“If no one wants to go, then skip this one.”

Standing in front of the huge round table, looking at the few apprentices in front of him, the old man in red robe was gently nodded, and opened the next page of the book directly.

“A large number of rotten wolves have appeared in the mountain range of Hillaral, and the number is more than 500. You need to send someone to suppress it …”

Looking at the page in front of the book, the old apprentice read it word by word.


A period of time passed quickly, and after these things were dealt with by each and everyone, the old apprentice in front of the red robe closed the book in his hand.

“That’s all for this period of time. Next, you can do whatever you want.”

He looked at the apprentices in front of him and said, “If there is something you want to leave early, you can go now.”

The words had just fallen, around the round table, several of the apprentices were nodded, and then went straight out of the door.

“That’s over?”

Standing in place, watching the silhouettes leaving one after another, Adier was a little confused.

“Otherwise?” Lader’s voice sounded in his ear.

He looked at Adier aside and explained to him: “Southern League was originally a loose organization, and the main responsibility was the principals of several families.”

“People like us who don’t like these things can actually only need to come here once in a while.”

Standing in place, Lader smiled and said, “But there is another exchange meeting next. Many wizards will participate in it. If you are free, you can come and see.”

“Communication?” Adier asked Lader, with interest, “are there many wizards?”

“A lot.” Lader nodded: “Most of our wizards in the Southern League will come here. In addition to our third-level wizards, there are many second-level wizards and some representatives of the wizard family.”

“After all, our resources are scarce, and sorcerers are usually busy with their own affairs, and it is good to have a chance to bring everyone together.”

“That’s true.” Adier smiled.

He looked around. Basically all the previous apprentices went out, and only a few remained.

“Let’s go, too,” Adier said, looking at the surrounding scene.

Lader is very familiar with this place, and apparently has been here more than once. After listening to Adier’s words, he took him directly in a certain direction.

After a while, they walked to a hall.

In the hall, dozens of people are constantly moving inside, most of them are apprentices, and few ordinary persons exist.

In front of each and everyone apprentices, there is an each and everyone counter, which displays the items to be traded, which is very clear at a glance.

Looking at the surrounding each and everyone counters and strolling around casually, Adier couldn’t help but be disappointed.

The number of apprentices here looks pretty good, but most of the materials that come out for trading are not good. Many of the things that used to be everywhere in the Academy have become rare goods here.

After a few laps around, Adier’s only gain was some local unique materials, as well as a magic template that the second-class apprentice offered to trade.

This gain is really not as good as the Ancient Armor City that Adier used to visit. At least there are still a few long-established wizard apprentices there who can take out some unique resources.

“how do you feel?”

The walker walked outside the door, where Lader was standing in a black robe.

“I have to say, I’m a bit disappointed.” Looking at the Lader in front of him, Adier didn’t mean to cover it, and directly opened the mouth and said.

Regarding his words, Lader was not surprised, just shook his head: “This is the case here, the resources are too barren, and no powerful wizarding organization has taken root, and many resources cannot be cultivated.”

“Even if there are some good things occasionally, those people won’t sell them, they hide them.”

Having said that, he paused, and then opened the mouth and said, “After a while, by the time the party is over, I should almost leave.”

“What’s wrong?” Adier was surprised by Lader’s words.

“Thank you for the blessings of your two Chennai leaves, I have made up some of the lifespan I lost in the past.”

Turning and looking towards the window, Lader said, “I’m going to spend another month, after the family has stabilized, leave here and go back to the Academy.”

“Is it a month?”

Adier nodded: “In a few more months, I’ll leave here after I’m done with the things here.”

“Haha, then we will meet again in the future!”

Hearing Adier, Lader laughed and looked at him and said.

After chatting for a while, they agreed to contact each other and then left in one direction.

Outside, Zidane was already waiting for someone, and judging from the slightly excited expression on his face, he was obviously very satisfied with the gain this time.

After a while, Adier got into the carriage and went in the direction he was coming from.


Three months later.

In the morning, the sun shone on the earth.

On a spacious training ground, Zidane is practicing with another middle-aged man.

Compared with three months, Zidane has some changes on her body. Not only does the skin on the face appear rougher, but the skeleton on the body seems to have become much thicker. Although it is the same as before, it has changed greatly.

On the training ground, the sound of the sword collision kept ringing.

On the bodies of Zidane and the middle-aged man, a little white Battle Qi keeps emerging, which directly illustrates their identity, and they are both extremely powerful Great Knights.

However, despite being both Great Knights, Zidane had the upper hand in the battle, and the rapid sword technique showed that he did not give his opponent a chance to breathe.

In the corner of the training ground, Adier was wearing a black robe, watching the battle between the two Great Knights quietly.

“Name: Zidane.Fax. Strength: 8.8. Agility: 8.4. Constitution: 9.1.”

In front of him, Zidane’s physical data emerged in an instant, allowing him to observe clearly.

Looking at this data, standing still, Adier nodded: “The physical data has increased by more than half, and it seems that the effect of Bloodline conversion is really good.”

After three months, Elva, who had undergone the Bloodline conversion, has fully adapted to the transition period of the Bloodline. Not only did the broken arm recover so, but his physical fitness caught up with those Knight apprentices who had accumulated years of training. .

And after that party returned, Adier performed a Bloodline conversion for the Duke of Aries and Zidane and the others.

For conversion, although it is also the Bloodline of Silver Behemoth, compared to the ordinary person of Elva, the Duke of Aries and the two Great Knights of Zidane are much stronger. Not only can you convert more Bloodlines, but you also get stronger Strength after conversion.

“After Bloodline’s transformation, because of the influence of Silver Behemoth Bloodline, not only lifespan will grow a lot on the basis of Great Knight, but also its life limit will be much higher than before.”

Standing in place, looking at Zidane in the distance, Adier murmured: “It is also Great Knight. If the life limit of ordinary Great Knight is around 10, then the life limit of Zidane now is at least 15.”

This is one of the changes brought about by Bloodline conversions.

Silver Behemoth is a powerful creature that can compete with Level 2 wizards, and naturally has a high level of life. Therefore, after converting some Bloodline, Zidane’s life level will also be raised, allowing him to reach a higher level.

Of course, the practical effect of this increase in the limit of life is strictly speaking not at all, it just looks good.

For the Knight system, Great Knight is already the limit. At this level, even Knight Breathing Technique has completely lost its effect, and it is extremely difficult to make a little progress.

In this case, the increase in the limit of life is actually not significant to the average person, because they are destined to reach their limit, just to look better.

Relative to the increase of this limit, the more affordable Bloodline conversion is actually the improvement of physical attributes and the bonus of innate talent brought by Bloodline.


Watching Zidane showing off his skills in the distance, Adier whispered.

In terms of Bloodline, Adier has studied so long and naturally wants to use it for himself.

The benefits of Bloodline conversion are obvious, not only can you get the bonus of Bloodline, but also you can get a longer lifespan.

But unfortunately, in the wizarding world today, the powerful Bloodline is too scarce and precious. Even if Adier has a chip, it can purify the Bloodline to a certain extent, but until now it is only Silver Blood’s Bloodline.

For ordinary wizards, this kind of Bloodline is already a very good choice, even if a formal wizard has obtained it, it will also feel heartbeat.

But for Adier, this kind of Bloodline isn’t too attractive when it comes to choice.

The creature named Silver Behemoth is characterized by its powerful flesh and vitality. With its violent body Strength, it can even briefly compete with Level 2 wizards.

After transplanting this Bloodline, although it can obtain strong physical fitness and vitality, it will also be affected by Beamon Bloodline. His personality will become violent and bloodthirsty, and even lose his mind.

This collateral effect of Bloodline has too much influence on wizard roads that must be kept sane at all times, and is actually not suitable for wizards.

The transformation of Bloodline itself is an irreversible process. Once a certain Bloodline is transplanted, it can no longer be changed and must be selected carefully.

Therefore, a Bloodline with repercussions such as Silver Behemoth is too large. As a last resort, Adier does not choose.

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