“Transplanting Bloodline is not too anxious for the time being, you can wait until you are promoted to a formal wizard before you find a suitable Bloodline.”

Standing in place, Adier thought silently: “The most important thing now is to be promoted to a formal wizard.”

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but look towards his attribute panel.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 13.6. Agility: 14.1. Constitution: 14.1. Spirit: 8.6.”

In a flash, the familiar attribute panel came to your eyes.

After months of meditation, and after swallowing the last Chennai leaf in his hand, Adier’s attributes have reached this point, even among third-class apprentices, they are very good.

“Chip, simulating the basic conditions needed to promote a formal wizard.”

Looking at his body panel, standing in place, Adier instructed against the chip in his head.

“As soon as the task is established … the database comparison is started …” In a split second, the sound of the machinery in his mind sounded again.

“End of mission … Estimated promotion conditions: Spirit power above 10, level 1 magic template …”

“Do you need at least Spirit power above 10?”

Standing in place, listening to the hint of the chip in his head, Adier was calm and whispered, “It seems, it’s time to leave.”

To the extent that Adier is now, the exercise effect of the basic Meditation Method has become very weak. If you want to reach the standard of being an official wizard through meditation, it may take at least two more years according to Adier’s current progress.

“For more than two years, although it is quite affordable for me, in order to maximize the chance of promotion, we must reach it as soon as possible.”

Looking at Zidane training on the training ground in the distance, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

The promotion of a formal wizard is a big threshold for wizards, and no apprentice dares to say that he can definitely pass.

Although Adier is a fourth-class qualification and it is said that half of the promotion is possible with sufficient resources, but to ensure foolproofness, it is also necessary to be as prepared as possible.

“It’s time to leave.”

Glancing around silently, Adier thought so calmly.

After a while, he turned away and walked in the other direction.

A few days later.

Adier’s silhouette appeared quietly on the avenue outside Cooma.

He was wearing a black robe with a sword on his waist, and a black long hair spread down, looking quietly towards him.

In front of him, a group of people stood silently, headed by Duke Aries.

A few days ago, after Adier made a decision, he looked towards the Duke of Aries and the others, saying that they were going to leave here and return to Southern Continent.

Regarding this decision, the Duke of Aries and the others, although unexpected, did not think too much at all.

Except for very few people as wizards, few people can tolerate the harsh environment of the Baltic Islands. Genius apprentices such as Adier, who have reached the third grade at a young age, leave this place as a normal practice. Not at all is strange.

“Adier, don’t you need my Sect to take you out?”

On the road outside Kumar, looking at Adier, Duke Aries opened the mouth and said.

“No need.” Looking at the people in front of him, Adier shook his head. “I am a wizard, and the speed is much faster than the ordinary person. If I bring a guard, it will take a long time.”

Listening to this, hesitated, Duke Aries was still nodded, and did not continue to persuade.

After a section of the road, I slowly walked to a junction.

Several different trails point to the Quartet and go in unknown directions.

“Okay, here it is.”

When he got here, Adier stopped.

Holding the horse in his hand, he turned slightly, and looked towards him.

In the crowd behind, the silhouette of Elva was faintly visible, standing behind the Duke of Aries at this moment, and seemed very quiet all the way.

He was wearing a light blue sleeve, and his hair was well-groomed, and he looked very serious. He lowered his head and followed the Duke of Aries.

Compared to the previous time, his broken arm has been completely restored. After transplanting Blood Behemoth’s Bloodline, the previous internal injury and the body that had been hollowed out by wine in the past have also fully recovered and become stronger than normal people.

After the ups and downs, his behavior also began to converge. Although he still enjoys enjoyment, at least he will not indulge in enjoyment as he used to.

But for him, that was enough.

After the Bloodline transplant, the vitality of the Duke Aries and Zidane has increased to a certain extent, and it is normal to continue to live for 40 to 50 years.

With Adier’s relationship, they will take care of Elva to a certain degree, which is enough for him to live a carefree life.

As for other things, Adier did a lot during this time.

He gave Zidane some of the Dier Breathing Technique he had summed up, and left some bloodthirsty medicaments, if used properly, it would be enough to quickly cultivate a batch of Knight.

Considering the scarce resources of the Baltic Islands, if there are wizard-qualified descendants in the Fax family, they need to go to other Academy to learn. Therefore, he left a certain number of magic stones. On the one hand, it can enrich the bottom line of the Fax family, on the other hand, it can also prevent future clansman from becoming as worried as he was in the apprentice stage. .

Having done this, his purpose of returning to the Baltic Islands this time was achieved.

In place, after a while.

After saying hello to the others, Adier mounted his horse and walked quickly towards a certain path.

At this time in the early morning, the sun in the sky is very big, and the sun is shining everywhere.

Adier stopped on horseback on the road until noon.

He dismounted silently, took the little luggage on the horse into his hand, then glanced directly at the horse in front of him, and a ray of Spirit pushed out.

Huh! !!

Around, a horse’s voice came from his ears.

After being stimulated by Adier’s strong Spirit, the horse in front of him seemed to be frightened, and went straight ahead quickly, disappearing immediately before Adier’s eyes.

After doing this, Adier’s face remained unchanged, silently holding the luggage in his hand, and walking quickly towards the distance.

Although it is difficult to walk in the original mountains, it is not a big problem for Adier.

After searching around casually, he found a cave.

Entering into it, a cold atmosphere and rancid taste came out.

Feeling this, Adier did not change his face, but walked quietly into the cave.

After examining it for a while, and confirming that there was no danger in it, Adier closed his eyes silently, and a whirl of Spirit struck the imprint in the dark.

At this moment, in Adier’s in the depth of one’s soul, it seems that it is being dragged by the Spirit force, and a World coordinate suddenly bursts into a huge light.

In the glory, a huge gate of the world slowly condenses, slowly opening as the light diffuses.

The next moment, Adier shrouded a layer of light, and disappeared instantly in place.


Hua hua 哗···

The sound of the stream flowing around kept ringing.

Beside a small river, there is a village that looks completely abandoned.

The village looks very messy, and houses have collapsed in all around, as if they had undergone demolition and looked extremely messy.

In the ruins, occasionally a little scarred dried-up blood can be seen, and a large area is scattered on the ground, and it looks like the new one.

In the ruins of this village, a silhouette is constantly moving around inside, from time to time, open a certain intact house, enter it and search for it.

It was a young girl in a gray coat, with a long pigtail on her head, constantly walking around all around,

She looks very ordinary, with some black and red lumps on her face, and a big bag in her hand, as if collecting something.

“It’s going to be dark and you must leave as soon as possible.”

She crammed a dusty tablecloth into her left-hand bag, and the girl murmured at the sky, and could not help speeding up her pace.

She walked out quickly, her footsteps were very low as she walked, and she seemed afraid of finding something.

He stopped at the fence outside the village.

Because on the tall fence outside the village, a black crow was standing there quietly, and a pair of scarlet eyes were looking towards the girl.

Half of this crow’s body has been rotten, and there is a stench on his body. Scarlet’s eyes are like the eyes of death, with extreme indifference.

Being stared at by these eyes, the girl in gray clothes felt cold all over, leaving a little cold sweat on her forehead.

“Dammit, didn’t you say that this area didn’t erode the crows?” At this moment, the fear in her heart was permeated and she couldn’t help flashing the thought.

Quietly squatting in place for a while, the corroding crow in front of him was slow to act, just a pair of scarlet’s eyes looked at the girl quietly.

“Fortunately, I came out in a gray coat. As long as I don’t go out, it won’t do anything to me.”

Seeing that there was no movement in front of her eyes, she just stared at her corrupt crow, and the girl’s heart suddenly sighed in relief, then she stood firmly in place, and did not dare to move.

She didn’t dare to stimulate the corrosive crow in front of her, and her usual experience told her that once she started to move at this time, the corrosive crow in front of her would pounce directly and eat her heart alive.

But just staying in this way is also not advisable.

It’s almost dark, if you don’t leave again, at night, it is likely that all kinds of horrible creatures will come out.

Especially in the area where she is, because of the strangeness that has been raging, it is likely that strange things will happen at night.

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