In the middle of the luxuriously decorated restaurant, several tables are set up here, and several apprentices are sitting there eating silently.

“Adier, what are you going to do next?”

Opposite Adier, Lader’s voice sounded.

“Should go directly to Kuma Principality.”

Sitting in a chair and thinking for a moment, Adier said, “I heard something happened on my family’s side, and I want to rush over to see it as soon as possible.”

“That’s it.” Lader nodded: “I’m going back to Syrahma Kingdom, where my family’s territory is.”

“If there is anything in the future, you can send someone to come to me,” he said, looking at Adier.

“I’ll see you guys over there.”

At this time, Kegg aside also said, “The situation around the world has been a little chaotic recently. There are chaos and robbers everywhere, which is very troublesome.”

“Although these people are nothing to us, it is good to save some trouble.”

“It’s troublesome,” Adier nodded, thanking Kegg in front of him.

“It’s okay.” Kegg shook the head: “It’s been a while, and there are some things you need to participate in.”

“Although you now agree to join the Southern League, you have not registered yet, and you need to take the time to meet other members of the league.”

“This is natural.”

These things have been mentioned before, and Adier naturally has no opinion and directly nodded to agree.

A few days later.

Early in the morning, with a whole number of soldiers escorted by 500-600 soldiers, Adier sat directly on the prepared carriage, as the team moved forward into the distance.

Most of the soldiers around were riding horses. Not only were they well-equipped, but the queues were also neatly arranged, and they seemed to have a sharp feel.

These are the teams that Kegg specifically sent to escort Adier. On the one hand, it can handle chores along the way, and on the other hand, it can also play a little decorative role.

After a while, the team set off slowly and rushed towards the distant road.


Two months later.

In a plain, a whole team of 100 people slowly stopped by the side of the road.

“Adier Elder, we are now in the territory of Kuma Principality, and we will feel Kuma City in three days.”

Within the extremely luxuriously decorated carriage, a knight wearing a black armor with a weapon on his waist looked at Adier respectfully and reported to him.

“A few days left, isn’t it?”

Sitting on the carriage, listening to Knight’s report in front of him, Adier nodded: “Tough work, what’s your name?”

“Esso Marla.” Listening to Adier’s question, Knight looked at him for a moment, then said quickly to Adier.

“Is Esso.” Looking at the respectful Knight in front of him, Adier’s eyes flashed with admiration: “You have done a good job during this time. If possible, I will say a few words in front of Kegg Elder. “

Listening to this, there was a flash of joy in Esso’s eyes in front of him, but he covered it well and did not show it.

After a while, after reporting some things, seeing Adier not at all other orders, Esso left the carriage and was ready to handle other things.

A few days passed in a flash.

At noon on a certain day, the appearance of a distant city had been shaken, and it seemed to be able to arrive soon.

But after arriving here, the team of Adier entire group was also discovered by the people in Cooma City.

“Who are you?” A loud voice sounded in the distance.

An army of hundreds of people appeared in the distance, blocking the front. At this time, the leading Knight stepped forward, looked at the army in front, and asked with a serious look.

From Knight’s point of view, the hundreds of soldiers in front of them are absolutely elite. Both the armor and horses are good, and the queue is neat. At first glance, it looks like they have undergone strict training.

“Are people from other kingdoms ready to come and take advantage of the robbery?”

For a moment, he thought of this possibility, and the corners of his mouth could not help becoming bitter.

“We were ordered by Southern League to escort Adier Elder to Kuma Principality.”

In front of the team, seeing the situation ahead, Esso led the two of them to the front, and shouted as he watched the opposite team.

Suddenly, Knight, who was leading the team in front of him, was a little confused.

As a born aristocrat of Knight, if he knew something about Southern League, then the so-called Elder, he was completely confused.

This is also the normal situation. After all, the existence of the level of the wizard is only accessible to those nobles. The rest of the people will rarely have access to this level of information unless they are informed of it by accident.

However, although there is some confusion about the situation, as long as it is a Southern League person, it must be treated carefully, especially the name Elder, which is an extremely honorable character at first.

“Is there proof?” Thinking of this, he shouted as he looked across.

Listening to this, Esso was a little impatient, but on the surface, not at all was revealed.

He directly asked the side knight to step forward, took the voucher given by Kegg when he set off, and checked it with the opposite team.

The Southern League vouchers are specially made, not only the Strength with the spell attached, but also the imprint of each Elder, which is very special.

After carefully identifying the authenticity of the voucher in front of him, Knight in front of him was also sighed in relief, and the team was directly divided into two teams, one of which remained in place to serve as a guide and guard.

He himself took a few Knights and hurried towards Kumah in the distance, ready to tell others the news, and to prepare the city to welcome the top of the league.

Because they were just a few Knights on their way, they were much faster than the team behind them, and soon came to the distant city.

“What, here’s Elder from the Southern League?” In a large hall, a surprised voice rang around.

In the hall, a handsome middle-aged man wearing a noble dress stood there.

If Adier were here, he would be able to recognize the man in front of him, the Zidane who was responsible for sending him to the ship. At this time, he looked a little older and looked a little hesitant.

At this moment, listening to Knight ’s report, Zidane’s face showed a surprised expression: “Are you sure you are Elder of the Southern League?”

As a Great Knight and a member of the Fax family, he understands the significance and honor of the alliance Elder, and is very surprised that an Elder suddenly comes to visit nature.

“This may be an opportunity.” Listening to the news, he flashed the thought in his heart.

In recent years, the situation of Kuma Principality has not been very good. First, it suffered the effects of the war and caused great damage to its own strength. After the cessation of the war, some unexpected conditions emerged, and even Duke Aries himself was seriously injured. It was now time for weakness.

If you can get in touch with an Elder from the Southern League, you will undoubtedly be better off in the future.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but fixate, looking at the Knight in front of him and asking, “Which Elder is from the league?”

“According to the other party, this time I was visiting an Elder named Adier.”

Listening to Zidane’s words in front of him, Knight in front of him recalled it, and then answered seriously.

“what did you say?”

When he heard the name Adier, Zidane’s eyes opened sharply, and with extreme shock in his eyes looked towards Knight in front of him.

“Send someone right away to get ready, and we’ll meet at the city gate immediately!” After a while, Zidane’s voice rang quickly in the lobby.

On the other side, under the guard of hundreds of soldiers around, more than an hour later, Adier came to the city gate of Kumar City.

In front of the city gate, a group of people were ready to meet, and Zidane stood in the line, with several people beside him, waiting quietly there.

“Come here!” Zidane’s heart jumped when he saw the team ahead.

He took a deep breath and quickly walked over with a few people beside him.

“Sir, Kuma Principality has come to meet someone.”

Watching Zidane and the others coming forward, he walked to the carriage where Adier was, and Esso reported to Adier.

“Has it already arrived?”

Listening to Esso’s words, Adier silently opened his eyes, withdrew from the deep state of meditation, then straightened up and walked off the carriage.

Just off the carriage, the silhouette of Zidane in the distance is clearly visible.

“Really Adier !!!” In the distance, an excited whisper sounded.

Staring quietly in the direction of the carriage, the moment Zidane’s face became excited when he saw Adier.

Although it has not been seen for more than three years, the unique handsome appearance of Adier’s Half-Elf has not changed much, and Zidane recognized it at a glance.

Walking away, looking at Zidane and the others who greeted him, Adier also showed a smile on his face: “Zidane, long time no see.”


“I didn’t expect it, it was only about four years ago that you have reached this point.”

In a huge estate, Zidane sighed, looking at the appearance almost unchanged from the past, but with a lot of Adier.

“Just luck that’s all.”

Sitting opposite Zidane, Adier shook the head, and then said, “I haven’t been in touch with the family for a long time, tell me some recent situation here.”

Zidane nodded, and then sorted out the language before he started speaking again.

From his account, Adier understands what happened to Kuma Principality over the years.

The first is the war in the north. Because of some things, several northern powers went south together, putting a lot of pressure on some countries on the Southern League border.

Kuma Principality is located on the border of the Southern League. It has also encountered great pressure. In the past few years, many things have happened and it has caused great losses in the country.

On the battlefield, the Duke Aries was besieged by three Great Knights at the same time, and Life Seed broke out as a last resort. After returning, he fell down, and now supported by one breath.

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