“Chip, how advanced is the drop of spirit medicine?”

In the spacious experiment, standing in front of the experimental table, while processing some materials, Adier asked the chip in his head.

“Drip spirit medicine has been deduced. Is it an alternative?” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

“It turned out so quickly.”

Listening to the mechanical cue in his head, Adier was a bit surprised, but still decisively said: “Start simulation!”

“The task is established, and the database data is compared … The expected completion time is three days …” Next moment, the sound of the machinery in my mind sounded again.

Listening to this voice, Adier smiled.

This drop of spirit medicine formula is still available when he was in Academy. Because it belongs to the ancient potion and the time is too long, many kinds of materials on the formula have disappeared in the wizarding world now, so it has never been considered.

Coming to this world again, Adier had the thought of looking for some alternative materials at Strange World, and also achieved some results during this time.

This world not at all The existence of wizards, many useful resources for wizards have not been used by others, and they are completely in the undeveloped stage. There are a lot of unowned resources waiting for Adier to discover.

An undiscovered World is equivalent to an undiscovered treasure to a wizard. Many resources in it are unique to this world and a treasure house for any wizard.

In the past two months, just about a few tests, through the chip’s powerful analysis function, Adier has found several useful materials, which can be regarded as notable results.

Standing in front of the humble testbed, Adier processed the materials in his hand and walked out of the laboratory.

Outside, an empty field was ready, and there was a faint heat rising around it.

In one corner, an inexplicable texture was portrayed on a huge wooden table, with a faint light, and a faint energy particle spread slowly there.

In the center of the wooden table, a few black eggs lay there quietly, about the size of a baby’s fist, and were carefully placed in the center of the Wizard Array.

“Target activity is intact …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

Standing at the wooden table, Adier used the chip to roughly check the status of the eggs. After confirming that it was intact, he was sighed in relief: “It seems that the way to use the Wizard Array to create a radiant environment should be no problem.”

Standing in place, looking at the light black eggs in front of him, he thought so.

The black eggs on the wooden table belong to the corroded crow that Adier found before.

This creature is very peculiar. It should have been a relatively unique crow, but after living for a long time in the radiation environment, it adapted to the surrounding environment, produced a certain mutation, and slowly transformed into a unique high-energy creature.

After detailed inspection by Adier, this corroded crow’s eyes can improve the wizard’s meditation effect, and if you can eat this crow’s meat for a long time, it can also slowly enhance some Constitution. Although it is useless for the current Adier, But it has a lot to do with those Knight apprentices.

Of course, the corroded crow’s meat has extremely strong pollution toxins, and the toxins must be neutralized in a special way before eating, or else whoever eats will die.

During this time, Adier sent many people to find this corroded crow’s nest. After many shots in person, in addition to obtaining a large amount of corroded crows in vitro, he also obtained some crow eggs. experiment.

It seems that the effect is not bad.

“In addition to the special environment of radiation, the corrosion of crows like other high-energy creatures like the place where energy particles gather.”

Standing in place, looking at the crow eggs in front of him, Adier thought: “These conditions can be achieved through Wizard Array and Magic Stone, but during the incubation period, some people need to watch often, or else one Accidents could destroy these eggs. “

“Unfortunately, this world has only me as a wizard, and these trivial things have to come by myself.”

Standing in place, adjusting the Wizard Array in front of her, Adier thought.

He is now feeling the mood of those formal wizards in advance.

There are too many things to do. Whether it is doing various research experiments or ordinary meditation, it takes a lot of time.

Compared to ordinary wizards, Adier has a memory chip, which is much more efficient in both research and learning, but it also feels that time is running out.

It seems that some trivial and energy-consuming things, such as the work of looking after these crow eggs in front of you, can actually be given to some ordinary apprentices, and there is no need to waste your precious time.

It’s just in this world, let alone a wizard. Even Knight can’t find one. Adier can only do it by himself.

As for cultivating some apprentices to assist him, the idea of ​​Adier also thought about it, but he was subsequently ruled out.

Cultivating some wizards in this world is indeed a good choice for Adier, but there are some problems.

The cultivation of wizards is not as convenient as Knight’s. For Adier, as long as the conditions are appropriate, a batch of Knights can be cultivated within a year or two. But for the wizard, teaching from the beginning, for a year or two, it is good for the apprentice to learn the basic Meditation Method. It will take at least 5-6 years to reach the level that can assist Adier in some simple experiments.

The method of injecting the Meditation Method directly into the mind of the apprentice through the crystal of consciousness is good, but this technique must be used by a formal wizard, and it will cause a certain degree of damage to the Spirit Sea of ​​ordinary apprentices. Each use requires the apprentice to cultivate a period Time cannot be used as a conventional means.

In addition to these issues, another obstacle to the cultivation of wizards in this world is qualification.

Wizarding qualifications are much rarer than Knight qualifications, and the testing is more difficult. It can only be tested by Adier in person and everyone using Spirit, and it is difficult to find a qualified apprentice.

For these reasons, Adier temporarily abandoned this idea and was prepared to consider it after being promoted to a formal wizard.

And after being a formal wizard, you don’t have to worry about the betrayal of your apprentices.

As long as the corresponding resources required for the promotion of a formal wizard are controlled, no apprentice can threaten Adier without promotion and can only be obedient.

After a while, looking at the black crow eggs in front of him, Adier turned and walked out.

Back in the humble lab, he walked to a cabinet in the corner and opened it directly.

Inside the cabinet were several clean glass bottles with pale white turbid liquid flowing through.

This is a beneficial ingredient in the eyes of the crow, which was directly extracted by Adier and stored in glass bottles by special methods.

The corrosive crow itself has strong toxicity, even if it is an eyeball, it actually contains some weak toxicity, but Adier’s physical quality is too strong, which does not work that’s all.

Directly extracting the beneficial ingredients in the eyeballs can on the one hand remove that part of the toxicity. On the one hand, it can also avoid the nausea of ​​directly swallowing the eyes.

In the glass bottle in front of him, the pale white liquid has accumulated in a small half.

This is also the result of Adier’s crazy hunting during this time. He will go out to supplement every other time to accumulate so much.

If at this time in Academy, the essence of this small bottle of scarlet eyeballs would be worth at least hundreds of magic stones.

After glancing at all around, Adier went to the small room on the side, sat down on a wooden bed, and took a little eyeball essence to use directly.

At a moment, he entered a state of deep meditation.

In my mind, the dim Spirit Sea is faint at this moment, and the slightly transparent Spirit force is constantly tumbling in it like sea water, at this time, it is constantly tumbling along with the stimulation of meditation.

“The subject’s Spirit power starts to improve …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

After a small section of time, with the end of meditation, Adier eyes opened again, directly looking towards his physical data.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 14. Agility: 14.3. Constitution: 14.3. Spirit: 9.4.”

At present, familiar physical data continues to emerge, and compared to two months ago, except that the Spirit power has increased by 0.2, there is no change at all.

This is also the reason why Adier’s physical data is too horrible at this time, and to this extent, every progress will be extremely difficult.

“For two months, it has only improved so much.”

Sitting at the wooden table, looking at his physical data, Adier was speechless.

During this two-month period, he will use the essence extracted from the eyeballs every time to assist meditation. The meditation effect in just two months is probably enough to be worth four months.

In addition to meditation, during this time, he also hunted various mutant monsters around him, but his attribute was still very weak.

This slow progress made Adier a bit unbearable, and I can’t help but miss those Crystal Nuclei.

“It seems that the process of exploring the forbidden area must be accelerated.”

Sitting on the bed, Adier flashed the thought in his mind.

In these two times, through these native nobles Thor, Adier also explored some information about this world.

In addition to some local knowledge, there is also some information about the forbidden area.

For the indigenous people of this world, these forbidden areas are like sources of pollution of each and everyone spreading over the earth.

Once a forbidden area appears, there will inevitably be a lot of contaminated creatures around it, even some weird ones.

These things will destroy everything around them in a short time. As long as a forbidden area appears in one place, it means the collapse of a safe settlement.

Therefore, every aristocrat who survives in this world will hear more or less about the forbidden areas around.

By communicating with these native nobles, Adier also gained a lot of information about the forbidden area.

The second update tonight will be updated some time later ~

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