In the large hall, as Thor quickly rushed out, the surroundings suddenly calmed down.

The thick bloody odor came from all around, with some low mourning sounds, which made people palpitated.

The surrounding halls were densely packed with corpses, and nearly a hundred corpses were piled up.

However, in the hall, the faces of the people standing around were not different, but his eyes were faintly staring at Adier in the distance, with some undiminished palpitations.

Standing in the middle of the hall, smelling the bloody air around him, and feeling the strange eyes around him, Adier did not react.

“are you afraid?”

Standing in place, he looked at Ailier and asked with a smile.

“No … don’t be afraid.” A faint voice came from the side.

Standing behind Adier, looking at densely packed corpses in the hall, Ailier was a little nervous, but still so replied.

Listening to her words, looking at the gray robe girl in front of her, Adier nodded, did not continue to speak.

After a while, there was a shout from outside.

Thor was bathing in blood, holding a blood-stained long sword in his hand, and walking quickly in.

At this time, compared to when he went out before, there were a few more people behind him, and he was also stained with some blood.

“Master Adier, I have trouble you before.”

As he walked into the hall, Thor’s eyes took Murderous aura, glanced around first, and then he looked at Adier in front of him and thanked him.

In front of him, listening to him, Adier smiled politely: “Just a little help.”

“This is not a trivial matter.”

Thor laughed, and then said, “I still have some things to deal with here. I have no time to entertain them.”

“Master Adier, you can go down and rest for a while, and wait for me to finish the things in the castle, and then come to my banquet for you.”

“Then I’ll wait.” The smile on Adier’s face remained the same: “I hope not to wait too long.”

“Please be assured that it will be resolved soon.”

The expression on Thor’s face was a little sloppy, and his eyes were with some murderous aura, faintly looked towards the people waiting around.

“Ah!” Several screams came from around at the same time.

In the spacious hall, several guests who had previously been invited screamed, and were immediately cut to the ground by the surrounding guards.

Looking at this scene, the rest of the guests turned pale.

“Before I settle the rebellion in the castle, I also ask the adults to stay in the hall.”

At the forefront, Thor looked indifferent: “Otherwise, what will happen to you adults, it’s hard to say.”

Dropping this sentence, he left some people here to guard, and then took the rest out again.

“Master Adier, please come with me.”

Aside, a black robe guard walked respectfully to Adier, opened the mouth and said to him.

In this regard, Adier nodded: “Lead the way.”

Led by the black robe guard, Adier took the side Ailier out.


Seven days passed in a blink.

During these seven days, the castle has undergone a major cleansing.

In the face of Thor, the familiar lord, most of the guards who had been reluctantly controlled by Thetar remained neutral, and even some officers directly opposed the water and moved closer to Thor.

Soon, the rebellion inside the castle was suppressed, and even Thetar himself was killed by Thor, leaving only a few people to escape.

After dealing with the rebellion and regaining control of the castle, Thor once again held a banquet in the previous hall, inviting all the nobles around him.

At noon, the sun was very warm.

Walking on a brand new carpet, led by a black robe attendant in front, Adier walked forward.

Because of his handsome appearance, which was different from the others, he caught the attention of some people as soon as he entered the hall.

Seeing Adier’s arrival, in the lobby, some people’s faces suddenly became pale, as if thinking of the scene a few days ago.

“Is that the strong Great Knight in the rumor?”

Looking at Adier in the corner of the hall, someone wondered, “Why so young?”

On the side, some aristocrats also showed doubtful eyes, which seemed to be unbelievable.

Adier’s performance a few days ago has been passed on by those present at that time, causing a wave in the castle.

Many aristocrats had some doubts about the authenticity of the news. It was just that there were too many witnesses at the time, which made them reluctantly believe.

At this moment, looking at Adier’s young look, the doubts in his heart rose again.

Before we can think about it, a sound suddenly sounded in front of me, drawing the attention of people around me.

Seeing in front of the hall, Thor changed into a red gown, with a friendly smile on his face, and could not see the mighty look of a few days ago.

“Welcome everyone to this banquet!”

Standing at the forefront, he held up his wine glass and looked at you with a smile below.

There was silence first, and then there was a violent applause.

Listening to the applause around him, Thor’s expression on his face remained unchanged, and he seemed satisfied with the performance of the crowd: “This time I invite you, in addition to inviting you to the banquet, to announce a few news.

“The Moors are involved in the rebellion, clansman is all detained, and the territory will be taken back by me.”

Under the eyes of the people below, Thor’s face remained unchanged, and he quietly said the news.

Before waiting for the reaction of the people below, he opened the mouth and said again: “In addition, during the rebellion, the help of Lord Adier, I decided to give the territory of the Moore family to Lord Adier.”


Below, listening to Thor, everyone looks at each other in dismay.

Looking at Adier, someone’s face changed slightly, and he seemed to want to say something, but looking at Thor’s face in front, he hadn’t stood up.

“Since everyone has no objections, they agree.”

Looking at the reactions below, Thor smiled. “Congratulations, Lord Adier, you will be a Baron from now on.”

“Many thanks, Lord.” Adier also smiled, looking at him.

After announcing the incident, standing on the stage, Thor said something, and then announced the official start of the banquet.

Looking around, Adier sat directly in the corner, closed his eyes a bit boring, and went straight into meditation.

Ahead, Thor walked past the nobles of each and everyone, bursting into conversation.

This is also the main reason for him to host this banquet. In addition to announcing the previous events, it is also to appease the lords in the castle and reduce the impact of the previous rebellion.

It took a few hours for this banquet to end.

Early the next morning, accompanied by a dozen or so guards, Adier took Ailier slowly out of the castle.

The roadside was desolate, and some vegetation stubbornly reproduced in the wild, bringing a little green.

There were wild beasts constantly shuttled around, but not many mutants were seen, which surprised Adier.

“Master Thor sends troops to patrol all around every day to deal with those dangers around the castle.”

Seeing Adier’s expression, he seemed to understand his doubts, and the black robe guard who led the team explained, “If you stay away from the castle, it will become like the wild.”

Listening to his words, Adier nodded, understood.

At noon the next day, they came outside a manor house.

Because of the danger of this world, the manor in front of it has many defensive measures. It not only has fences but also high walls, which is enough to resist some ordinary mutant monsters.

Ahead, there are already some people waiting.

It was an old man with dense wrinkles on his face. The red linen robe on his body looked a little worn, and his face moved forward respectfully.

Behind the old man, several middle-aged and young people followed him, and they looked a bit similar and should be the same race.

“Sid, this is Adier Baron, the future lord of this land.”

Looking at the old man in front of him, the guard in the black robe rode a horse, his face introduced flatly.

“Master Baron …”

Listening to the guard in the black robe, the old man standing in front of him opened the mouth and said quickly.

After seeing Adier, several people behind him also quickly came forward, looking at Adier respectfully.

“Master Adier, do you need to stay with these guards?”

After a while, looking at Adier aside, the black robe guard asked with a respectful expression: “It’s very close to the wild here, usually there will be some mutant monsters. Usually, you will not have any problems with your strength, Master Adier But some small things still need help. “

“That’s what Lord Thor wants.”

He looked at Adier, and opened his mouth and said respectfully.

“Then leave it.” Listening to him, Adier nodded and said.

After finishing these things, under the leadership of Sid in front, they entered the manor in front.

The manor seemed a little messy, and some of it had dried up blood that hadn’t been completely cleaned off, taking a walk around all around.

Some servants settled in it, and all were called out by the Sids at this time to welcome Adier, the new master.

“Master Baron, there are more than one hundred families in the manor. Almost five hundred people live in it. They are all private slaves in the manor. You can arrange it yourself.”

Standing in front of Adier, Sid respected, “You can also expel these people if you want.”

On the side, listening to his words, the servants who came out to meet him suddenly turned pale, seeming to be scared by his words.

“How many people are there other than this manor?”

Standing still, listening to Sid in front of him, Adier asked back.


Listening to Adier’s question, Sid’s face burst into cold sweat: “Master Baron, in addition to this manor, you also have Fiefdom in five villages with a population of about 1,000.”

Sorry for being late ~

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