绛 栭 ┈ 浼  珛 鍦 ㄥ 师 鍦 帮 纴 Adier 鐪 嬬 潃 杩 滃  娓 呮 Palm 鍙  镄 勫 皬 闀 囷 纴 岖 敱 岖 敱 変 簺 镄 変 簺 镄 変 簺 镄

姝 ゆ 椂 锛 屼 粬 浠 琫 ntire group缑 鍗 佸 垎 娓 呮  銆 缑 鍗 佸 垎 娓 呮  銆

Ect 南 镄 勫 皬 闀 囨 樉 Universal Intervention Sect Guardian Please refer to the following information for further information:

岋 纴 杩 欑  鎯 呭 喌 ユ 槸 鍦 ㄩ 偅 浜 涘 畨 鍏 ㄥ 尯Read and save the Umbrella

Keys to this world

鐪 嬬 潃 鍓 嶆 南 镄 勫 弽 宁 儏 鍐 碉 纴 鍖 呮 嫭 儏 鍐 碉 纴 鍖 呮 嫭 Zide 濮 嗕 笌 鎷 夎 取 や Han Han Hong Hong 殑 鐩  厜 閮 泦  湪 Adier 镄 勮 婏 纴 鏄 婏 纴 鏄Drama

闅 忕 潃 镞 闅 忕 潃 镞 棿 杩 囧 幓 锛 岄  钖 棿 杩 囧 幓 锛 岄  钖 棿 杩 囧 幓 锛 岄  钖ぇ 鍦 箣 箣 娿

“Go in and see.”

Ier 师 鍦 帮 纴 鐪 嬬 潃 forge ㄥ 洿 镄 勫 ぉ 鑹 诧 纴 Adier 鑴 歌 壊 骞 壊 骞 锛殑 Board 殑 佷 竴 佷 竴  悎 阃 傜 殑 鍦 楠 楠 Nan Tao Investigation Rules

 € ¢ Openness

How to do this

瀵 簬 鐪 簬 鐪 墠 鏄 墠 鏄 墠 鏄

Please refer to the following information:滆 タ 锛 岄 偅 涔 堟  濂 € 滆 タ 锛 岄 偅 涔 堟  濂 滆 タ 锛 岄 偅 涔 堟  濂 滆 タ 锛 岄 偅 涔 堟  濂 滆 タ 锛 岄 偅 涔 堟  濂 滆 タ 锛 岄 偅 涔 堟  濂 滆 タ 锛 岄 偅 涔 堟  濂 滆 タ 锛 岄 偅 涔 堟  濂 滆 タ 锛 岄 偅 涔 堟  濂 婏 纴 婏 纴 婏 纴с €

闅 忕 潃 Forging or Protecting 嬭 揪 锛 屼 粬 ︾ 潃 ︾ 潃 ︾ 潃 ︾ 潃 ㄥ 洿 镄 勯 殢 浠 庢 ㄥ 洿 镄 勯 殢 浠 庢 ㄥ 洿 镄 勯 殢 浠 庢 ㄥ 洿 镄 勯 殢 浠 庢 ㄥ 洿 镄 勯 殢 浠 庢 鎱 ㈠ 悜 鍓 嶈 铡

“Borrowing with friends”

杩 囦 简 涓 € 浼 泛 纴 鍦 ㄨ 窛 绂 诲 皬 闀 囧 ぇ 闂 ㄨ 缮 纴 鍦 ㄨ 窛 绂 诲 皬 闀 囧 ぇ 闂 ㄨ 缮 everal dozen meters 镄 勬 椂 chain 欙 纴 欙 纴 镞 佷 竴 镞 佷 竴 0 阔 崇 獊 鍏 € 镄 勫 搷 璧 镄 勫 搷 璧


For more information about idane, please refer to the following:

鍦 ㄩ 偅 查 岋 纴, 変 竴 浜 涘, 変 竴 浜 涘, 変 竴 鐗, 変 竴 鐗, 寕 瀵 嗙 殑, 変 笡 锛 岄 偅, , 阔, 阔, 鏄  粠 闾潵 銆 潵 銆

Gong effect 瘑 镄 勮 崏 涗 腑 浼 犳 潵 缁 嗗 涗 腑 浼 犳 潵 缁 嗗 镄 勫 0 鍝 嶏 纴 鍦 ㄤ 紬 浜 殑 殑 ︽ 儠 镄 勭 溂 绁 炴 ︽ 儠 镄 勭 溂 绁 炴 嗕 笅 锛 屼 竴 嗕 笅 锛 屼 竴 嗕 笅 锛 屼 竴 嗕 笅 锛 屼 竴 狲 狲 狲 狲 岃 岃 岃 岃Custard

How to do this? 噾 鍙 € ︷笁 锲 涘 瞾 宸 ﹀ 彸 锛 岃 Han Juan’s draft

How to do this镞 rudder of the Chinese language, borrowing imitation imitation


鐪 嬬 潃 鐪 炒 墠 镄 勮 伞  コ 瀛 ╋ 纴 Adier ㄩ

But secretly, he was frowned.

In the girl’s within the body, he felt a weird breath, giving him a strange feeling.

But this girl’s breath within the body is very weak. If it wasn’t for the other person standing in front of him at this time, Adier wouldn’t find it.

“There are horrible things in the town … If you go, you will die …”

Standing in place, the girl stared at Adier numbly, opened the mouth and said numbly.

If you look closely, you can see some intimate parts from the torn clothes of the girl’s body. Faintly discernible under the cover of the torn clothes on the body, with a unique temptation.

Aside from Adier, looking at the girl’s appearance, Zide’s face has become slightly red. At this time, looking down at the girl’s appearance, she looks slightly sorry.

But in his eyes, the girl’s face did not change at all, and she didn’t care about everyone’s gaze.

“It’s getting dark. If you don’t go in to hide from the rain, I’m afraid the danger outside is not as good.”

Looking at the blonde girl in front of her, Adier’s face smiled gently: “You live in this town?

Standing in front of Adier, listening to Adier’s words, the girl didn’t answer, but just nodded.

“Latti, give her a dress.”

Looking at the girl’s appearance, Adier frowned secretly, turning around and instructing Rati.

Listening to Adier’s words, Rati nodded, took out a red robe directly from the luggage behind, and then walked to the girl and put her on.

After doing this, the girl glanced at Latty lightly, and without any thanks, turned and walked in the direction of the town.

Behind her, looking at her, Adier side Zide was a little unhappy.

“Come on.” At this point, Adier’s faint voice sounded around.

They slowly followed the girl and walked towards the gate of the town.

After a while, they walked into the town.

At the moment when he walked into the gate of the town, through the strong Spirit force, Adier keenly sensed that there were strong negative energy particles around him, with a very strange and strange atmosphere.

“A high-energy radiation response was detected in front of me …” In my head, the sound of the chip machinery also rose.

Listening to the sound of the chip in his head, Adier’s face did not change at all, but he swept around randomly, and then followed the blond girl in front of him.

Walking into the town, the surrounding scenes became clear.

It looks very quiet here, and the surrounding roads and buildings are very complete. No clutter can be seen, as if people are walking around often.

Although there was nothing in the surroundings, no blood could be found, and the trace of mutant monster seemed abnormal.

Before long, several silhouettes suddenly appeared in front.

It was an old man who looked about seventy-eighty years old. He was wearing a worn black linen robe, his hair had been bent to white, and a kind smile on his face.

Beside him, there were two indifferent middle-aged men, and a young blonde woman in her early thirties was following, step by step behind the old man.

After seeing the Adier entire group and the blond girl in front, the old man came forward with a little surprise: “Boni, you are back !!”

He quickly walked forward, hugged the blonde girl in front of him, and said in a tone of concern: “Where have you been? Grandfather is taking people everywhere to find you.”

Hugged by the old man in front of her, the girl’s body was shaking slightly, but it was not obvious.

For the old man in front of her, she did not respond, but just stood still, her numbness on her face became more apparent.

“How many adults?”

At this time, the old man noticed Adier and the others in front of him. He could not help holding the girl back a few steps, and a look of vigilance appeared on his face.

“We are passers-by, because it’s getting late now, so we’re going to spend the night in this town. Is there any problem?”

Looking at the old man in front of him, there was a meaningful smile on Adier’s face.

“This … of course it’s fine.”

Standing in place, listening to Adier’s words, the old man’s face hesitated: “This town is very big. If a few people just want to find a place to stay overnight to shelter from the rain, just find an unoccupied house.”

“Master Bruce … don’t say this.”

At this time, the blonde young woman in her early thirties also opened the mouth and said, “Since some adults have come to our town, they might as well go to us.”

“We can help some adults prepare hot water and clean it.”

As soon as she said something, in front of them, Zide’s hearts were a little moved.

After trekking in the wild for more than half a month, conditions are naturally not as good. Coupled with some rain, if you can have hot water and warm food at this time, it is definitely a treat.

Despite this, they were still wary of this place.

In a strange and raging danger zone, there is such a family living in a small town. It doesn’t seem normal how to say it.

Thinking of this, they couldn’t help staring at Adier in front, apparently waiting for his decision.

After watching a lot of eyes behind him, Adier looked up at the sky slightly, and finally barely nodded, with a smile on his face: “It’s a trouble for you.”

“It’s okay, we rarely have guests here.”

Standing in front of her, holding Bonnie in her arms, Bru’s face smiled softly: “Come with us.”

Having said this, he took the lead to turn around and walked forward with a few people on the side.

Behind them, staring at the old man’s back, Adier frowned, and walked forward together.

After a while, they walked to the center of the town.

There are some tall buildings around and it looks very new. Around, some silhouettes gradually appeared, at this time after seeing Adier’s line, they were a little surprised.

“An outsider is here again.” A small voice kept ringing.

Zema walked on the road, and looked around casually. Adier’s face did not change, but he couldn’t help jumping.

After arriving here, the concentration of surrounding negative energy particles suddenly increased, and that weird atmosphere also became more intense, with a vague sense.

This is very abnormal.

The negative energy particles here are so rich that long-term residence will definitely have a certain impact on the human body, which is not only debilitating, but also may cause sudden death directly.

But around this area, there are a large number of ordinary person living, and even each and everyone does not seem to be corroded by negative energy, which is obviously extremely abnormal.

In these people, Adier also sensed a weird breath, deeply rooted within each person’s inside the body, and was well covered up.

Among them, the old man named Kulu has the strongest breath, far from being as simple as it seems.

Looking at the residents who are no different from ordinary people, Adier flashes a faint green glow in front of him, and a large amount of data flows in it.

“Name: Kulu. Strength: 2.1. Agility: 1.7. Constitution: 2.2.”

In a flash, Adier’s physical fitness appeared in front of him.

This physical quality can be described as extremely scary, and it is comparable to some senior Knight apprentices, and it is nothing to deal with a few elite warriors.

In the field, in addition to Adier, only Zide and Rati could deal with each other, and even the other guards may not be able to win it.

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