“The surrounding energy particle concentration is starting to increase.”

At this point, Adier suddenly felt that there were obvious fluctuations in energy particles around him, and even faintly carried some residual radiation.

Around him, Crady’s and Lader’s faces also showed a suspicious expression, apparently also sensing the apparently rising energy particle concentration around them.

This is very abnormal.

The generation of energy particles is related to the environment. In the seawater environment, except for some energy particles that like the seawater environment, the other particles will be repelled. The overall concentration of energy particles should be greatly reduced.

However, under the current induction of three people, to the depth of seabed more than two hundred meters, the concentration of surrounding energy particles has suddenly increased, and is more active than the outside world, which is very abnormal.

They glanced at each other and apparently felt the phenomenon unusual.

After a while, they continued to move forward, slowly following the residual fluctuations.

“There is light!” A slight whisper of whispers rang around, conveying Adier’s ear accurately.

At one place, they stopped.

In front of them, a little light began to appear, although extremely weak, so prominent in the dark seabed space around.

This is the depth of seabed more than two hundred meters. The sun cannot reach this distance. There is no light around it, only a depth and darkness.

But in this environment, a little light appeared, no matter how you look at it, it’s abnormal performance.

“Radiation fluctuations detected!” In Adier’s mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

On one side, silently staring at the light in front, listening to the chip in his head, Adier’s face was a little dignified.

“Do you still go in?” There was a surge of Spirit waves around.

Under the shimmering light, Crady looked towards behind him and asked the two.

“Go in,” Lader said. “I have a hunch. It should be a relic here, maybe there will be some unexpected gains.”

“And, from the end of the Ox-Head Sea Beast, not only is it okay, but it is a desperate attempt to prevent us from passing nearby, and there should be no danger in it!”

“I have no opinion.” On the side, looking at the scene ahead, Adier also opened the mouth and said.

After uniting their opinions, they began to move forward slowly.

Because it was not clear what was ahead, they walked slowly and cautiously. Even the fluctuations of mana faintly appearing on the body, it is clear that some psychological preparations have been made.

As long as there is an anomaly ahead, their spell will be displayed immediately.

Time passed slowly. After a small section of time, they successfully approached the source of light.

Under a huge depression, a small tree about half a meter high emits a faint light, and it looks very beautiful and noble, just looking at it feels unusual.

On the trunk of this small tree, there are dozens of golden leaves, and each gold leaf has an extremely fine texture, which is emitting a faint light at this time.

Around the small tree, there are still some extremely incomplete textures, which continue to emit weak radiation.

“This is … the Chennai tree that has been extinct in the legend!”

When they saw the golden tree, the three eyes lighted up.

The so-called Chennai tree is a very rare and precious wizard plant in the wizarding world. The leaves can directly play a role in strengthening the Constitution and enhancing the Spirit’s power, even for formal wizards.

“It’s OK to speak!”

Approaching the depression in front of them, the three found that the surrounding seawater had disappeared and air began to reappear around them.

“It should be the role of the incomplete Wizard Array to protect this Chennai tree.”

Looking around casually, Crady opened the mouth and said: “Looking at the situation here, there should be a defensive Wizard Array here, but after so long, it has now completely failed.”

“Look there.”

At this point, Lader pointed away.

There was a huge opening on the edge of the Wizard Array, and it looked like it had been hit by some monster.

“That Ox-Head Sea Beast passed through there, and there should be no problem in terms of security.”

Looking at that mouth, Lader said.

“So what are you waiting for!” Looking at that mouth, Crady quickly walked over.

At the beginning, they still had scruples in their hearts, fearing that the ruins of the Wizard Array’s defenses in this ruin.

They waited until they tried using some means before they proceeded carefully.

“There seems to be no problem.”

Walk safely inside the Wizard Array, the three are relaxed, and then have time to view all around.

Obviously this was once a small relic, surrounded by a large number of Wizard Array traces, guarding the central Chennai tree emitting golden light.

“This ruin has existed for at least five thousand years.”

After examining the surroundings, Crady first opened the mouth and said: “This ruin should have been set up with a special Wizard Array to cover it, but now these Wizard Arrays have been damaged, which made the energy particles originally locked in the ruins. Gush out. “

“The wizard who set up this ruin is also at least an official wizard. If the Wizard Array is still intact, we won’t find any traces of the ruin even if we walk here.”

He uttered all the things he found in one breath, and then looked towards the other two.

“The ruined Wizard Array has been recently damaged. It should be the Ox-Head Sea Beast.”

Standing aside, looking around, Adier added.

“Why didn’t that Sea Beast take the Chennai tree away and stay here?”

On the side, listening to Adier’s words, Lader said with some confusion.

“This is because of the particularity of the Chennai tree.”

Crady said: “Although the leaves of the Chennai tree can increase the Constitution and even directly increase the Spirit’s power, once it is eaten too much at one time, it will become a poison. At the level of that Ox-Head Sea Beast, it can eat up to seven or eight at a time. A leaf, no matter how many, will cause adverse reactions. “

“And under seawater conditions, this Chennai tree cannot survive at all, and it can only remain active in the Wizard Array here.”

With a sneer on his face: “The Ox-Head Sea Beast was mostly about to take this area as its own place, and then came to eat some leaves every once in a while, but we didn’t expect to be hit by us.”

Having said that, the three of them looked at each other, and then went forward inconsistently.

In the front, the golden Chennai tree is standing there quietly. The half-meter-high tree body is very thin, and the trunk is only the thickness of a small thumb.

There are many gaps in this Chennai tree. Only two or three twigs and a dozen leaves are left on it.

“Damn, how many leaves did that Ox-Head Sea Beast eat ?!”

Looking at this scene, Crady complexion ashen: “It’s really a waste! The leaves of Chennai tree have the greatest effect on improving Spirit’s power. Each leaf is worth at least hundreds of magic stones! This Ox-Head Sea Beast turned out to be Eat so much !!! “

Standing aside, Lader’s face was also a little unsightly: “There are only twelve leaves left, and each person can only divide four.”

“The main part of the tree is probably dead,” Adier added, looking ugly.

He used to study for a long time under the mastery of Edith, who is proficient in botany. He knew a lot about the characteristics of many plants. At a glance, he could see that the activity of the Chennai tree in front of him had begun to lose.


Listening to the two, Crady stepped forward, looked at the other two’s eyes, and tested it for a while before reaching the conclusion: “Most of the activity of the trunk has disappeared, but there is still a little weak activity in the roots. There is still a small chance of growing again. “

“It’s a small possibility?” Next to Adier, Lader opened the mouth and said in confusion.

“If you can get the level of Spring of Life, you may still be able to save it.” Standing in place, Crady corner of mouth twitching, somewhat helplessly opened the mouth and said.

“That kind of thing is now extinct. Who can get it?”

Listening to Crady’s words, Lader was also corner of mouth twitching, and said a little speechlessly.

The so-called Spring of Life is a legendary spring water with strong vitality. It has a powerful effect of delaying lifespan and is an extremely precious advanced material.

However, this kind of thing has long disappeared in the wizarding world today. Even if it exists, it must be collected by those formal wizards to extend the lifespan. Their third-class apprentices simply couldn’t get it.

“It seems that it can only be like this.”

Looking at the Chennai tree in front of him, Crady’s face was helpless.

Strictly speaking, their harvest this time is actually not bad. A Chennai tree, even if it loses its vitality, can include three or four thousand magic stones including the leaves above. Even if it is divided into three people, each person can get more than 1,000 magic stones on average, which is a huge sum for third-class apprentices.

Even for Adier, this is a lot of numbers.

But everything is most afraid of contrast.

If the Chennai tree in front of me can be saved or even continued to grow, the value will be immeasurable. Even if only one breath is left, which can be worth at least tens of thousands of magic stones, it is enough for them to do a few third-class apprentices.

Thinking of this, Adier couldn’t help sighing lightly, and the right hand, who was always ready to draw a sword, couldn’t help lowering it.

Wizards are mostly sensible and indifferent, and often only care about their interests.

If the Chennai tree in front of him is still alive, then the value of this Chennai tree is definitely enough for three people to turn around and start working.

But since it is an insurmountable Chennai tree, although it is also very precious, it is not enough for several third-class apprentices to turn their faces here.

Standing aside, under the influence of Adier, on the other two people, the mana that had been faintly condensed began to slowly spread, apparently also giving up the plan to turn his face.

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