In the spacious and shabby living room, sitting quietly on the ground, looking at Adier in front of him, Ailier’s face showed an extremely terrified expression, his eyes with a strong uneasiness.

She has lived in this tall building for four or five months.

In the beginning, it was okay. Although it was located on the edge of the danger zone, it was barely safe, and it was also close to those past villages. It was easy to search for something.

But in the last two months, she often felt that something was staring at her, and even one night, she faintly saw a woman’s face with half of her face rotten, staring with vicious eyes she was.

It all reached Peak recently, and she even felt several times that the woman was standing by her bed and staring at her quietly all night.

All this made her feel terrified, so when she heard Adier’s words at this moment, she felt a little cold.

Standing at the old wooden table, feeling the sight of Ailier, Adier didn’t turn around, but just opened the mouth and said: “You can rest assured for the time being, at least within a month, that thing will not appear again.”

He did not lie to her.

The remaining things in this building are not too strong, even if it just hurts an ordinary person, they need to stay in this building for a long time in order to let the other person infect the atmosphere here.

The scene that appeared last night was actually because Ailier stayed in this building for too long and had met the basic conditions for triggering.

If Adier wasn’t there, Ailier would be directly caught by the weirdness here last night, and there would be no accident.

After last night, the kind of weird force field left here has been affected by Adier. It is estimated that it will not be able to recover without a month or two, and it is unlikely to continue to appear.

Of course, if this girl doesn’t leave here before this time, then she will definitely not escape.

“One month?”

Listening to Adier’s words, Ailier slammed a shivered.

She stared at Adier, her mouth wide open, obviously wanting to say something.

It was just in front of her that Adier had not given her a chance.

He didn’t look at the girl in front of him, but just silently opened the front door of the living room and pressed his hands gently.

With a squeak, the door in front of him was opened by him.

Adier was calm, with a sword on his waist, and went straight out, apparently preparing to leave.

Walking outside the gate, cool air poured from the outside.

Standing in place, Adier turned back slightly, looking towards the door outside the meters outside the meters.

I saw there, a few white rough hairs did not know when it appeared, with a unique odor on it, I do n’t know what was left behind.

This was left by the creatures of last night and walked directly in front of the gate, leaving a little trace.

Through the monitoring of the chip, looking at the faint traces around him, Adier’s face was calm, and he went silently toward the distance.

Behind him, watching the silhouette of Adier’s departure, Ailier stood up quietly from the place, a face covered with horrible blood clots staring at Adier’s back, wondering what he was thinking.

Time is slowly passing.

After a while, her eyes became firm, and she ran directly to her room. After taking out a small bag from the bed, she rushed out quickly and ran quickly behind Adier.

Perceiving the silhouette of gasping for breath behind him, Adier’s face was slightly to one side, but he only glanced at, not at all.

After a few hours, in Ailier’s confused eyes, Adier walked to a familiar place again.

This is the former village. Everything around it seems to be unchanged. It looks old and worn, with a weird atmosphere.

Here, Adier pulled out a map from the package he was carrying.

The pan-yellow map looks shabby, with detailed topography of the area, and two obvious circles.

A few years ago, when Adier first came to this world, he saved an aristocrat named Aral and obtained the map from the other party.

There are two obvious circles on the map, one of which is this village, and the other is obviously where Aral was located.

Coming to this world again, this map just works.

Looking at the map quietly, Adier was lost in thought, thinking about this next destination.

At this time, his main purpose was to obtain the resources of this world, especially those strangely born Crystal Nuclei, so as to make himself reach the standard of being promoted to a formal wizard as soon as possible.

To achieve this, the biggest difficulty for Adier is to find those weird places.

After all, for his outsider, the situation of this world is completely obscured. Alone is looking for those places where there are weird things. The efficiency certainly does not raise.

Thinking of this, looking at the dangerous areas marked with red lines on the map, and the directions marked above, Adier quickly made a decision.

“Go all the way in the direction marked on the map. If you can, it’s best to try out those dangerous areas.”

With a decision in mind, Adier put away the map and walked towards the side road.

Beside him, Ailier was wearing a dirty gray robe and carrying a big bag in his hand, and he followed the steps of Adier consciously.

After a long walk, Adier stopped at one place and was ready to rest until it was near night.

They found a cave. In the cold cave, Ailier erected a match with his hands and feet, and was igniting with flint.

“Sir, would you like to eat some?”

After lighting the fire, Ailier sighed in relief, then took out a few white plant rhizomes from the bag on the side, and it looked like it was washed clean.

Giving a quiet glance at Ailier, watching what the other handed over, Adier looked calm and caught it.

“The test is completed without any toxicity …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

Listening to the chip’s cue and glancing at Ailier aside, Adier took a bite.

The dry taste came from the mouth, with a thin sweetness, swirling for a long time.

At night, Ailier curled up in the corner, tightly wrapped his gray robe, and barely fell asleep.

The cave was already very cold, because she had been chasing Adier because of her eagerness to catch too much stuff on her body. At this time, she could only wrap her clothes and sleep on the ground with the cold.

Outside, noisy sounds keep coming, which makes people feel a bit depressed in this environment.

Listening to the outside voice, Adier stood up quietly and went out.

I just walked outside the cave, and in front of me was a silhouette that was more than three meters high.

It was a monster with three feet, covered with gray hair and a jackal head, and was slowly crawling towards the cave at this time, it seemed to be aware of the strange atmosphere inside.

After seeing Adier, it was loudly roared, rushing towards Adier at a very fast speed, and struck a black shadow in the moonlight.

However, when he rushed in front of Adier, it suddenly flew upside down, and there was a dent in the chest, a little blood on it.

At the next moment, a silver light flashed.

Adier stepped on this monster’s chest, and blood dripped slowly from the black long sword of the right hand.

Under him, the breath of monster’s life had completely disappeared, and he was directly killed by one sword.

“An unknown energy effect was detected, and the subject’s physical fitness began to improve.” At this moment, the sound of the chip machinery in his mind sounded again.

Listening to the mechanical prompts in his head, watching his growing body attributes, Adier’s eyes showed a happy look: “It really works.”

Through the detection of the chip, he clearly saw the growth of his physical data. In addition to the growth of physical attributes, even the Spirit’s strength has increased slightly.

This immediately made him sighed in relief.

Originally, Adier also worried that this unknown Strength could only strengthen the body and not affect the Spirit. Now that the results are obtained, it can be assured.

“Since the Strength obtained by killing these monsters can increase my Spirit’s power, then the kind of Crystal Nuclei should be the same.”

Standing in place, looking at the distant scene, Adier flashed the thought in his mind.

Regarding the unique Strength of this world, although Adier does not know exactly what it is, he can record the exact nature of the Strength through a chip.

Through the detection of the chip, Adier understands that the Strength obtained by the strange creature of Slaughter is the same as the Crystal Nuclei obtained after the weirdness is eliminated, but the Strength property is the same, only the difference in Strength.

Therefore, since the Strength obtained by the strange creature of Slaughter can increase the Spirit power, the Strength contained in the Crystal Nuclei can naturally also be used.

For Adier, this is undoubtedly good news.

Gently put away the long sword on your hand, Adier turned around and looked around.

With Half-Elf’s good vision, even in the dark, under the light of the thin moon, he still saw clearly.

In the wilderness outside the cave, as the night fell, some creatures became active, constantly walking around, making various sounds.

However, despite this, the number of mutated creatures is not large, and it can be compared with Adier’s feet, not at all. The number of horrors in imagination.

Looking at this scene quietly, Adier’s face was calm: “It seems that even in this world, there is not much such a monster as Knight’s mutant monster.”

Compared to the large amount of energy contained in Crystal Nuclei, the strength obtained by this mutant mutant monster method is very low. For Adier’s current level, at least killing at least Knight level will have a significant effect.

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