Standing on the endless black field, standing in front of the two corpse bones, listening to Adier’s words, including Thor, everyone could not help corner of mouth twitching.

They have always avoided things like this weird, for fear of something unexpected.

Although the two in front of us are weird, but if they are carried around, no one can know whether there will be any accidents in the middle.

Seeming to understand everyone’s thoughts, Adier opened the mouth and said: “Strength on these two blood corpses has disappeared, and if you pay attention, there will be no accidents.”

Listening to this, Thor nodded, bearing the slight discomfort in his heart, commanding his subordinates to pack up the two bones.

After doing this, they continued to make a circle around.

Although the forbidden area in front of it is very dangerous, it is densely packed with twisted radiation, which has made life in this area almost extinct.

But in such a harsh environment, some unique lives can also be born, just adapted to the harsh environment now, and take root here to survive.

In this area, Adier found a kind of black grass, which looked inconspicuous on the dark ground around it.

After a rough test, this black grass has a unique property. If someone inadvertently swallows it, it will produce an extremely strong hallucination, and even eventually collapse and die.

Because of this effect, this grass is called dead spirit grass by Thor and the others, and it is regarded as a weird and terrifying poison.

But in the hands of the wizard, this black dead spirit grass is very useful and can be used in place of many unique materials.

“Although this forbidden area is a bit more dangerous, the environment here is quite suitable for cultivating the flowers of the dead.”

After searching around, looking around, Adier couldn’t help thinking.

The flower of the dead is a very precious material. Its growth requires a very special environment and it is extremely difficult to cultivate.

Under normal circumstances, the growth of the flower of the dead requires daily irrigation with blood of venom to grow slowly.

However, the immediate environment is very suitable for the growth environment of the Necrotic Flower. According to the simulation of the chip, if the Necrotic Flower is planted around it, not only does the blood of the venomous person need to be poured out, but the growth rate can A lot faster.

“After you settle down, you can find a restricted area to try it.”

Standing in place, looking at the ruins of the village, distantly visible, Adier thought.

Speaking of which, the seed of the flower of the dead in his hand is still from the wizard in Ancient Armor City. It has also been consumed in the experiments over the years, and there are not many left.

After looking back, they walked slowly towards the distance and left the place.


At night, the bonfire gradually lit, releasing light and heat, and attracting some life around.

bump! !!

With the sound of heavy objects falling on the ground, the surrounding earth seemed to shake.

“It is already the third head.”

Listening to the sound, Thor turned and looked towards the direction of the sound, saying with some envy.

Around him, the same was true of other people, watching the direction of the sound, but also a little envious of peace of mind.

For this sound, they are no stranger to this time. Every drop of sound represents a powerful mutant creature falling to the ground.

“It looks like that’s all there is today.”

On the other side, looking at the tall bug falling in front of him, Adier turned and walked towards the campfire behind him.

In this world, mutant creatures seem to have a unique atmosphere, which will be sensed by other mutant creatures, so that ordinary wild beasts and mutant creatures will automatically stay away, and play a certain role of eviction.

Therefore, apart from the original, Adier’s mutant organisms that he can encounter overnight are also very limited, not too many.

Quietly walking back to the original place, except for a few people or two, the rest have already rested.

Watching this scene, Adier shook his head without disturbing them to rest, and went straight out.

Ten meters away, he found a flat ground and pulled out the sword on his waist.

Silver’s sword light lit up in the dark, and violent sword winds swept across, disturbing the vegetation everywhere.

Sitting by the campfire, watching the scene quietly, hesitated, Ailier couldn’t help his desire, stood up and looked at Adier in the distance.

Like her, there is Thor on one side.

They looked at the silhouette of Adier waving a long sword in the distance. They also had eagerness in their eyes, and a desire for a strong Strength.

The sword light caused by the Adier long sword wave, or the fierce sword wind, has made them extremely fascinated and eager to have.

Not long after, under their gaze, Adier put away the long sword and walked back again.

“how do you feel?”

Standing next to the campfire, feeling Thor and Ailier’s eyes, Adier had a smile on his face.

“Amazing sword technique, terrifying Strength.”

Thor’s awe-inspired expression appeared: “I’ve never seen anyone with this terrifying Strength except Lord Adier.”

On the side, Ailier also agreed with nodded, and agreed with Thor’s statement.

“Want to learn?”

Listening to Thor’s words, looking at the two in front of him, Adier kept a smile on his face and opened the mouth and said straightforwardly.

As soon as this remark was made, the hearts of the two in front of them immediately moved, and an ignition heat began to surge.

“Master Adier … Don’t make fun of us …”

Forbearing the fiery and excitement in his heart, Thor barely kept calm and tentatively opened the mouth and said.

He asked himself, if he could have such a Strength, it would not be possible to teach it to anyone else.

Therefore, although he was emotional, he was afraid of being tempted by Adier and did not dare to show any meaning.

“I’m not joking.”

Facing his eyes, Adier kept a smile on his face and looked at Thor in front of him quietly.

He really wasn’t kidding.

Came to this world alone, although his Strength is good, after all, there is only one person, and many things are very inconvenient without anyone to help. If you can properly train some of your staff, it can help a little.

The Thor in front of him is very good. He is a noble in his own right. He not only owns the territory, but also has good abilities.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has the qualifications to become Knight, which is necessary for training.

“Come with me.”

After a while, Adier stood up and walked quickly away.

Behind him, hesitating for a while, Thor still stood up and walked away.

“Take your sword and attack me.”

In the dark, Adier looked at Thor in front of him and opened the mouth and said by the light from a bonfire in the distance.

Listening to his words, Thor first froze, then pulled up the long sword on his waist without hesitation, and rushed towards Adier.

His sword technique is not as precise as Adier, but it also brings a sophisticated and very ruthless. It comes up to the stab of Adier, without any extra moves.

At the next moment, his body flew upside down.

The intense pain came from his body, causing him to emit a groan.

In that blow, although Adier didn’t work hard, but there was a little Life Energy unique to Knight attached to his hand. Although it was not fatal to hit him, he would have a terrible pain.

Forcibly enduring the pain, Thor stood up quickly.

“Continue until I say stop.”

Looking at him, standing still, Adier continued to speak.

The next moment, Thor continued to rush over, with a fearless spirit, and a murderous aura, enough to be scary.

Bang! bang!

There was a constant sound of collisions, and a continuous sound of falling to the ground.

Falling to the ground, Thor couldn’t remember how many attacks he had faced in front of him. Only Ju himself was extremely painful, making him want to faint.

But even so, his head became clearer and unaffected at all.

“Strength ···”

Gritting his teeth in his heart, with perseverance, he got up hard from the ground and rushed towards Adier frantically.

With a muffled sound, he was hit again by Adier and fell heavily to the ground.

“It’s time to stop.”

Standing in place, Adier is very satisfied with Thor’s performance.

He couldn’t understand the pain of his attack. After a few hits, most people may not be able to stand up, and they will be beaten down by that intense pain.

The Thor in front of him is not the same, even if the pain on his body not only accumulates, but he has suffered so many blows on the front, but he still has not fallen down. This extraordinary perseverance is admired even by Adier, and he ca n’t help but think of it: “You Is too old, and under normal circumstances, it takes at least ten-twenty years to have a degree of Strength. “

“In order to speed up the process as soon as possible, only drastic measures can be used.”

“I know.”

Standing up silently from the ground, feeling the terrible pain all over him, Thor barely smiled bitterly, understanding it.

As a mature aristocrat, he understood the truth that must be paid to get. Even if it is an ordinary elite warrior, if you want to make your skills superb and your body strong, it will take a long time, not to mention that you can obtain a Strength that can confront the mutant monster.

In his opinion, Adier, a Strength who can confront the weird and positive, is probably the result of hard training from an early age, and it is impossible to reap without sowing.

After a while, he forcibly endured the pain of the whole body, walked slowly, and sat in front of the campfire.

At this point, his body looked a bit miserable. Not only was his clothes very embarrassed, but there were many small wounds on his body, which were caused by friction with the ground when he fell to the ground.

He didn’t care about the wounds on his body. He just sat quietly in front of the bonfire and endured the pain in his body.

After a while, the extreme pain on his body slowly faded away, and a warm sensation came from his body, making him stunned.

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