of Adier and Crady, Lader turned into a monster that was more than three meters long, and brought a strong high-energy response. It seemed to be directly affected by the sea water.

His two arms had become a giant claw, and while the Ox-Head Sea Beast was unprepared, fiercely grabbed him on the other side.

Blood was blooming, and a huge arm fiercely patted him, flying him out.

In front of the three men, one after another was hit hard, and the bull head magic beast was shaking his body wildly in the sea, making a wild roar.

But looking at this scene, a few third-class apprentices just sneered.

Up to now, they have also figured out the fighting power of this Ox-Head Sea Beast. Even in the seawater environment, they are only equivalent to an ordinary third-class apprentice. Although the skin is thicker, but the The combined force of the third-class apprentices, only obediently endured.

In the distance, Clad exudes a light blue light, and the hand inlaid with gems gently waved, and a cold light flashed quickly, freezing all the sea water in the distance of several meters in the distance.

On the other side, Adier also closed his eyes and silently constructed spell in his mind.

Roar! ! !

Watching the movement of Adier and the others, Sea Beast, who had a huge bull’s head, roared and rushed directly towards them.

At this moment, another silhouette appeared, and the previously beaten Lader rushed over quickly, entangled that Ox-Head Sea Beast.

Time passed quickly.

With an unwilling roar, the six- or seven-meter-tall Ox-Head Sea Beast finally fell, and there were a lot of wounds hit by spell, and a lot of blood was flowing from it.

When the battle here was over, they turned and looked towards the distance.

There, losing the repression of the Ox-Head Sea Beast, a large number of Sea Beasts who had dared to rush to the deck ran towards the distance.

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