Outside the hall, several people were standing.

After a moment of silence, looking at the blond man in front of her, Thor said with a big smile: “Thetar, long time no see!”


Standing in front of Thor, listening to Thor’s words, the blond man named Thetar pointed out, “It’s been a long time.”

“But since you are back, please come in.”

A ceremony smile appeared on his face: “I heard the news of your return, and I specially prepared a rich banquet for you, I believe you will be satisfied.”

“Oh, I’ll take a closer look at what you have prepared for me.”

Looking at the other host’s host-guiding guest, Thor was furious, but his face was not revealed, just said with a smile.

“Some people please come in.”

Taking a look at Thor in front of him, and Thor side Adier, Thetar turned around and took them towards the hall.

After a while, they walked into the spacious hall.

It’s clearly cleaned up here, and everything is nicely decorated.

These beautifully prepared foods are placed everywhere, neatly placed on the wooden table, and they all look carefully prepared.

In the hall, there were also some guests in gowns, each with a smile on his face and standing there talking to each other.

But in this harmonious atmosphere, Adier felt a sense of depression.

In the all around of the lobby, someone was hiding, and at this time was staring at Thor entire group, faintly noticed by Adier.

After a while, the hall calmed down as Thetar walked forward.

Everyone’s gaze couldn’t help staring at Thetar, and his side Thor.

“Need me to introduce you to the guests coming over to meet me today?”

Looking at the crowd that was gradually gathering around him, Thetar’s face was unchanged and he looked at Thor.

Standing in place, listening to his words, Thor didn’t speak. Although the smile on his face didn’t change, his eyes became colder.

Seeing Thor not talking, Thetar didn’t care, and looked directly at the few people introduced: “This is Adri, my newly appointed head of the guard corps, responsible for the guard corps in the city.”

“This is Aradya, the patriarch of the Sith Lu Family, presumably you should not be unfamiliar.”


In front of Thor, he introduced the person in front of him one by one, and the smile on his face remained unchanged.

Standing in front of him and listening to his introduction, Thor could not help feeling cold.

As a former lord, of course he went to the other side to introduce what this meant. Not only gave him a dismissal, but also told him the status of the castle, within a short period of time he was completely mastered by the other party.

If it were an ordinary person, I suddenly heard such news at this time, I’m afraid I can’t help but change color.

However, Thor has been the lord of all these years, even if surprised and angry in his heart at this time, but on the surface is still impassive, just smiling and talking to the person in front of him.

Soon, the banquet officially started.

Compared with ordinary banquets, the scale of this banquet is undoubtedly much smaller, and there are no female companions around it, but the guard with a cold face at each and everyone stands beside.

But at this time, no one paid attention to this.

The purpose of this banquet was very clear to everyone present, and no one really came to enjoy it.

Their eyes were now focused on the front.

There, Thor and Thetar and a few others were still talking there, and they looked very good.

“Yes, there is one thing that I just forgot to tell you.”

Sitting in front, looking at Thor in front of him, as if suddenly remembering something, Thetar suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“Oh, what is it?”

Listening to Thetar in front of him, Thor’s eyes moved, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

“It’s about your children.”

Under Thor’s eyes, the smile on Thetar’s face remained unchanged, directly opening the mouth and said: “After you leave, your children are very difficult to deal with, in order to avoid unnecessary loss, so I will Lock them up. “

“Because you weren’t there at the time, I haven’t had time to tell you clearly about this matter. I hope you don’t mind.”


A crisp sound sounded in place, attracting the attention of the people around.

Under Thetar’s eyes, Thor’s complexion suddenly turned blue, and a pottery bowl in his hand had been crushed into pieces: “What the hell do you want to do!”

“What do you want to do?”

At this moment, the expression on Thetar’s face suddenly changed and became a little hesitant: “Of course I want to go back to this castle that should belong to me!”

The place suddenly became silent.

Sitting in front of Thetar, Thor’s face returned to calmness: “If you do this, even if you succeed, it will only become the puppet of others, and you will not get what you want.”

“so what?”

Thetar sneered: “Even if it was only nominal in the beginning, but with the strength of my hand, as long as there is enough time, there will always be a chance to get rid of the control of others, which is better than being monitored by you.”

“It seems we can’t talk.”

Thor’s face suddenly became indifferent.

bump! !!

A violent crash came from the front.

Thor stood up sharply, flipping the wooden table in front of him with one hand, fiercely fell to the opposite side, and smashed the two guards.

Opposite him, Thetar sneered, and walked directly behind him.

Beside him, the tall guard kept walking forward, wearing leather armor, and thinking of Thor rushing sharply.

bump! bang!

The swords continued to collide, and the sound of crickets clashing continuously in all around.

But just a few moments later, several guards in front of him were overthrown by Thor and fell directly to the ground.

He was originally the famous Knight, who led the army to fight before the disaster, and it was not a problem to deal with several soldiers alone.

After more than a month of training in Adier, his physical fitness has grown rapidly. Even some senior Knight apprentices may not be his opponents. It is natural to deal with a few ordinary soldiers.

He wielded a few guards in front of him with a sword, and his right hand held a long sword with blood, and a pair of sharp eyes swept down.

Below, watching his heroic performance, those guests invited by Thetar below were heart startled, feeling his gaze and lowering their heads.

“Kill him !!!” A voice came from the side, with a rush of footsteps.

Around the hall, some soldiers in leather armor quickly came from all around, staring at Thor in front of him.

“Master Thor is the legitimate real lord. Don’t you be afraid that clansman will be hanged?”

Aside, several guards jumped out as well, standing next to Thor at this time, watching a large number of soldiers scolding before them.

On one side, among those guests, looking at the scene in front of them, there were also several people who blinked in their eyes and seemed to want to stand out.

Ahead, being so scolded, Knight leading the team said with a sneer: “The kingdom has collapsed. Who cares if your lord is illegal?”

“Give me the kill!”

Looking around, he rushed forward decisively with only Thor in his eyes.

“Master Adier!”

Standing in place, looking around, Thor looked towards Adier aside.

“give it to me.”

Feeling Thor’s gaze, Adier had a smile on his face and headed straight forward.

Silently pulled up the long sword on his waist, his silhouette instantly disappeared in front of his eyes.


With a light sound, a person’s head fell directly to the ground with a palpitated and doubtful expression on his face, and he didn’t seem to understand what was going on.

Daodao silver sword light spread toward all around, each and everyone silhouette kept flying backwards.

Standing in place, Adier’s face was calm, and there was an arc across the sword in his hand, and then fiercely cut it forward.

Silver Flower! !!

With the addition of mana, the strength of this sword rose explosively, and the attached Strength hit the dozens of fighters around him in a split second, directly smashing their half bodies.


Around, everyone stared at the scene in stun, almost thinking they were dreaming.

Hundreds of full-length armed guards were almost completely destroyed in a short period of time, and the opponent was just one person.

Standing in place, looking at the deceased bodies around him, Adier looked calm, put the long sword in his hand back, and then turned around, looking towards Thor.

I looked at the scene in front of me, even if I was prepared for Adier’s force, but after seeing this scene, Thor’s heart could not help but raise a shock and deep fear.

But now he hides his true mood very well, and laughed directly: “Master Adier, please! Please leave it to me next time.”

He turned around and looked towards the guests around the banquet with a slight glance: “All of you present, please stay here for a while.”

Below, listening to Thor’s words, everyone around at look at each other in dismay saw a bitter smile on the other’s face.

However, after the scene just now, it was impossible for them to stand up and fight with Thor. At this moment, they all remained silent, standing silently without expression.

Looking at their attitude, Thor’s face was calm, but secretly nodded.

What he wants is this effect.

Thanks to the shock and deterrence caused by Adier’s recent shot, and the prestige accumulated by him in the past, these people in the hall temporarily stood up to oppose him and maintained a neutral attitude.

With such an attitude, and the destruction of hundreds of elite warriors now, Thetar’s available Strength has been greatly reduced. .

Without these diehard fighters, even before the Thor, Thetar barely mastered the other armed forces in the castle, but in such a short period of time, it was impossible to completely control it, and it was impossible for him to take action against Thor, the lord.

As lord of the castle for more than two decades, Thor is confident to take back control of the castle.

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