The next day, the sun spread down in Shino, bringing warmth to the earth.

Ailier slowly woke up in the damp cave, disturbed by a slight noise.

After sleeping in the wet and cold environment for one night, she was obviously very uncomfortable. At this time, not only her head was a little dizzy, but her body was very tired. There was obviously something wrong.

But for this situation, she did not care at all.

Even if it is a girl, as a scavenger who lives alone in the wild, Ailier is not so arrogant. Although the situation in front of him is uncomfortable, it can be considered good luck without encountering any unexpected circumstances.

The world in this world is not a safe place. The ordinary person lives alone in the field, and it is easy to bring in some things. Countless people are killed for this.

“Fortunately, my luck is not that bad.”

Just regaining consciousness, Ailier shook his head lightly, dispelled the feeling of dizziness, and thought fortunately.

She had just flashed the thought, and then looked back, and suddenly complexion changed greatly, and quickly crawled backwards with hands and feet.

Behind several meters behind her, a tall monster with a full length of more than three meters and three feet was lying there. Although motionless, it also exuded a terrifying atmosphere.

On the side of this monster, there are several tall bugs, which are also lying on one side at this time, seemingly asleep.

This scene suddenly shocked her, as if she unknowingly entered the monster’s nest.

While she was stiff and afraid to move, a voice suddenly sounded beside her: “Now that you are awake, go and dispose of those corpses.”

Aside from the cave, Adier looked at the scenery outside the cave, facing Ailier without opening his mouth and said.

“Body?” Ailier frowned.

Hesitating for a moment, she stood up and slowly walked forward, walking very slowly and looking very cautiously.

In the process, the huge monsters in front did not respond at all to her approach, and still lay on the ground quietly.

Just a moment ago, a faint bloody smell came over, making her face pale.

With the dim light, she could see the scene ahead.

On several tall monsters, several extremely deep wounds were clearly visible, except that there were no changes from usual.

Looking at this scene, she couldn’t help looking at Adier in the distance, some could not believe it.

These monsters have sword marks on their bodies, and the bodies are very complete. Obviously, they were not killed by each other, but were killed.

However, this kind of frontal battle with mutant monsters has never been able to do so in Ailier’s memory, which makes her somewhat unbelievable.

But the truth is here, after a short shock, she soon left the unbelievable mood in her heart and turned into excitement.

From the bag she carried around, she took out a black knife that had rusted, and then cautiously walked up to those few corpses.

Strictly speaking, the corpses of these mutant creatures are basically edible, and because of the mutation, they have some unique characteristics, and the materials are very precious, even for Adier.

Just outside the wilderness, the bodies of these mutant monsters are too large to be carried easily and will be left by Adier.

But after one night of research, Adier also got some results from these mutant organisms.

Obviously, these mutant creatures are not normally generated, but belong to a unique semi-polluted body. Like the previous corroding crow, they were generally polluted by the surrounding environment, and finally changed from normal creatures to what they are now.

Although it is a contaminated body, for the wizard, much of the material on these mutant creatures can be used, which is not bad in value.

This is also the advantage of the new World.

If it is on a Southern Continent side, like this kind of mutated creature with a certain value, I am afraid that it has been hunted and cleaned by those wizards all over the world, it cannot be everywhere like this.


A crisp sound rang from behind him.

Listening to the sound, Adier leaned slightly and looked towards behind.

Next to the body of a Head Insect beast, Ailier looked awkwardly at the broken knife in his hand.

The shell of the worm’s body is too hard. According to Adier’s own tests, it is already comparable to some armors. It is undoubtedly difficult to open the shell.

At least the strength of ordinary weapons is probably not as good as the shells of these insects.

Standing in place, watching Ailier’s movements behind him, Adier reached out, took out a silver dagger from one side, and threw it directly.

This dagger was brought by Adier from Academy. Not only is the material very good, but it also uses some alchemy techniques, which is very sharp.

He looked at the dagger that had fallen to the ground in front of him, and Ailier stung him, then quickly picked it up and continued the previous action.

The sturdy shell of the beast was divided hard under the dagger, exposing the flesh inside.

In the wet cave, Ailier cut off several pieces of meat in a row, cautiously packed them into a bag, and then walked to Adier: “Master, almost ready.”

While talking, she looked reluctantly at the corpse of the mutant creature behind her, with pity and distress in her eyes.

To her, the bodies of those mutated creatures are very precious things. If there is an opportunity, naturally she wants to take them all away.

But unfortunately, even if you are not willing to live outside the wilderness, you can only give up obediently.

Holding a big bag struggling, Ailier struggled to keep up with Adier’s footsteps and slowly walked towards the road ahead.

Occasionally, there are some beasts on the road, and some mutant monsters.

Under Ailier’s fierce gaze, Adier just drew his sword gently. No matter what horrible things were in front of him, he was immediately killed on the spot.

This force not only made her eyes more and more hot, but also added a peace of mind to her, and no longer had the shackles.

A few days along the way, they came to a stream.

At this point, Adier stopped silently.

On the side, watching Adier’s silhouette stop, Ailier consciously lowered the bag in his hand, dragged his exhausted body to look around for dry firewood, ready to light a fire.

After a while, she picked up some dead branches and gathered them to light it.

The thick smoke slowly ignited and slowly drifted away.

Looking at this scene, Ailier was subconsciously a little hesitant, but after seeing the silhouette standing aside, he felt relieved.

In this world, wildfires are also a very dangerous thing, and it is easy to attract various things, even mutant monsters.

But now that Adier is around, it’s okay.

Over the past few days, she can see more than a dozen mutant monsters every day, but all of them are easily solved by Adier, even without the need for a second sword.

Such terrible force, naturally need not fear anything, in Ailier want to come, just need to be careful not to encounter those weird, no matter where you can live well, no need to fear.

Of course, the real reason for this is still Adier.

During this time, she had a faint feeling. Adier seemed to intentionally let those monsters come to her door, so that made her do that.

The fire was gradually burning, and after a while, a little bit of black smoke gradually drifted into the sky, which seemed very clear in this area.

Around, a little low voice began to ring, and there were faint creeps, which was cause for concern.

But listening to these sounds, whether it is Adier or Ailier, there is no change in his face, it seems that he has been used to this scene.


Sitting on the ground, Ailier suddenly turned in a distance.

There were boring sounds in the distance, becoming clearer and clearer, as if something was coming, slowly approaching this side.

For this situation, Ailier is very familiar with it. Eight-nine is some of the mutant monsters that have been introduced, attracted by the thick smoke here.

But this time, she was surprised by what ran in the distance.

In the distance, as the sound became clearer, several silhouettes slowly emerged.

There were a few men in black robes with long swords on their waists, and they were riding on horses towards the place where Adier was.

In the middle of several black robed men, a middle-aged man, wearing black leather armor, was also riding a horse, and looked a little embarrassed.

“Master Thor! Hold on for a while !!”

On the side, a black robed man looked anxiously: “There is black smoke in front of it, there should be other nobles, and when we get there, we will be safe !!”

On the side, the middle-aged man’s face was a little tired, but after listening to his guard’s words, he was still fiercely nodded.

They rushed forward, as if something behind them seemed to be chasing them, exhausting them.

Roar! ! !

A terrifying roar came from behind, making everyone scary.

I saw behind this entire group, a monster more than four meters tall chased quickly.

It was a monster that looked very similar to an ape, with yellow hair and densely packed black dots on its arms. At this time, it was chasing after several people.

The pedestrian ran a long distance all the way, and soon approached where Adier and the others were.

What makes this group of black robed men stupid is that in the smoky place, not at all the large number of noble guards they imagined, there was only one young and handsome nobleman who looked very handsome, and a servant wearing a gray robe.

“Just two people dare to come to the wild, is this their own courting death?”

Looking at the scene ahead, the middle-aged man named Thor paused for a moment, never thinking of such a scene.

Since the beginning of the mutation seven years ago, the wildness of this world has become extremely dangerous. Various mutant creatures are everywhere, and they can even confront the army.

In such a dangerous environment, which aristocracy would not dare to cautiously come out with a lot of armed forces? It ’s as if an outing like Adier is out, and I ca n’t say it ’s unique, but most of them are probably in the stomachs of mutant monsters.

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