“Sir! What shall we do now?”

Zerma Mercedes was on the road, and a black robe guard looked at Thor opened the mouth and said, his face looked a little dazed.

Protected by a group of black robe guards, he looked at the two Adiers in the distance and felt the sound of vibrations getting closer behind him. Thor gritted his teeth. “

“Since they came to court for their own death, they just helped us drag the monster behind!”

Gently glancing at the monster with golden hair behind him, Thor was a bit timid and said with his teeth open.

Listening to his words, other people did not export, apparently did not have any objection.

For the monster behind them, they were completely trembling.

When they came to the wild this time, they brought at least dozens of elite soldiers. After encountering this monster, they were completely destroyed by the other party within a short time. Only a few of them barely ran out and were killed. The other party was chased in anger.

But with the brutality of that monster, once it was overtaken, it was only torn up one end.

“Master Adier!”

Looking at the few black robed men returning from his side, Ailier stood up, facing the Adier opened the mouth and said a little uneasily.

The appearance of these people is very abnormal at first glance. From her experience, there are ten troubles behind eight-nine.

Even if she had confidence in Adier, the sense of crisis in her heart made her stand up and reminded Adier.

Aside, after hearing Ailier’s words, Adier stood up silently, looking towards the distance.

With his eyesight, the distant scenes can be seen very clearly. At this time, he also saw the monster behind him.

He was naturally very clear about the other party’s intentions, but he did not care about them.

Silently reaching out to pull out the long sword on his waist, he walked to Ailier’s body. She was behind her, then stood still, watching the silhouette in the distance quietly and rushing towards here.

Without any hesitation, in the front, after coming to Adier’s location, several Knights without the slightest hesitation passed by and walked directly in front of Adier, without the slightest reminder.

Roar! ! !

The roar of roar came from behind, and a little shadow slowly covered the place.

Under the gaze of Adier, a full four-meter-high angry ape noticed here, and at this time was rushing towards him, the huge body caused a violent air flow in the space.

“The voice started to decrease, what happened?”

On the other side, Zerma was walking along the road, listening to the sound that was getting farther behind him, and Thor was a little confused.

He certainly knew that with the Monster’s strength at the other end, the two people could not hold him back for a long time, at least attracted the attention of the other party, and could not delay it for a long time.

But before him, the hissing sound of the monster behind him was getting farther and farther, which made them feel strange.

“Is that monster already killed enough, so I haven’t chased it now?”

This thought flashed in his mind, and he couldn’t help but be glad and confused.

“Master! Look at the back!” A terrified voice sounded beside him.

On the side of Thor, a black robe guard on horseback looked towards behind, his face with an incredible expression.

Following his voice, the others looked instinctively behind them, but saw a scene that shocked them.

Bang!! !

A loud crash sounded in front of him.

Standing silently, Adier’s face was calm, and he flicked the opponent out.

The strength of the mutant monster in front of him is very good. It is already comparable to some top Knights, but for Adier, that’s it.

With Ailier’s almost fanatical gaze behind him, Adier flicked the opponent with a sword, and then a little silver light lit up quickly, bringing a sword mark.

A head that was twice the size of an ordinary person flew out, and the blood of the black red sputtered around, and scattered around.

Looking at this scene quietly, Adier’s face was calm, and he silently put away the sword in his hand, as if he had done a little thing.

From a distance, looking at this scene, Thor’s expressions were completely dull, and it seemed that he had never thought that such a thing would happen.

“Master · Master.”

Aside, a black robe guard stared at Thor: “Should we keep running?”

Listening to this, Thor reacted.

He must be in his heart, but after thinking about it, he made a decision.

“Stop right now! Let’s go back!”

He slowly stopped the horse and instructed several people around him.

“Unfortunately, we are just …”

On the one side, a black robe guard face was embarrassed: “Now I see that monster is cleaned up and go back immediately. Will the other person be bad for you?”

The opponent is also not a fool, they just look like that, it is clear that they are holding each other as a shield. As a result, he turned his head as soon as he saw that the other party had cleared up the trouble.

If you are your own person, if they are inexplicably counted as such, they will definitely find the other party to make the calculation, so that the other party understands to provoke them.

“Go back then too!”

On one side, Thor’s face was decisive, and he took a firm look at the head: “Don’t you guys look at where it is?”

“In the wilderness, it’s just a few of us. If we don’t go back, we will not be able to live tomorrow.”

Listening to these words, a few people around for a moment suddenly, after reacting, his face could not help but smile bitterly.

The wilderness area is far more dangerous than they imagined. The monster that just mutated is definitely more than one. In their current situation, if they encounter it again, I am afraid there is only one dead end.

“Looking at each other, although they are probably not natives, they should also be nobles.”

Looking at the appearance of several subordinates, Thor said again: “Since they are all nobles, it is possible to negotiate. Although it is equally dangerous, it is better than the monsters we encountered in the wilderness!”

Thinking of this, their hearts suddenly became certain, and they slowly rushed in the direction of Adier.

“Master Adier.”

Looking at Thor and the others slowly coming in the distance, Ailier was a little disturbed, and quickly looked at Adier.

“Just be your own.”

On the other side, Adier stood in front of the mutant monster’s body, listening to Ailier’s words, and opened his mouth and said without looking back.

Adier is very interested in the body of this mutant monster in front of him.

“Although these mutant creatures do not have the ancient Bloodline, they also have some unique properties. Using the blood of these creatures as raw materials, based on the existing formula, it should be possible to develop some new agents.”

After quietly observing the corpse in front of him, Adier whispered to himself after a rough inspection.

“Unfortunately, the current environment is not suitable. After it has stabilized in the future, it will be possible to catch some powerful mutant organisms for experiments in this area.”

Standing in place, after thinking a little, Adier dispelled the thought of wanting to study, but looked at the corpse in front of him unfortunately: “It’s a pity that this mutant creature’s corpse.”

Behind him, a low hissing sound came slowly.

As they approached Adier, the Thors stepped off the horse and approached Adier with some caution, seemingly afraid that Adier would be vigilant.

“This lord …”

Going forward, after seeing what Adier looked like, the hearts of them were slightly relaxed.

Although the appearance is somewhat different from the people here, the other party does not look like he likes killing, but looks like a very well-educated aristocratic boy, and should be able to negotiate.

But looking at the corpse under his feet, Thor remained vigilant, with some apologies on his face: “We are very sorry for what happened.”

“We have been chased by that monster for too long, and we have no time to pay attention to the road ahead, so we accidentally brought that monster here.”

He apologized and said sincerely.

What made them nervous, however, was that Adier had no reaction to his explanation and showed nothing.

Seeing Adier’s response, he couldn’t help but take a sack from the horse in front of him and put it on the ground: “In order to show our sincere apologies, I am willing to compensate you.”

“Are you familiar with this area?”

Ahead, listening to Thor’s words behind him, Adier turned around and watched him speak.

Listening to this, Thor’s mind was stunned, and he quickly nodded and said, “I’m Baron near here, and I’m familiar with many places in this area.”

“Sir, if you need someone to lead the way, we would like to play this role.”

He looked at Adier and said seriously.

Opposite, listening to Thor’s words, Adier also nodded: “I wonder if there is any forbidden area around here?”

“Forbidden?” On the opposite side, Thor was a little confused, listening to Adier’s words, but still opened the mouth and said: “There are not a lot of forbidden places near here, and I know there are several places.”

“But most of those forbidden places have some weird existence, which is very dangerous in itself, so I have not been to specific places, just to know the approximate location.”

Standing in place, after thinking for a moment, Thor’s face was abnormal, and his voice was a little trembling: “Sir, wouldn’t you want to go to these forbidden areas?”

Facing his eyes, Adier’s face was calm and straightforward nodded.

He really wanted to go to the forbidden ground, and wanted to see if he could run into some weirdness and get some Crystal Nuclei.

Standing in front of him, listening to Adier nodded, Thor’s subconscious corner of mouth twitching, not sure what to say.

It wasn’t just him. After hearing Adier’s words, even Ailier, who was always silent, couldn’t help turning his face, almost thinking that Adier was crazy.

“You just have to take us to the outer areas of the forbidden area nearby to see it, and you don’t need to do anything more.”

Opposite, looking at Thor and the others, Adier also opened the mouth and said, without forcing them to do anything.

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