“Am I in the monster nest?”

Zema walked on the road in the town and looked sideways at the silhouette that gathered all around, and Adier’s eyes gradually became cold.

Although the people around them looked the same as usual, there was no exception, they all carried a weird breath, but they were deeply hidden and could not be easily found.

In the chip test, except for the little girl named Bonnie before, the physical fitness of the rest of the villagers is not normal. Even the elderly who seem to be aging, the physical fitness is almost comparable Some elite warriors are out.

In addition to these, on the surface, Adier also found some other weirdness.

Located in a dangerous area, this small town is not large, but there are at least dozens of people coming out of this town. Counting those who have not yet appeared, it is estimated that there are hundreds of people.

Among these dozens of people, there are men and women, as well as old people, but there is no child. Even the youngest is the kind of Bonnie, who is already a teenager.

Of course, this phenomenon is not too strange. After all, it’s not easy to live in a dangerous area to ensure their own safety. Children’s ability to survive is too weak, and it is not too strange to die in an accident.

Around Adier, Zide and the others didn’t think of that many.

Watching the number of people around them gradually increased, their vigilance gradually dropped, and they felt a little kind to the lively crowd around them.

As long as they didn’t find it, some of the people watching around were faintly flashing green in their eyes.

These people stood on the edge of the corner, staring at Adier and the others with a strange look in their eyes, as if watching each and everyone dead.

After a while, the rain crackled outside, and a little raindrops wet the ground.

“This rain will last a long time.”

In the spacious living room, looking at the rain outside, Adier opened the mouth and said.


On one side, Bru came to the people, opened the mouth and said to them: “According to my experience, this rain should last at least two days, and adults may stay with me for a while. “

“Excuse me,” Adier returned.

“It’s okay.” Bruce waved his hand: “We haven’t been here for a long time, and you have been paid, so naturally you can’t be bothered.”

He had just finished speaking, and on the side, a thin silhouette came slowly.

It was a little girl about seven or eight years old, wearing a tattered red cloth robe, a little face with some fat, and looked very cute.

“Amy, is the room ready?”

Looking at the little girl, a soft smile appeared on her wrinkled face and asked her.

Looking at the smile on Bru’s face, under his gaze, the little girl looked dumb and didn’t speak, just gently nodded.

“What a lovely kid.” Aside, a voice suddenly sounded.

Looking at the little girl in front of her, Rati stepped forward, with a mild smile on her face: “Children, how old are you this year.”

Listening to Ratti’s inquiry, the little girl named Amy also showed a smile on her face, but said nothing.

“Sorry, Amy is speechless.”

Looking at Latty, Bru came to Amy’s side and touched her head: “This child is inherently unable to speak. He is ten years old this year and shows no signs of improvement.”

When he spoke, he was kind, with a touch of regret on his face.

Listening to this, Lati suddenly snapped: “It’s a pity … what a good child.”

Aside, Adier’s eyes were fixed on Amy.

“Tongue tissue is missing, vocal cords are abnormally damaged, artificially possible 97.4% …” In my mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

“This child is your granddaughter?”

Standing in place, Adier suddenly interjected.

Opposite him, after listening to Adier’s question, Bruce hesitated before responding: “Yeah, like Bonnie, she is my favorite granddaughter.”

“What’s wrong?” He looked at Adier in confusion.

“No, it’s okay.” Adier smiled. “Now that the room is ready, let us take a look.”

Listening to this, Bruno nodded: “Please come with me.”

With that said, he turned and took the Adiers towards the distance.

After a while, they came to the side of the room.

“Sorry, because there have been no guests for a long time, I have only three rooms left here.”

Walking here, Bru turned and looked at the Adier people: “How do the adults plan to arrange it?”

“Sir, why don’t you and Ratty have one for each other, and I have a room with the others?”

Listening to Brue’s words, standing in place, Zidem stood up suggested.

Adier is the lord, naturally it is impossible to share the same room with his subordinates, while Lati is a female, and the identity of the student who is also the lord of Adier, it is naturally not suitable to squeeze with other guards.

Looking around, Adier shook the head: “The room here isn’t too big, and a dozen of you are crowded together. The space is too small.”

“Latti and I live in one room. You live in the remaining two rooms.”

He didn’t change his face and looked at the people in front of him.

As soon as this was said, beside Adier, Rati’s face suddenly turned red.

She looked down at Adier in front of her, but said nothing.

In situ, the rest of the eyes were a little more stunned, and instinctively fixed their eyes on Radi.

Standing next to Adier, Radi wore a black robe, covering her whole body. Although her appearance was very ordinary, she was also showy. At this time, her face was rosy and her head looked down, and she looked a little touching.

Feeling the gaze coming from the surrounding gaze, Radi’s face could not help looking more rosy, and Sorry lowered her head, but said nothing.

Looking at her appearance, everyone suddenly showed a knowing smile.

After a while, they quickly walked to their respective rooms.

The three rooms are separate, and each is separated by a distance.

In addition to the room where Adier is located, each of the other two rooms has at least six or seven people.

After allocating the room, Adier walked under the eaves and watched the rain continuously outside.

On the road, he suddenly looked towards the side.

There, the old silhouette of Bruna gradually emerged.

“It’s getting late, adults, aren’t you ready to rest?”

On the road, looking at Adier, Bru’s face was obviously a little surprised.

“It’s not too late, so take advantage of it now to come out and see the scenery here.”

Looking at Bru, Adier casually said, “This town is much better than I expected.”


Walking to Adier, listening to Adier’s words, Bru sighed: “A lot of things happened in the town that year, and the people in the town almost died.”

“Can you tell me?”

钖  潃 浠 栫 殑 濓 纴 Adier

”粈 涔 ソ 粈 涔 ソ € 殑 銆 傗 aid with a smile 锛 气 滃 ぇ 姒 锛 滃 ぇ 姒 濆 竷 椴 乻戞 湡 锛 屾 垜 浠  Umbrella 搴 晣 瀛 愪 篃 琚  晣 瀛 愪 篃 琚  鍙 婏 纴 姝 鍙 婏 纴 姝

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“Master Adier.”

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”涞 濮 嗕 粬 浠  潵 杩 囷 纻”

How to get started with Adier

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“Umbrella and Zide”

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鎶 Distinguish from the road

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