“There was a problem with Sea Beast just now.”

Back on the deck, glancing around, Crady frowned open the mouth and said.

Beside him, Lader and Adier, who had restored their original appearance, were also nodded and agreed.

“Ox-Head Sea Beast is a relatively rare and powerful sea clan, but in general it is only equal to third-class apprentices. At the same time, the attitude of the three of us at the same time is so strong that it does not conform to their usual style. “

Standing silently, glancing at the side Crady and Lader, Adier opened the mouth and said.

“Unless … something is dragging down this Sea Beast underneath, and even if he offends, we will not give way.”

Lader’s eyes lighted up and he said the possibility.

“It’s very likely that we’ll look at it after we’re done here.”

Crady also looked up, and couldn’t help looking at the two men: “As for now, let’s deal with the remaining sea people first.”

“After all, the bodies of these sea clan are also worth some magic stones, especially the body of that Ox-Head Sea Beast is even more rare, worth at least a thousand magic stones.”

He looked at the two and smiled opened the mouth and said.

“The blood of this Ox-Head Sea Beast belongs to me.”

Suddenly Adier opened the mouth and said: “I happened to be doing some experiments in this area recently, and need the blood of some powerful creatures to assist.”

While speaking, his look looked towards Lader aside, apparently very interested in the kind of Bloodline transformation he had shown before.

On the side, listening to Adier’s words, Crady and Lader also nodded and agreed.

For ordinary wizards, although these powerful high-energy creatures are precious, they are only useful if not at all, which is far less valuable than other parts of the material.

In situ, they talked here for a while, then Crady left first, and seemed to be ready to handle some of the things on board, leaving Adier and Lader here.

Watching his silhouette go away, Adier looked around.

At this time, after the impact of a large number of sea races before, the deck on this side looked messy, all kinds of blood and corpse meat were scattered everywhere, and it was not known which side was left.

Some ordinary sailors began to sweep around the deck, collecting the flesh by the way, and setting it aside independently.

On the other side of the deck, the Ox-Head Sea Beast had been salvaged, and was lying there quietly, because the material on the body was too precious, and it had not been divided.

“Let’s go and see first.”

Standing for a while, looking at the side Lader, Adier suggested.

Standing in place, Lader had no objection, and nodded directly to agree.

After a while, they walked some distance forward, and then came to Sea Beast’s body.

The vitality of this Ox-Head Sea Beast is too tenacious, and it has been struggling for a long time before slowly dying. At this time, there were all kinds of large and small wounds on the body, and there was a little muddy blood flowing out of the crimson, but it had not dried up.

Looking at this scene, hesitated for a moment, then gently stretched out his hands, put a little blood on his fingers and watched in front of his eyes.

“Chip, zoom in.” In his mind, he was instructed against the chip.

In an instant, the vision in front of the eyes began to change, and the blood in front of them began to change into another form of expression.

A lot of useless impurities, as well as nutrients in the blood, including parasites parasitic in the blood, all appeared before his eyes one after another.

Under the cover of a lot of fine matter, at the bottom of the blood, Adier also saw the things deeper in the blood.

It was a chain of Bloodlines, showing a gray luster under the gaze magnified to a million times.

A large number of Bloodline chains are gathered and intertwined, but not at all forms a complete Blood Imprint, only with a small prototype.

“In the end, it’s just ordinary high-energy creatures, far from being comparable to those living within the body that contain the ancient Bloodline.”

Looking at the blood in his hand, Adier shook his head.

Gently wave your hands, and the surrounding energy particles begin to slowly gather, evaporating the blood from your hands.

After doing this, Adier stepped forward directly, and the right hand began to glow with a red shimmer.

With the flash of mana, Sea Beast’s blood seemed to be attracted by something, and began to condense into Adier’s hands.

A large amount of blood slowly condensed. After a large amount of water evaporated, it condensed into pieces of red blood essence, which were carefully collected by Adier.

“Well, this spell is good.” A surprised voice came from the side.

Looking at Adier’s action, Lader’s face showed an interested expression: “With this spell, collecting blood will be more convenient in the future, and there is no need to go through the tedious extraction process.”

“Adier, you seem to be proficient in this area.”

He looked at the busy Adier in front of him and smiled opened the mouth and said.

“No, it’s just a shallow experiment. It’s not as good as you in this regard.”

Listening to Lader’s words behind him, Adier turned back, with a smile on his face: “You look like that before, it should be a Bloodline transformation.”

“Yeah!” Listening to Adier, Lader didn’t mean to hide: “A very complete remodeling operation and implanted a part of the amphibious Bloodline.”

He didn’t mean to cover up, because even if he didn’t say it, sooner or later he could guess with the knowledge of a third-class apprentice.

“I’ve heard of this kind of transformation. It should be dangerous. Will there be no repercussions?”

Standing aside, confirming his thoughts, Adier frowned.

Experiments of human body modification have been performed by many wizards, but those who choose to operate on their own are usually formal wizards, which are often very dangerous at the beginning of the apprenticeship stage.

“no way.”

Listening to Adier’s words, Lader had a bitter expression on his face: “I’ve hit a formal wizard before.”

“It’s no wonder.” Adier’s eyes flashed a little while listening to Lader’s words.

According to Adier’s information, if a third-class apprentice fails to attack a formal wizard, he is likely to die on the spot. Even if you survive, you will lose most of your potential and vitality.

Looking at the appearance of Lader in front of you, it is obviously not like the promotion is successful, then after the failure, try to transform the human body, and even implant Bloodline into the body to obtain new vitality.

As for the danger, it’s nothing for a person who is about to die.

“It’s not as dangerous as you think.”

Standing in place, Lader shook the head: “My mentor happens to be an expert in this area. With his familiarity with this area, the transformation of a third-class apprentice to me is a bit dangerous, but not as scary as I thought.

“It won’t be easy,” Adier said with a sigh of standing.

The relationship between wizards is often very weak. In addition to the true inheritance relationship, even if they are the apprentices in charge, those formal wizards may not be attentive, and even some formal wizards use their apprentices as experimental products.

Lader’s remodeling experiments, the risks of which are ignored, but the cost of asking a formal wizard to shoot is probably enough to make any apprentice heartache.

“This topic ends here.”

Shook the head with a smile on Lader’s face: “I’m very interested in the spell you just used. Judging from your technique, you should be very good at this knowledge, should you exchange it?”


Adier froze, then responded: “This is fine, I’m also interested in your knowledge of Bloodline transformation.”

As he spoke, an expression of interest appeared on his face.

Adier is really interested in this knowledge.

In the past, with the help of the chip, Adier has obtained some ancient Bloodline with high purity, and it has been kept on the body until now.

These purely ancient Bloodline are of course extremely precious things, but Adier is still hesitant about specific uses. If you can get some knowledge of Bloodline transformation, you may be able to use these purified Ancient Bloodline to do this. Transformation experiment.

Even if you don’t have to use it in the end, it can be used to train your people.

“That’s it.” Gently nodded, Lader opened the mouth and said.

In the place, they talked for a while, and after the transaction time was probably agreed, Crady in the distance also slowly walked towards this place.

“What are you talking about?”

As he approached, he looked at Adier and Lader casually.

“It’s nothing.”

Lader shook his head, the iron cane in his hand dangled, and then looked towards him: “You’re done?”

“It’s almost over.”

Looking at Lader’s appearance, Crady didn’t ask much, just nodded and said: “Be prepared, let’s go and see.”

“it is good!”

The remaining two were nodded and agreed.

Soon they were ready.

Adier and Crady first cast their spells on themselves before slowly moving on. However, Lader does not seem to need any spell at all, and can live in the sea for a short time.

“Let’s go.” A faint Spirit wave sounded, with a unique frequency.

In the sea water, they can’t speak in the normal way, they can only use the powerful Spirit to simulate a unique frequency, and use some secret language specific to the spell to communicate.

In the sea water, the three looked at each other, and then involuntarily went forward.

As it continued to drop, the surrounding water pressure also began to increase.

However, this Sea Territory is not too deep. It is only two three hundred meters or so. It may be troublesome for ordinary people, but it is not much for several third-level apprentices.

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