“Speaking of which, this world, does look like something really wrong.”

Sitting on the bedside, thinking about the situation that has been inquired since this time, Adier flashed the thought in his mind.

During this time, by communicating with the surrounding aristocracy, Adier had some understanding of the history of this world.

This world was originally just a normal World. Although there are no powerful wizards such as Wizards and Knights, there are also no terrifying weird and mutant creatures.

But seven years ago, the sudden emergence of a natural disaster and a weird and crazy outbreak directly affected all kingdoms, so that the original good World became what it is now.

The weirdness erupted everywhere, and its remnants formed the terrible forbidden area of ​​each and everyone, and those creatures affected by the weird frontality turned into Nether Soul and corpses, wandering around.

In addition to the terror that erupted seven years ago, some regions occasionally enter an outbreak.

During the outbreak period, a large number of weirdnesses will breed in a short period of time, and even some weird lives existing around them will form a weird outbreak in a short period of time, which will directly destroy the vitality of a certain area.

The area of ​​the village where Adier was last seen was clearly in the eruption area. Not only did all the horrible life around them be attracted in a short period of time, but some corpses were also affected and directly mutated into corpses.

Until a few years later, although the weird eruption period has passed, the area has also fallen into a dead silence. Except for some mutant monsters, few normal creatures survive.

“This situation is obviously abnormal.”

Standing up silently, thinking of the inquired message, Adier thought.

The weirdness that suddenly appeared in this world, the pollution and radiation remaining after the weird outbreak, and the unknown Strength and Crystal Nuclei that appeared after mutant monsters of slaughter, these things clearly indicate the anomaly of this world.

However, when it comes to the World level, it is not yet possible for Adier to touch.

Even in ancient times, if you want to explore other Worlds, you need at least Level 4 wizards to do it. In Wlardo College, the records and knowledge related to the World level are also very scarce. Many of them are only accessible by formal wizards, and there is still a long way for Adier.

But for Adier, he doesn’t need to know that many for the time being, he just needs to get enough benefits in this world.

“It has been trimmed for two months. Some things are almost done. It’s time to go out and see the forbidden areas.”

Standing in place, Adier looked at the door and whispered to himself.

As a base in this world, Adier is also concerned about this territory, and did something during this time.

The surrounding dangerous mutant monster lairs were basically cleared by him. In the recent period of time, the frequency of those mutant monsters has decreased significantly.

In addition to the Knight-qualified people, Zidane also recruited a group of dozens of ordinary guards. During this time, he also started training under the leadership of several veterans. Although the combat effectiveness is not worth mentioning, It is no problem to expel some common mutant monsters under personal leadership.

After this period of training, following the Knight Breathing Technique passed down by Adier, Zide are already Knight apprentices. And in order to speed up their combat effectiveness, they usually eat the corroded crow meat disinfected by Adier, plus the use of bloodthirsty medicine in advance, at this time the combat effectiveness is not bad.

If you continue at this current speed, with the aid of Adier’s refining medicament, within one year, some of these four people may activate Life Seed and become an official Knight.

With a decision in mind, Adier walked towards the door.

After walking all the way to the hall, he ordered a few words to the servants on the side, and then sat aside.

After a while, there was a rush of footsteps.

Under Adier’s gaze, the four Zide mums wore a black tights and walked quickly to Adier.

“Sir, are you looking for us?”

Going to Adier, the four looked down respectfully.

“I plan to go out tomorrow.”

Looking at the four people in front of him, Adier’s eyes were slightly gentler, and he asked them.

As soon as this statement was made, the four people below were heart startled, and they looked up towards Adier slightly.

“It may take a while to go out this time. Except for a few followers, I am going to pick two of you four to accompany me out.”

Sitting on a wooden chair, he looked at the four people who opened the mouth and said.

“My lord, I am willing to follow you!” Tone barely fell, a loud and loud voice sounded.

Standing in front of Adier, Zide’s face was firm, looking at Adier opened the mouth and said.

“Sir, I am willing too.” On the other side, another softer voice sounded at the same time.

It was a normal-looking girl with red hair who looked about fifteen or sixteen years old. At this moment, she looked at Adier’s face quietly, her face looking serious and serious.

This girl was accidentally discovered by Adier in the wild, and belongs to the wanderer’s children, named Lati.

In Adier’s opinion, she was a bit like Sistie, who had known her before, with the same red hair and similar temper.

Aside, the voices of the other two also sounded, both expressing their willingness to leave with Adier.

Sitting on a wooden chair, listening to the words of the four below, Adier’s face did not change: “Zide, Rati, you two leave with me.”

“El, after you leave, you are responsible for leading the guards in the manor and guarding the entire manor.”

He turned and looked towards the oldest Knight apprentice, speaking to him.

Under Adier’s gaze, the middle-aged man, who appeared to be in his thirties, quickly nodded.

As for the last Knight apprentice, Adier was assigned as the deputy of the estate guard.

After commanding these things, he called Sid and Ailier and the others, and ordered some things to them.

After doing this, Adier turned around and went back to the previous lab.

By the next day, as the accompanying people began to gather, a dozen horses had been pulled from the stables.

Of course, these horses are not originally in the manor, but are gifts from the nobles around this time.

Even if it is actually not possible to kill some mutant monsters, but on the surface, the payment should still be collected.

Including Thor, if the nobles in this area want to ask Adier to take a shot, they will be rewarded afterwards as a reward. These horses are one of the gains of this time.

After a while, they rode on the horse and slowly walked out along the rough road outside.


After half a month.

The thin raindrops were lightly spread on the ground, and while the ground was wet, it brought a burst of coldness.

On a difficult road, the entire group is on its way.

“It seems to be raining heavily.”

Zema was walking on the road, feeling the changes around him. Adier looked towards Zidane aside: “Zidane, is there a place in the front to shelter from the rain overnight?”

“Sorry, sir …”

On the side, feeling the breeze blowing around, barely driving the horse under him, Zidane opened the mouth and said: “For the terrain of this area, the map is not detailed.”

“But there is already a slightly better road here. According to common sense, there should be some abandoned villages or post stations in front.”

He hesitated for a while before telling Adier.

Listening to his words, he looked at the sky. Adier nodded: “It’s still early in the dark, and it looks like it will take some time before it rains. Let’s go forward a section of the road.”

Listening to Adier’s words, the guards around were nodded, and he carefully watched the road ahead.

Among the crowd, Zidane and Ratty seem to be more reluctant to ride horses.

Before being excavated by Adier themselves, they belonged to civilians and even slaves. Valuable things like horses were not accessible at all, and it was impossible to ride horses.

However, during the time at the manor, in addition to the Knight Breathing Technique, Adier also arranged for people to teach them to ride horses. This matter has been practiced and bumped for more than half a month. Depending on the physical fitness of the Knight apprentice, it is almost the same at this time. Mastery, just a bit jerky compared to others.

Zema took a section of the road, and after an hour, some artificial traces began to appear in the distance.

There was even a conspicuous sign on the side of the road with some words engraved on it.

“Kulu town?”

Standing on the road, looking at the sign, Adier frowned.

The sign in front of you is very large. The above characters are written in the language of this area and have been parsed by the chip, so Adier only knew it.

But what made Adier frown is that the handwriting on this brand is not only crooked, but also shows a deep red, like dried blood.

The overall look and feel is like someone using their own blood to forcibly write these words on it, with an inexplicable meaning.

“Completion of composition detection … 98.8% is human blood …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

“Let’s move on.”

Looking at the signage in front of him, it took a long time for Adier to speak again and walk forward with everyone on the side.

It didn’t take long before, a small town was looking far ahead.

“Master, this town …” After walking a section of the road, Zide’s hesitant voice sounded in his ear.

He looked at the small town ahead, hesitating a bit, “Here, it seems weird.”

“It’s so quiet …” At this moment, Rati on the side also said, “And … too clean.”

On the side, listening to the words of the two of them, several guards also nodded to agree, looking at the small town in front of them, the same look of surprise.

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