In the early morning, on a large flat ground, several people were training with swords in their hands.

Looking closely, there are four people in total, including three men and one woman. Except for a man who is about thirty years old, the others do not look too old.

Among these four people, Zidane, who was previously selected by Adier himself, was also among them. At this time, he was also holding a long sword in his hands and was training hard there, without daring to relax.

In the distance, Ailier stood under a big tree, at this time watching four people training in the distance, without looking away for a long time.

At this point, her appearance had changed a lot. Not only was her body thin and plump, but her dirty gray robe was also replaced, and she became a clean white robe. . Although it looks a little scary because of the bloody plaques, it is much better than the original.

“Are you watching them train again?”

As Ailier watched the training in the distance intently, a gentle voice came.

Somehow, Adier came to Ailier’s side, with a mild smile on his face.

“Master Adier, you are out.”

Listening to the sound coming from the side, Ailier’s face showed joy.

“Yeah, for almost three days, it’s almost time to get out.”

Standing next to Ailier, Adier had a gentle smile on his face: “Let’s go and look ahead.”

Following Adier’s footsteps, they moved forward.

After reaching the front, several people in front of the training also saw the silhouette of Adier, and his face quickly became respectful, his face became respectful: “Master Adier!”

“how do you feel?”

Looking at the four people in front of him, the expression on Adier’s face remained unchanged, directly opening the mouth and said.

The four people in front of him are all people who have searched around during this time. Except for Zidane who is from the manor house, the other three are from Thor’s territory. After being found, he will personally train him. For a while.

At this point, standing in front of Adier, listening to Adier’s words, the four of them looked at each other before they told their feelings one after another.

Adier also nodded some of the problems they showed when they practiced the Knight Breathing Technique, told them some of the essentials, and corrected their mistakes.

For these people in front of him, he showed some attention.

These are the first Knight seeds. After these people grow up, Adier will not need to worry about training Knight in the future.

As for the time it takes for these people to grow up, Adier as a wizard can fully afford it.

While Adier was guiding the Zidane in front of him, Ailier was watching, showing envy.

This world has gone through many disasters, and anyone who can survive has an instinctive desire for Strength. At this point, Ailier, who was once a scavenger, is even more obsessed.

Unfortunately, a long time ago, Adier tested it for her. Not at all activates Life Seed’s innate talent. Even training can only waste time.

After teaching the Zidane people in front of him, with Ailier, Adier went out.

In the distance, Sid was already waiting there, and at this time he was still circling around, looking a little anxious.

“Master Baron, are you out?”

Seeing Adier coming out of it, Sid was relaxed, and then facing his saluted path, he did not dare to be a little disrespectful.

At this point, two months had passed before Adier became the lord of the area.

In these two months, Adier did not live in a spacious manor house, but did something.

Mutated monsters around the territory from time to time, sometimes there are some powerful mutant monsters appearing, so that the guards left by Thor cannot be resolved. So during this time, Adier also made several shots.

Just a few swords down, no matter how powerful the monster is, it will not be able to bear it, shocking countless observers, even fanatic.

In Thor’s castle area, if a powerful mutant monster appears, Adier will also ask for help in the past.

So after a while, Adier also left a lot of fame in this area, and even had some followers and won the title of a knight.

With the previous horror performance, naturally, not many people are disrespectful to Adier at this time.

Standing in front of Adier and looking at Adier’s face, Sid just opened the mouth and said: “Master Baron, Lord Thor sent someone to come to you …”

“What?” Adier smiled, and said with interest: “What powerful monster has appeared near his castle?”

“No, not this time …”

Standing in front of Adier, Sid lowered his head and said, “It seems that during the recent training, there was a little problem with Master Thor’s body, so he sent someone to ask Master Baron …”

“A physical problem?”

Listening to Sid’s words, Adier’s expression remained unchanged, and he was not surprised at all.

As for Thor’s problems, he naturally knew what was going on. It was all caused by Thor’s Knight Breathing Technique.

He taught Thor’s Knight Breathing Technique at first, although he also stepped on the chip to deduce it, but it is an extremely violent and dangerous version. Although the speed of progress will be much faster than other breathing methods, it will cause damage to the body Extreme load, and without accident, it is almost impossible to activate Life Seed.

With such a violent Knight Breathing Technique, Thor has practiced for such a long time, I am afraid that the internal injuries on his body have accumulated to a certain extent, and it is normal for physical problems now.

“It seems that after leaving, Thor practiced diligently about the Knight Breathing Technique.”

Standing in place, thinking of the scene at the time, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

Normally, even the violent version of Knight Breathing Technique should not cause problems in the other’s body so quickly, at least there is a long period of flatness.

The problem is happening so fast now, it can only show that the other party is working very hard, so in a short time, the body can’t bear it, and the problem starts to appear.

With this in mind, Adier shook his head.

Strictly speaking, the breathing method he taught to Thor at the beginning, although there is some intention to balance the other side, but there is no other choice.

The age of the other party is really too big. In terms of the age required for the Knight Breathing Technique, the other party has undoubtedly passed the golden age. The ordinary Knight Breathing Technique, no matter how much it is practiced, I am afraid it will not play any role.

Only this kind of violent breathing practiced at the expense of mad damage to vitality can enable the other party to successfully practice at that age, and obtain a very powerful promotion.

“Bring that messenger to the hall.”

Standing in place, calmed down, Adier looked at Sid in front of instructed.

Having said this, he turned and walked behind.

After a while, in the hall, a guard in a black robe came over, and immediately looked down after seeing Adier, his face respectful: “Master Adier.”

Standing in front of him, listening to him, Adier nodded: “I know what you are doing.”

“This is what I prepared, and this letter, you just have to turn it back to Lord Thor.”

While talking, he took out a letter from one side, and a bottle of crimson, emitting a little scent of liquid.

This is the crimson blood newly researched by Adier during this time, and it is also one of his achievements during this time.

By extracting some mutant monster blood, after a long period of research, the effect of these crimson blood is comparable to some good primary medicines, which is very effective for ordinary people.

If an ordinary person can drink it often, not only will the body become strong, the internal injury on the body will be cured, but also the lifespan will be extended a lot.

For Thor’s case, if he can use some crimson blood at regular intervals, it will be enough to heal his internal injury and make him less uncomfortable.

Of course, this cure is only superficial. It can only pull the body that is about to collapse back to the edge of collapse. Once these crimson blood is not used for a period of time, it may immediately erupt.

This is also a means that Adier uses to control each other.

If the two sides turn over in the future, Adier does not need to do much at all. As long as they wait for a while, the other party will automatically collapse and die.

For these states, Adier explained one after another in the letter.

Of course, he wasn’t so explicit. Just to describe the crimson blood as a unique medicine necessary to practice Knight Breathing Technique, not at all is too straightforward.

But with the wisdom of the other party, you can naturally understand the threats involved, and you will naturally feel a little jealous afterwards.

Handing things over to the black robe guard in front of him, after finishing some things, Adier went to a room deep in the manor.

There, a lab that was somewhat crude in Adier’s opinion was already set up.

In the corner of the laboratory, the bodies of several mutant monsters were standing there.

In addition to the bodies of these mutant monsters, there are a lot of ordinary plants and various blood around them.

These were collected by Adier around this time.

In a new world, many resources are unique to this world. Maybe a very common plant in this world may be a very precious medicinal ingredient in another world.

So after coming to this world, Adier has collected a lot of things, and obtained a lot of gains during this time.

PS: Recommend a book written by a friend, “Kudo Road”

This book was written by a friend of mine, and I read it myself, and it was really well written. The protagonist’s golden finger is innate talent. You only need to contact other people to get the same innate talent. Very interesting.

The author had originally written a book elsewhere, and it was clearly written well, but he could not sign the contract when he wrote the word “300,000”. He had planned to give up writing the book and was finally persuaded by me. Now comes Fantastic New Book.

This is really a very good author. I am also chasing the book I write, and I really do not want him to be buried. So I hope you readers will be able to take a look at it. If you like this type of reader, please click on the collection.

Note: The introduction of this product may not be well written, but it is well written …

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