“In addition to the serious injuries to Lord Aries, Walla also had an incident when he went out, met Knight of other kingdoms, and was killed by other Knights in a duel.”

Standing next to Adier in a quiet courtyard, Zidane sighed softly: “After all, he is already old. At his current age, even Life Seed can’t break out, and it can’t compete with other Knights.”

He sighed softly, with a sadness in his brows.

In fact, this is the ultimate fate of Knight.

Knight was born for fighting. The injuries from the beginning of training have been accumulating continuously, and the outbreak of life will continue to consume lifespan and potential, pushing Knight himself to the abyss of death.

And when Knight is old and can no longer explode his life, if he meets another young Knight, it is basically a dead letter.

“Walla, is his family still there?”

Standing in place, thinking of that old man, Adier sighed in his heart, and also opened the mouth and said.

“His clansman is still there, and several grandchildren are in the city. I personally take charge of their Knight training.”

Aside, listening to Adier’s words, Zidane gently nodded, so said.

“After a while, pick out a few Knight-qualified people from Walla’s clansman and give them to me.”

Looking at the scenery in front of him, Adier opened the mouth and said: “I have also summarized something in the Wizard’s Academy in the past few years, and this time I can just give it to you.”

Listening to this, Zidane was a little surprised and hadn’t waited for him to ask what was clear. In front of him, Adier’s voice continued to say: “How are Flaure and Elvar now?”

He looked at Zidane and asked.

For Clansman of the Fax family here, Adier’s deepest imprint is still Flaure and Elva of the year, so ask now.

“They … the situation may not be so good now.”

In front of Adier, listening to Adier’s words, Zidane smiled bitterly.

“en? What happened?”

Adier turned and stared at Zidane, trying to find an answer.

“When you left this continent, Flaure and Elva both settled in Duchy in Barron. With us on our side, life was very peaceful.”

Feeling Adier’s eyes, the bitter smile on Zidane’s face did not change, but he quietly said, “But after two years, the war began to escalate, and Barron Duchy was affected. It was destroyed more than half a year ago. “

“During the war, Flaure stayed with Elva and left in order to protect Elwa’s safety and was killed by a Great Knight.”

Listening to this, Adier was speechless.

There was a moment of silence in place.

“What about Elva?”

After a long silence, Adier looked up and looked at Zidane again.

“Elvar is still alive, because of the desperate protection of Flaure, he successfully escaped from Baron duchy and is now in our city.”

Looking at Adier, Zidane said, “But … he looks a bit miserable now.”

“What’s wrong?” Adier frowned asked, hearing this.

“His left hand was broken, and his wife, child, all died in Barron Duchy, and now the man has almost collapsed.” Zidane opened the mouth and said.

Listening to this, Adier did not speak, and a little complicated emotions rose in his heart.

When he left the North, he promised Poria Earl’s request and promised to do his best to take care of Elvar, but now Elvar has become like this, which is in breach of his original promise.

And on the other hand, Erwa is also one of his few friends.

“Anyway, as long as I’m alive, as for the broken arm, I can connect him again.”

For a long time, he sighed softly.

For an ordinary person, if an arm is really cut off, it is naturally not saved. But for wizards, there are still some ways.

Adier has previously researched and recorded this knowledge from the knowledge that Lader had traded. Just try a few more times. With Adier’s current ability, it is not impossible to give an ordinary person an arm.

“One more thing.” Beside, looking at Adier, after hesitating, Zidane opened the mouth and said again.

“The plague has recently occurred, and people in several countries have contracted the plague.”

Listening to this, Adier froze, “Is it serious?”

“Very serious.” Zidane nodded: “Now the nobles in the city of Kumar are completely afraid to go to the civilian area. As long as anyone in the city has the symptoms of the plague, he will be immediately thrown out of the city and placed in a special place. Watching. “

“This matter, I’ll see if I can handle it in a while.”

Listening to Zidane, Adier said, “As for now, take me to Lord Aries first.”

Standing in front of Adier, Zidane nodded, then walked to the front, and showed Adier the way.

They walked fast, and soon reached a hall.

“How’s Master Aries doing now?” Zidane asked when he came into the hall.

In the hall, there were several tall guards standing there, headed by a man named Knight. At this time, watching Zidane and Adier report: “Master Duke woke up a while ago, and now seems to be in a coma. “

Listening to this answer, standing next to Adier, Zidane sighed lightly, then opened the mouth and said to the guard on the side: “You go down first.”

“Yes!” At the command of Zidane, the guard looked respectfully and slowly led the others toward the distance.

“Let’s go in.”

After everyone else was gone, turned and looked towards side Adier, Zidane opened the mouth and said.

With a slight noise, the door of the room was opened.

Into it, an unspeakable taste came from the surroundings.

It was an extremely unpleasant stench, mixed with a lot of spices, and a bit disgusting.

Smell this, Adier slightly frowned. Zidane, on the other hand, seemed to be used to it, without any expression on his face.

Without saying much, Adier walked straight ahead, in front of the huge bed.

On the bed, the Duke Aries was lying quietly on it, without any clothes on his upper body, and the exposed skin was completely ulcerated, with a foul smell on it.

Those fairly intact skins also showed an abnormal red, with red envelopes with blood on each and everyone, densely packed, which looked abnormally thrilling and horrifying.

“Is this poisoning?”

Standing in front of the bed, looking at the appearance of Duke Aries, Adier frowned slightly to see the unusualness.

In the body of Duke Aries, in addition to the reaction to the outbreak of life, there are several signs of mixed toxins. The combination of several toxins and the reaction after the outbreak of life made Adier feel a little tricky.

“How’s it going?” Standing next to Adier, looking at the expression on Adier’s face, Zidane asked nervously.

“It’s a bit of a hassle. For ordinary people, it can be considered as incurable.”

Standing in place, Adier said, “But for wizards, there is still a way, it’s just a bit more trouble.”

“That’s good.” Listening to Adier’s words, standing aside, Zidane suddenly relaxed.

“What do you need, tell me right away.”

Standing next to Adier, he opened the mouth and said, “I can get it for you as soon as possible.”

“That’s not necessary.”

Adier shook his head, then took out a bottle of dark green potion from his waist: “This is my special potion. You will pour all the water directly to dilute it, and then let the adult Aries soak in the water. To the extent that the toxin continues to breed. “

“Wait three days before you carry Lord Aries out.”

Standing still, he said so.

“Okay!” Listening to Adier, Zidane nodded.

He quickly walked outside and instructed the servant to bring up a huge wooden bucket filled with hot water, and then poured the bottle of medicine that Adier had given him directly.

The dark green potion slowly poured down into the barrel, and after it was completely poured, the water in the barrel in front of the eyes had become very pale green, completely different from normal water.

After doing this, several servants put the Duke Aries in a wooden barrel and slowly soaked in it.

Under the induction of Adier, in the water in the barrel in front of the eyes, a small amount of energy particles were tightly locked in, and along with the diluted substance in the medicament, it slowly merged into the body of the Duke Aries, nourishing the other’s body.

“Sometimes, Lord Aries wakes up and remembers to give him the bottles of medicine I just left.”

Glancing around quietly, Adier instructed the surrounding caretaker servants, and then went outside with side Zidane.

Outside at this moment, a thin silhouette was waiting there.

It was a young man wearing red sleeves, although he looked handsome, but his face looked extremely pale and haggard.

Unlike others, this young man’s left hand is gone, and it’s empty in his sleeve. Right hand is also holding a crutch, just standing with hands and feet trembling, looking extremely weak.

“Elva …”

At the moment when he saw the young man, Adier couldn’t help sighing, watching as he shouted softly.

The familiar call sounded in his ears. Suddenly, Erwa, standing in front of him, shook slightly and turned in the direction of the sound.

“Ah Adier.”

When he saw Adier’s face that had little change from the past, Elwah felt hot.

Emotions such as excitement, kindness, excitement, inferiority, and fear … were intertwined in his heart, making his mood extremely complicated at this moment, and even dare not look at his old friend face to face, only silently lowered Head off.

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