In the quiet field, the dark earth covered everything around, and a little green was invisible.

In a blood pit more than two meters wide, a pale arm slammed out, and a full two-meter-high body crawled out of the blood pit.

This corpse had no inch of skin all over it, and it looked like it had been peeled off. It was covered with flesh and blood, and only a pair of bloody eyes with endless hatred were intact, with endless resentment towards the living.

The blood corpse opened a pair of horrible eyes and slowly walked forward, leaving every step leaving a blood red footprint on the spot.

He didn’t walk fast, and he had a lot of movement. Every step would leave a deep footprint and make a dull noise.

However, it is strange that even if there is such a big movement, the people in front of it seem to hear nothing, and the expression on his face has not changed at all.

“It’s getting cold all around …”

Standing in place, the black robe guard who picked up the head before feeling faintly felt a bit wrong, and turned to look at the blood pit before.

In that direction, the blood corpse looked like flesh and blood, walking forward with a pair of horrified eyes.

But in the eyes of this black robe guard, not at all what blood corpse, just that huge blood pit.

An inexplicable Strength has blocked everyone’s perception, making them unable to notice the coming of terror, and has come to them.

“It should be an illusion.”

Looking at the scene without any changes in front, standing in place, the guard of the black robe must be in his heart, can’t help flashing this thought.

Where he could not see, a bloody corpse had come to him, only two or three meters away from him at this time.

Staring at the guard in front of him, the blood corpse stretched out his hand with only flesh left, reaching forward.

This is an extremely scary scene. A scary blood corpse is standing in front of himself, and even has shot, but the other person still has not found it, it is frightening.

Standing in front of the blood corpse, at this moment, the black robe guard was stunned, an inexplicable thriller emerged from his heart, with a strong bloody air assaults the senses.


The miserable shout came from the place, and at the final checkpoint, the guard finally saw what was there.

Before he could reflect, a bloody arm passed through his chest, killing him instantly.

However, the scream that he made before his death warned the people around him, and they could not help looking at it.

In front of them, a two-meter-high blood corpse stood quietly in place, and a large bloody hand was holding a corpse.

As soon as he saw this scene, everyone’s eyes narrowed.

“Damn, the weirdness here has erupted!”

Looking at the bloodstone in front, Thor was terrified, and hurriedly pulled the horse beside him, preparing to escape from here.

However, for no reason, no matter what he did, the horse under his feet just stayed still, standing still, without any trace of movement.

In front of him, a bloody shadow appeared quickly, standing quietly in front of his eyes.

“It’s over!!”

Looking at the tall blood corpse in front of him, Thor flashed a look of despair, no longer having any luck.

“Master Thor !!”

Looking around, looking at the blood corpse in front of Thor, several black robe guards exclaimed.


A shadow appeared quickly and slammed into place.

Standing in front of Thor’s eyes, the tall blood corpse was hit by fiercely before he could shoot.

In front of the crowd, Adier was holding a black long sword. At this moment, his body looked a little embarrassed, and a pair of sharp eyes fiercely stared at the blood corpse in front.

There was no hesitation, the moment he saw the bloody corpse, the long sword fiercely on his hand was chopped, a silver light of the word flashed, and it was directly hacked on the blood corpse.

bump! !!

A strong collision sound came from a distance, as if the sound of a steel collision was violent.

Forcibly received a blow from Adier, the blood corpse in front flew several meters away again, and a deep sword mark was added to the flesh on the waist.

However, at the next moment, the tentacles made of flesh and blood at the wound continued to stretch out, quickly healing the wound again, and returning to the original state again.

But despite recovering, in the dark, the Blood Corpse’s Strength suddenly dropped a lot.

Adier’s blow was not so good.

As a wizard, even if you are accustomed to using melee to solve your opponent, some energy particles will also be attached to the sword to cause greater lethality.

To an ordinary person, although this blood corpse can be called Body of Undying, it is actually that’s all to a wizard.

Not to mention a wizard, even Knight who has activated Life Seed can use Life Energy to completely destroy it.

Roar! ! !

In the distance, it seemed to understand that Adier was not easy to mess with. The tall blood corpse issued a roaring roar, and then suddenly looked towards Adier.

His speed is very fast, although only flesh and blood is left, but the speed is comparable to the top Knight. At this time, the rushing violently, leaving waves of whistling in the surrounding space.

Looking around, watching the scene, the others complexion changed.

With their Strength, they could only see a bloody silhouette, not even the actions of the blood corpse.

Just the strong wind pressure caused by the other party’s actions is enough to make them feel uncomfortable or even weak.

bump! !! !!

A louder crash came.

In front of Adier, the blood corpse rushed over, and then was hit at a faster speed. Fiercely hit the ground outside the several meters, and there was a large hole half a meter wide in the chest. A huge Strength forcibly penetrated.

Suffering from this severe blow on the front side, although the body of the blood corpse was still slowly recovering, it healed very slowly, hindered by the mana attached to the wound, and could not recover immediately.

“What a terrible Strength …”

In the distance, watching this scene quietly, the hearts of several people were completely dull.

If before, the scene where Adier confronted mutant monsters shocked them, then the scene now appears to be subversion.

In this world, weirdness is synonymous with horror and terrifying. The source of the scourge that can’t be eliminated by even more army encirclement is almost impossible to be eliminated by people.

But what do they see now? A living weird being beaten in a rolling manner, there is still a bit of horror.

“With such a Strength, it’s no wonder you ventured to the forbidden ground.”

Aside, looking at the scene in front of him, Thor’s eyes showed a fiery enthusiasm: “If you can have such Strength, what a danger in the forbidden area is nothing!”

Ahead, in the eyes of everyone, Adier slightly frowned, ignoring the blood corpse in front of him, but moved, and came to Ailier’s body.

“Master Adier, why …”

Watching Adier’s silhouette come to himself in a flash, Ailier whispered softly.

Before she could finish speaking, standing in front of her, Adier’s face was calm, and the long sword in his hand crossed a silver light, and fiercely cut it down.

In the eyes of everyone, as Adier’s long sword split forward, a tall silhouette appeared in front of them, and a horrifying face was staring at them.

This was obviously another blood corpse. I didn’t know where to crawl out and was discovered by Adier.

In a split second, the bloody corpse was fiercely split in front of him, and his two bloody thighs were cut off, leaving only his upper body intact.

Looking at this horrible scene, everyone present was a little scared.

If it weren’t for Adier, their group would not have killed a single corpse, let alone two.

Standing in place, Adier walked forward without looking too much, and gave each blood corpse a sword directly.

As the energy particles spread through the long sword, the last Strength of the two blood corpses is consumed, and the source of activity is lost.

“The subject is affected by the unknown Strength, and his physical fitness begins to improve …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

Listening to the sound of the chip in his head, feeling the warm current emerging from his body, Adier’s face was calm.

After doing all this, standing beside the blood corpse, he watched the next change quietly.

Under his gaze, faint light appeared on the two blood corpses, spreading on the corpse like a blazing flame, burning his flesh and blood, leaving only two nail-sized black Crystal Nuclei.

Silently put away two Crystal Nuclei, feeling the slight warm current on his body, Adier must be in his mind.

“Fortunately, we can still encounter these two blood corpses, otherwise this trip will be nothing.”

Standing in place, looking at the two corpses with only bones under his feet, the thought flashed in Adier’s mind.

This place is indeed a forbidden area, and in the eyes of Adier, it is still very serious.

There is a deep breath in the ruins of the village ahead, full of strangeness and illusion.

Even for Adier, the stuff here is also very dangerous, so after a short tentative test, confirming that he can’t solve it in a short time, he resolutely retreated, and did not expect a few blood corpses that just sensed the external recovery.

“Master Adier …”

Ahead, seeing Adier settling two blood corpses, several people standing in place were relaxed and hurried forward.

After the previous scene, they are now filled with a sense of crisis, for fear that a blood corpse suddenly emerged.

Only by standing next to Adier can they feel a little secure.

“Is this weird?”

Walking to Adier and seeing the bloody body that had turned into bones in front of him, Thor whispered solemnly: “It’s really terrifying.”

“Master Adier, do you still need to go in?”

He looked at Adier standing aside and asked.

Suddenly, the eyes of several people around him also stared at Adier.

Feeling the gaze of everyone, Adier shook his head slightly. “It’s no longer necessary to go in.”

He hasn’t waited for the surrounding people to relax, he added again: “But I want to keep the bodies left by these two blood corpses, and I’ll take them with me later.”

Suddenly, the corner of mouth twitching everyone around.

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