In the empty hall, watching Adier and Elva standing on the side, Zidane settled sighed, and went directly to the room where the Duke Aries was located without disturbing them.

As he left, with the exception of some servants, only Adier and Elva remained.

“How did you become like this.”

For Zidane’s departure, Adier not at all cares. Instead he looked at Elva, who needed a cane to stand before him, and frowned.

In Adier’s memory, although the original Elva’s body is not good, at least he has received some Knight training. Although his body is not as good as some Knight apprentices, he is at least better than ordinary person.

But now Elva, not only was his left arm cut off, but his footsteps were floating, almost standing still, as if he had been hollowed out.

In particular, the embarrassed complexion on his face seemed to be believed to be 30-40 years old, and it was not like a young man in his early twenties.


Standing in place, listening to Adier’s words, Erhua’s face was bitter: “In the Kingdom of Barron, I was severely wounded. Not only did I break a hand, but also some parts of my body were weak . “

He looked at Adier opened the mouth and said, with a sound of silence and silence in his tone, as if losing his soul.

Looking at him, Adier secretly sighed.

But thinking of Poria Earl’s request before he died, he still opened the mouth and said, “I take a good rest during this time, and after a while, I will find a way to help you heal.”

Listening to this, Elva stayed for a while, then responded: “Can you cure my hand?”

He looked at Adier and asked inconceivably, with an inexplicable excitement in his tone.

From the heirs of the North who used to be aloof and remote to a completely waste, it would be difficult to realize the feeling if it was not experienced in person.

After the death of his wife child, he became a wasteful man, and Elva had become arrogant. At this moment, listening to Adier’s words, there was a moment of hope in my heart.

“Yes, Adier is a legendary wizard. Even the father has to look up to the influential figure, there must be a way to heal my injuries!”

Right hand holding a cane, barely standing still, thought Elva excitedly.

“Go down and rest. I will come to you again after a while.”

Standing in place, looking at Elva’s unstable position in front of him, Adier didn’t have any thoughts to say anything to him, and said it directly.

As Adier spoke, after a while, several servants came over and carefully supported the Elva, helping him to leave here slowly.

After the silhouette of Elva gradually drifted away, the door of the room behind Adier opened, and Zidane walked out directly from it.

“how do you feel?”

Looking at the expression on Adier’s face, hesitated, Zidane still asked.

“The change is really big.”

Standing still, Adier’s expression was calm: “I thought he could live here well, but he didn’t expect it to be like this in the end.”

Aside, Zidane couldn’t help but listen to Adier’s words.

Elva now looks like this, although most of it is his own reason, but it is possible without their poor care.

When Adier left here, they promised to take good care of Elvar. Now Elva has become like this, and he has an inescapable responsibility anyway.

“Prepare a private room for me.” Aside, standing still, Adier opened the mouth and said.


Three days later.

Accompanied by Zidane, Adier returned to the room where the Duke Aries was located.

At this point, after three days of potion soaking, the condition of the other person has improved a lot. Not only did the original bad smell completely disappear, but even the red swelling of densely packed on the original itself is now mostly gone, and the whole person looks Although weak, at least a lot is normal.

“Adier, you are here.”

Walking into the room, a familiar voice came from Duke Aries.

After three days of recuperation, the other party has woke up at this time, sitting in a chair at this time, in front of three young people.

These are the three sons of the Duke of Aries, who is speaking with the Duke of Aries at this time. After seeing Adier coming over, he hurriedly respectfully greeted him, “Master Adier!”

For this greeting, Adier was just nodded, and the expression on his face was as calm as ever, making it unclear what he was thinking.

“You go ahead.”

Aside, looking at Adier, the Duke Aries said to his three children and asked them to leave.

It wasn’t until they left that Adier stepped forward and started checking for the Duke Aries.

“Adier, how long can I live.”

A voice broke the silence around him, looked at Adier in front of him, hesitated, and asked the Duke Aries.

Listening to this question, Adier was a bit surprised, but he responded: “Although your body is very bad now, after my recuperation, it is not a problem to return to the previous state, at least ten years of lifespan.”

Suddenly, the Duke of Aries was relaxed.

“If you’re willing to let me make some changes to you, it’s no problem to have a lifespan for decades.” In front of him, Adier’s voice came again.

Listening to this, Duke Aries first froze, and then asked with interest: “What are the changes?”

Aries, who is a top noble, is also heard about the wizard ’s means, especially those who transform people into undead, and even monsters.

However, people are afraid of death, especially Duke Aries and other powerful people. When possible, naturally they want to extend their lifespan as much as possible, even if they pay some price.

And as a family, he also believed that Adier would not easily harm him without a reason.

“For wizards, there are many ways to extend lifespan. Whether spell, potion, or human body modification can do similar things.”

Standing in place, Adier opened the mouth and said: “But such methods are often more precious. For me, what can be done at present is Bloodline transformation.”

“Bloodline makeover.” Listening to Adier, sitting in a chair, Duke Aries was a little puzzled and curious: “Is the repercussions big?”

“I’m not sure yet.” Adier shook his head: “I haven’t started the experiment in this area because of time. I still need some time and experimental products.”

Before waiting for Duke Aries to reply, he opened the mouth and said again: “Okay, your body hasn’t had much problem for the time being. For the next half month, you only need to take my special medicine every day. Quickly recover. “

“Trouble you.” Listening to Adier’s words, Duke Aries was nodded, and finally he was happy.

“If nothing else, then I leave first.”

After finishing the affairs of the Duke of Aries, looking at the Duke of Aries in front of him, Adier nodded and said.

After a while, he stepped out of Duke Aries’ room and walked towards the door.

Out of the manor, there was a group of people standing outside, waiting silently next to a carriage.

“Sir, are we going back?”

Walking to the carriage, the groom looked at Adier, respectfully asked.

“Go straight back.” Sitting on the carriage, Adier opened his mouth and said blandly.

With a slight horseshoe, they soon moved to another huge estate.

The estate here covers a large area, and it also runs very well. There are servants working everywhere. After seeing Adier walk in, they look respectfully at Adier saluted.

The estate was given to Adier by the Duke of Aries as his foothold in the city of Cooma.

In addition to this estate, there are a large number of other industries scattered, as well as some gold coins.

Walking into a spacious hall, in the front, a meticulously dressed middle-aged man in a steward gown greeted him: “Master Adier.”

“Zhilo, have those people arrived this year?”

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Adier asked directly.

“Adult Zidane has just sent people here, a total of thirty. According to your request, all are healthy young men who are now being held in the room behind the wall.”

Watching Adier, Steward, a respected cricket named Zhilo, reports.

In this regard, Adier nodded, and then went directly in a certain direction.

The area of ​​the manor was large, and after walking for a while, Adier came outside a wall.

He took out the key on his body, opened the gate of Gerry Wall directly, and walked out of it.

Inside the wall is a building with a huge iron cage for each and everyone.

Among those iron cages, the strong men of each and everyone lay naked, lying directly in the iron cages. Although there was still breath in her body, she remained motionless, as if she had fallen into deep sleep.

“These sleeping powders brought from Academy are very convenient to use. Although they have no effect on wizards and Knight, but for these stronger ordinary people, it is a good idea.”

Looking at the silhouette falling in front of him, Adier was satisfied with nodded.

He walked directly into the iron cage in front of him, randomly picked a person, and caught it on the test bench in front.

Standing in front of the test bench, looking at the experimental product in front of his eyes, Adier’s face was calm, and there was a little green light in his eyes.

That is a large number of data streams surging, quickly analyzing the data of the experimental items in front of them, in order to feed back to Adier.

“The target body has no obvious symptoms, is in good health, and meets the qualified conditions …”

After a while, in Adier’s mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

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