“Isn’t there more accurate data?”

Standing on the wide flat ground, listening to what Sid was saying, Adier frowned.

“This, sorry …”

Looking at the expression on Adier’s face, Sid’s feet softened, and he knelt down directly in front of Adier: “Because there are too many homeless and beasts in the wilderness, the population in those villages is constantly changing, statistics It’s too much trouble, so there is no accurate statistics … “

“Without counting populations, how do you collect taxes?”

Looking at Sid half-kneeling in front of him, Adier asked a little strangely.

“Taxation?” Sid hesitated. “When the food is ripe directly in the field, just collect it in the farmland.”

Listening to this, Adier was a little speechless: “A few Heavenly Sect people will give me statistics on the population in the territory. I need to know the detailed data.”

“Yes!” Standing on the spot, listening to Adier’s orders, Sid was sweating coldly on his face, and quickly said nodded.

After finishing these trivial matters, they slowly walked towards the manor.

The area of ​​this manor is not very large, but it is not small. There are some rough walls around it.

Inside, some servants are farming, and some of them are children, making some subtle sounds from time to time.

Overall, Adier is satisfied with the environment here.

He came to this world in order to search for some resources unique to this world.

In order to better achieve this goal, it is also necessary to establish a stable rear in this world and gather some indigenous people of this world to serve themselves.

“But before that, you need to train some suitable people.”

Walking on the stone-paved path, and watching dozens of servants kneeling around, Adier thought.

The people in this world are too weak, just for ordinary people, not to mention those weird ones, even the ordinary mutant monsters can’t bear it. In the end, maybe not only can not help Adier, but they need Adier to act as a nanny for these people.

Thinking of this, walking in the manor, Adier issued his first order as a territory.

He summoned all the people under the age of 30 in the name of enlisting guards.

However, he was a bit disappointed. Perhaps it was because of the danger of this world. Even if he was located in the noble manor, there were very few people who met his conditions, which forced him to relax the conditions and allow people under 40 to participate in the selection.

This age is already the limit.

The practice of Knight Breathing Technique has limitations. It has high requirements on the vitality of the practitioner himself. The younger he is, the better the effect of exercise.

Once you are over the age of 40, unless it is used by Thor to irritate the opponent ’s body with violent and precise methods, otherwise, it is basically impossible to train anything, and you can only waste Adier’s time.

After lending the conditions, less than 200 people in the entire estate, including underage children and women, met the conditions. In the end, there was only one person with Knight qualifications.

“What’s your name?”

On the widened flat ground, Adier stood on the flat ground and looked at the youth in front of him and asked.

“Lord … I’m West … Zide …”

Standing in front of Adier was a skinny young man with a worn black cloth hat. His yellow face looked obviously undernourished. At this time, facing Adier and Sid and the others standing in front of him, some stuttered Said.

He was wearing a lot of worn-out black clothed, obviously widened, with many patches applied on it, and looked very broken, at this time his face looked a little nervous.

“Zide, right?”

Looking at Zide in front of him, Adier resisted the impatience in his heart, barely opened the mouth and said, “You will be my guard from today, understand?”

“Yeah, I understand.” Standing in front of Adier and listening to Adier, Zide quickly nodded. Although his face was tense, he could still see the obvious excitement.

“As a reward for your being my guard, your private slave status can be cancelled, and you will be a free man from now on.”

Looking at his excited face, Adier directly opened the mouth and said: “I will allocate ten acres of land in your manor as your private land, and all the production there will be owned by you.”

“Sid, let someone take him down and change his clothes.”

Without waiting for the other person to speak, Adier waved his hand directly, gesturing to Sid, who was standing aside.

Listening to Adier’s words, Sid was nodded first, and then the servants on the side took Zide in front of withdraw.

“Sir … Is there such a reward?”

After Zide was in front of him, Sid couldn’t help but stand up and said that it was obviously a bit hesitant about the reward received by Zidane: “It is a great honour to be selected as a guard by your grown-ups. It is not necessary to give these What a pariah rewards. “

His words had just fallen, and a sudden surge of pressure struck him, making his eyes dark, almost unable to faint.

In front of him, Adier gave him a slight glance, and the Spirit in his head moved a lot, putting tremendous pressure on the other side: “Relax, there will not be too many guards like him.”

“Take me to see a few other villages tomorrow.”

He glanced at Sid, who was standing in front of him, and walked straight ahead.

the next day.

Accompanied by several Knights in green leather armor, Adier walked far away.

“Sir, the next village will be here soon.”

After walking for hours on the trail in the wilderness, the guards on the side reported to Adier.

At the end of the road ahead, a small village appeared, and some people were already gathered at this time.

Because of the need to come here today to investigate, as early as yesterday, Adier sent people to these villages to inform them, so that they were ready to meet.

Walking to the village in front and seeing the silhouette of Adier, several people quickly came forward.

This is the guard officer stationed in the local village. When he saw Adier coming over, he rushed to meet him.

Talking casually for a while, Adier walked forward, where there were already some waiting.

According to Adier yesterday, it seems that people under the age of 40 have gathered here, and all of them are standing with their heads lowered, and they dare not look at Adier.

Most of these people in front of them are shabby and shabby, with lean builds and a look of malnutrition.

This is because it is too dangerous to survive in the wilderness. There is not enough meat, and it is difficult to develop a good physique by relying on only a few rations.

Standing quietly on the side of the horse, looking at the people in front of him, Adier frowned. “So there are only adult men? Children and women?”

Standing next to Adier, listening to the words, the guards of the village suddenly froze.

The order he received was just to select the guards, so the woman and child were directly excluded, and there was no idea that many.

At this time, hearing Adier’s words, although he was puzzled, he quickly called out the women and children who met the conditions in the surrounding villages.

After a while, in the middle of the village, hundreds of people were standing here, looking at Adier in the distance, with some anticipation in his eyes.

“let’s start.”

Looking at these people in front of him, Adier stepped off and instructed the guards on the side: “Let them come up one by one.”

Having said this, he sat on a wooden chair aside, waiting quietly for the people in front to come up slowly.


After a while, sitting on a wooden chair, looking at the youth who was looking forward in front of his eyes, Adier expressionless, directly opened the mouth and said.

Suddenly, the youth in front of him showed disappointment. After turning around and going out, another tall middle-aged man came up.

This is a man with a scum on his face, wearing a very raged robe with a cloudy look, standing in front of Adier at this time, his face somewhat numb.

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of me quietly, in Adier’s mind, a large amount of data constantly surfaced to build a detailed image of the human body.

“Detection completed … The target does not meet the requirements …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

Listening to the mechanical cue in his head, Adier expressed expressionless on his face, but secretly sighed in his heart.

Since he was promoted to a third-level apprentice, in addition to accelerating the speed of energy accumulation through abilities, the function of the chip bound to his soul has also been greatly improved. A detailed analysis of the human body can roughly detect a Whether a person has Knight qualifications.

Compared to wizarding qualifications involving souls, Knight qualifications are more physical. Some people with Knight qualifications will have different data on their bodies than ordinary people, and can be detected by the chip, so they can roughly detect whether they have Knight qualifications.

Despite this, Adier has not achieved much in these two days.

In this regard, it must be said that in the Wizard’s World, the reason why Bloodline and the family are so important is indeed a certain truth.

Without the Bloodline of Knight and Wizard, among ordinary mortals, although there may be people with Knight and Wizard qualifications, the probability is too small to be so unacceptable to Adier.

In the past two days, in addition to the manor, he also traveled through four villages and saw at least 500 people. In the end, Knight was still the only one who had previously discovered Zide Mu.

This chance made Adier speechless.

“Unfortunately, this world has never seen Knight who activates Life Seed before. There is no family with Knight Bloodline. I can only find it slowly from these civilians.”

After detecting the last person, Adier stood up and prepared to leave the village.

“Take the way and go to the last village.”

Zema walked along the road, and he was instructed by the guards on the side.

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