“Nobles, right?”

Standing aside, Adier stepped aside and opened the mouth and said to the gray robe girl.

Behind her, confirming the suspicion in her heart, the girl in the gray robe brightened her eyes and opened her mouth slightly, but in the end did not know what to say.

The scene fell into silence for a moment.

Standing on the side, Adier was also not interested in speaking, but just silently put his hands on the wooden table aside, ready to study it.

The half-meter-long black crow was placed on an old wooden table by Adier, and half of its body had been corroded and it was stinking.

On the crow’s body, a faint rotten smell came out, which Adier clearly sensed.

He is really interested in the structure of this crow. Obviously, half of his body has begun to rot, but he still can maintain the vitality of life, even Strength is not weak.

Thinking of this, under the horrified eyes of the girl in the gray robe, Adier pulled out his sword and divided the half-meter-long black crow into several parts.

“Unknown parasitic bacteria detected, it is recommended to stay away …”

When Adier tried to touch the rotting parts of the crow, the sound of the chip machinery in his head sounded again.

His face remained the same, a few energy particles quickly gathered on his hand, and the rotten liquid contaminated on his finger was quickly expelled before he began to detect other parts of the crow’s body.

“It was supposed to be just an ordinary crow, but it slowly became like this after staying in that polluted environment for a long time.”

After testing for a while, Adier made such a conclusion.

Reaching out gently, he dug out the eyes of the black crow in front of him and gently crushed it.

With a slight crackle, scarlet’s eyes burst open, revealing the turbid white liquid inside.

“An unknown substance is detected and taken during meditation can enhance the meditation effect …” At this moment, the sound of the chip machinery in my mind sounded again.

Listening to the sound of the chip machinery, Adier was a bit surprised: “It is indeed Strange World. Just explore it casually, and you will have this gain.”

Thinking of this, after confirming that there was no problem through the chip, Adier closed his eyes and directly threw the crow eyes of another scarlet into his mouth.

A feeling of bitterness and nausea came, unconsciously raising a feeling of wanting to vomit.

Feeling this way, Adier went straight into meditation without changing his face.

Ten minutes later, he opened his eyes again, and a look of joy appeared in his eyes: “The speed of meditation is more than half faster than usual, and the effect is much better than I expected.”

“Are there many such crows?”

Standing still, looking at the crow’s body on the wooden table in front of him, Adier asked calmly.

“Ah? Do you mean the corroding crow on the table?”

The silence was interrupted by Adier’s voice, and the gray robe girl on the opposite side first stunned, and then reacted: “It’s quite a lot.”

“This corrosive crow likes to circle in various forbidden areas, and it is dangerous and inedible, so not many people are willing to run into it.”

Listening to Adier, the girl said so.

Adier nodded: “What’s your name?”

“Ailier,” the girl said quickly, a pair of eyes secretly looked towards Adier, faintly looking forward.

However, to her disappointment, Adier was just nodded, not at all any other reaction.

The place was silent again.

In the girl’s puzzled eyes, standing at the wooden table, Adier quietly studied the corroding crow on the wooden table, without any reaction to other things.

After a while, it became darker outside.

The girl first took out something from one side, pressed it tightly against the door, locked the door tightly, and then took out some quilts that looked clean from the room on the side, and looked clean on the side. There was a simple wooden bed in the place.

After doing this, she walked into a small room aside, closed the iron room door, and seemed to be ready to rest.

Watching the girl ’s actions quietly, Adier’s face was calm. She didn’t react at all, just quietly doing what she was doing.

As the outside light fades, the surrounding light fades away.

Seeing this, Adier waved his hand directly, and a small amount of energy particles slowly gathered, forming a small light group around, which illuminated the surroundings.

After doing this, he looked towards the door.

As the night fell, what seemed to be changing in the outside world, various low voices kept ringing, giving people a thrilling feeling.

In addition, at this time, the surrounding negative energy particles also seem to be active, reacting with the weak force field around them, causing some impact.

Standing on the old wooden table, through the strong Spirit force, Adier faintly sensed that several people walked outside the door with the existence of a strange field of force, and even one of them bumped the door gently and issued a slight Squeaky collision.

boom! boom!

The sound of a soft collision suddenly came up from the floor, as if it were the sound of a basketball shot, constantly ringing in a quiet corner.

Listening to this voice, in the dark room, Ailier’s face was horrified, and he covered his face tightly with the clothes on his body, and seemed to be shaking.

Standing quietly in the living room, at this moment, Adier sensed that some strange atmosphere in the building became more active, with an inexplicable force field.

Feeling this, he looked calm, turned quietly and looked behind.

Behind, following the light, a woman in a long black dress with a very cold face was standing there quietly, staring at Adier viciously.

Her face was horrible, and most of her face was rotten. Her long black dress was also worn, and there were signs of being burned. The whole looked like a grudge, wandering in this high-rise building.

In the middle of the night being stared at by a woman like a resentment, I am afraid that even the boldest person will have a scalp.

“Is that strange field of force and the residual radiation in the high-rise building forming an unknown effect that caused the current situation?”

Adier stared at the woman with a resentful, ghost-like appearance on the opposite side, and Adier’s face was calm, but he frowned.

As his sorcerer, he can naturally see the true situation of the phenomenon in front of him, not really a ghost, but just a weird image and illusion.

This tall building once had a monster stayed for a while, leaving a heavy mark here, leaving a unique force field and radiation, and even engraving some things once.

The scene in front of me can be said to be an illusion, but it can also be said to be a unique weirdness formed by force fields and radiation.

Under normal circumstances, the scene in front of me is just an illusion, which is scary at most, but if certain conditions are met, I am afraid that this scene is not just as simple as illusion, but it can really kill people.

From the perspective of Adier now, the girl named Ailier is probably not far from meeting the conditions.

There was a dark shadow ahead.

Adier raised his head slightly, only to see that in front of him, the black skirt monster was slowly walking towards him, at this time it was only one meter away from him.

She reached out a burned right hand and grabbed Adier’s chest.

Standing in place, touching the female monster up close, looking at the other’s slowly coming arm, Adier’s face was calm, and he looked at the other’s movements quietly, his face remained unchanged.

A little ripple appeared around.

In front of Adier, the female monster maintained a venomous expression, and a crooked and twisted face stared at Adier tightly, but at this time half of her body was gone and was slowly dissipating.

Soon, her body completely disappeared, disappearing with the sound of peng peng, which originally sounded from time to time.

Standing still, watching this scene quietly, Adier was not surprised at all.

Although the female monster in front of me looks horrible, it is essentially a product of the reaction of force field and radiation. It may be very lethal to ordinary person, but it is not much to Adier.

You don’t even need to use spell, you just need to use your powerful Spirit to pry around the stance, interrupt the original reaction, and you can directly make the female monster in front of you disappear.

As the strange phenomenon in front of him disappeared, the surroundings returned to calm again.

The night passed quickly.

The next day, Ailier carefully opened the door of his room, and when he reached the dilapidated hall, he saw Adier training with a sword.

Adier held a black long sword in his hand, and calmly trained for a while in the spacious living room. Although it was only the basic sword technique and the movement was slow, the rapid and violent impact was still inevitable A jump in my heart.

Watching Adier’s movements and the black long sword in his hand, Ailier stared tightly, with a strong desire in his eyes.

After a while, Adier stopped training and quietly put his sword back on his waist.

Although he is already a wizard, he usually insists on training in a small section every day to ensure that the sword technique he masters will not become rusty.

“How did you sleep last night?”

With a sword on his waist, Adier walked to the side of the wooden table and said casually to Ailier coming out of the room.

“A little bit more comfortable than usual.”

While listening to Adier’s words, Ailier touched his hair, and asked a little unnaturally, “Did you encounter any strange things last night?”

“If the weird thing you are talking about is the sudden appearance of a scary woman in the middle of the night, then it should be.”

Standing in place, listening to Ailier’s words, Adier didn’t look back and said directly.


A light sound came from behind.

Seeming to be scared by what Adier said, Ailier’s subconscious foot was soft, and fell directly back to the ground, making a heavy noise.

Her face was horrified, and she could not care about the pain coming from her upper body. She looked at Adier in disbelief, “Did you really see it?”

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