Outside the barren village, black land is constantly spreading outward.

A little dried blood appeared on the black land, and it looked like new.

“Master … are we really going in?”

Outside, there was a slight sound of horseshoes. Sitting on the horse, Thor had a bitter grin on his face, watching Adier asking.

“This is already the periphery of the forbidden area. There are no signs of life around it. If we walk in again, I’m afraid we will encounter something weird.”

With a bitter grin on his face, he looked at Adier and advised: “If you have any needs, you can go back and send someone to explore, there is no need to take the risk in person.”

This was the true idea in his mind.

Since this time, they have learned a lot about Adier’s force.

Even terrifying monsters that are enough to destroy a small army cannot do much with Adier.

This kind of force can be called astonishing in this world, even if it is Thor, a well-informed person, they can’t help but feel hot.

With this class of Strength, you can have a good life everywhere, why bother to venture in those forbidden areas.

“If you don’t want to go in, just wait for me outside.”

Listening to Thor’s words, Adier’s expression remained unchanged, watching them say.

“This … okay.”

Hesitating in my heart, in the end Thor was still nodded and didn’t say much.

“Just here.”

After a while, walking to some place, Adier opened the mouth and said, and signaled the others to stop here before continuing to walk inside.

Behind him, looking at Adier’s back, Thor hesitated.

The forbidden ground is ahead. In such a dangerous place, if you dare to go in with Adier, you may get some favors from the other party.

But the danger of the forbidden area also needs to be considered. Although the force that Adier showed during this period is amazing, if it really meets those horrible weirdness, it is also very dangerous, and it may not be able to take care of them. In the end, maybe they will be folded in.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated in his heart, looking directly at the side follower opened the mouth and said: “Let’s wait here, remember not to run around.”

Aside, listening to his words, the others were silently nodded.

Ahead, Adier’s silhouette walked slowly.

Walking to the gate of the village in front, he stopped and looked silently towards the front.

In front of this is the ruins of a village.

There was dust and blood everywhere, like a battlefield once, where it was quiet for hundreds of years.

“High-energy radiation detected …” In his head, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

Listening to the sound of the chip in his head, Adier’s heart moved slightly, and he strode straight in.

Into it, a faint bloody smell came from a distance, fatly discernible, but very clear.

Smelling this smell, Adier did not respond, and still walked forward calmly.

I don’t know when it started to change around.

There was a bit of noise in the ruins of the otherwise quiet terrifying.

Listening to these voices, Adier turned his head slightly, and turned around, looking towards the front.

The surrounding scene began to change.

On the original ruins, houses rise up from the ground, looking a bit old.

Throughout the village, each and everyone villagers walked through it, doing their own things, looking very busy.

But it is strange that standing in the village, these villagers seem to have not seen Adier, they are doing their own things, no one cares about him.

Standing in the crowd, Adier had a weird feeling isolated by the entire World.

hehe hee …

The laughter of children from a distance caught Adier’s attention.

He looked towards the end of the village, where a few children were chasing and chasing each other, making clear laughter from time to time.

They laughed and hurried towards Adier, and they seemed to have no notice of Adier standing in front of them.


With a crisp crash, a little boy slammed into Adier’s body and fell directly to the ground, making a sound.

When he fell to the ground, the boy shook his head, and seemed a little confused as to why he fell, so he looked up.

“Big brother … you hit me.”

Seems to find something, looking at Adier standing in front of him, the boy’s face wrinkled, and he was very wronged to opened the mouth and said.

As the boy spoke, the surrounding World suddenly returned to silence.

Staring quietly at the little boy in front of him, Adier’s face was calm, without any reaction.

I do not know when, around him, each and everyone silhouette gathered around.

It was the villagers in the village, standing around Adier at this time, but different faces were indifferent, staring at him empty.


Feeling everything around him, Adier flashed the thought in his mind.

Before we can do anything, the surrounding scene changes again.

A little bit of black and red blood kept flowing down. Under Adier’s eyes, blood stains and wounds appeared on the faces of the surrounding villagers, and the whole face was densely blurred.

In front, the boy’s whole skin began to disappear, leaving only bloody flesh.

He stood there, sending painful wailing, looking terrifying.

An ignition energy particle quickly gathered, and condensed into a violent Fireball in front of Adier, and fiercely hit the boy.


A sharp wailing came.

Under the gaze of Adier’s eyes, the Fireball in front of him skipped the boy’s fleshly body, fiercely hit the ground and smashed the ground out of a two-meter-high fire pit.

The next moment, the scene suddenly changed, and the originally quiet environment became noisy again.

Adier turned and looked around.

Behind him, the flesh and blood of each and everyone silhouette has disappeared. In the distant house, each and everyone looks like a villager who is no different from ordinary people. They are doing their own work on this hand, so natural.

hehe hee …

The children’s laughter appeared again ahead.

Under Adier’s gaze, the children in front of them ran towards it. One of the boys slammed into Adier as before.

But this time, when the opponent was about to hit him, Adier’s body was slightly on one side, and he directly avoided the silhouette of the opponent, without being hit by the opponent.

The child joked and ran to the distance, and the silhouette disappeared in the village.

But the next moment, Adier’s eyes were frozen.

In front of him, a burst of laughter sounded again, and a few children rushed towards this place, unchanged from before.


“Half an hour has passed, haven’t you come out yet?”

A few hundred meters outside the village, on a piece of bare land, the Thors stood silently, looking at the distantly visible village at this time, their faces were a little dignified.

“Sir, will that Lord Knight …”

Aside, a black robe guard looked at the distance, his face was also dignified, and the vaguely opened the mouth and said.

Listening to his words, there was a moment of silence around him, just the sound of a breeze whistling through his ears.

“We wait for another half an hour.”

Looking at the distant existence, Thor said with a solemn expression: “After half an hour, if Lord Knight has not yet appeared, we will retreat and wait a little farther.”

“Yes!” A few people around answered.

“Ah!” Cry out in surprise.

“What’s wrong?” The faces of several people suddenly tightened, conditioned reflexes touched their weapons, and then looked towards the direction of the sound.

“Blood … a lot of blood …”

Beside them, Ailier looked at his side in fear.

Behind her, there was a small pit with black red blood in it, and there was a continuous odor.

There was some hay on the pit to cover this, so they could not be found before, and have not been seen until now.

Glancing at each other, Thor and the others’ faces suddenly became dignified.

On the side, a black robe guard pulled up the long knife on his waist and walked slowly towards the small pit.

He cautiously approached there. After reaching a certain distance, he did not step forward, and picked out the hay directly with a knife, exposing the covered scene.

It was a pit more than two meters wide, which looked very deep, all covered with black red blood.

Above the bloody water, a stinging human head emerged quietly, every inch of skin was bloody, and a pair of blood-colored eyes with resentment, frozen at the moment before death.

If you look closely, you can see that this human head is not too big, it should be a child, and the skin on the surface has been peeled off, which seems very scary.

“Damn …”

Looking at this scene, the faces of several people present were a little disgusting.

Standing in place, the black robe guard who came forward now gritted his teeth and touched the long knife directly in his hand.

With a slight sound, the horrible human head got out of the blood and rolled straight on the black ground.

“Hu ···”

Looking at the scene in front of me, Thor relaxed, and the string that was tight in his heart also loosened: “It’s okay, there is only a human head, nothing.”

Standing around him, the rest of the black robed man secretly relaxed, no longer nervous.

Living in this world, to them only, the dead bodies of those who have not seen a thousand or at least eight hundred, a skinned head is nothing at all.

As long as it is not as weird as a corpse, but only a corpse, no matter how terrible it will not scare them.

Even the girl, Ailier, has seen more than one or two times for the corpse because she has been scavenging in the wild all year round. When she saw the head at this time, her face was paler, not at all.

They didn’t care about this episode.

However, what they didn’t find is that in the original blood hole, as the human head left the place, a little ripple was emerging.

A pale arm slowly stretched out of the blood.

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