The outside sky was gradually darkening, and all the brilliance in the town dimmed.

“Unknown radiation starts to increase …”

Lying quietly on the wooden bed, in Adier’s mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

As the chip sounded, Adier slowly opened his eyes, and the powerful Spirit began to spread, covering the room.

Hua hua 哗···

Outside the room, heavy rain was still falling, and a few bit of raindrops kept hitting the ground. While making a little noise, it also stroked a silver flower.

The sky was clouded by dark clouds, shielding the moon, making the town dark.

But among the noisy raindrops, there were a few sounds of footsteps sounding, shrouded in violent raindrops, completely covered and unreadable.

The sky outside was completely dark, there was no moonlight, no lights were on, and for ordinary people, even if someone stood in front of them, I was afraid they could not find it.

However, under the influence of Adier’s Spirit, this silhouette was discovered instantly, and even every move of this silhouette can be clearly sensed.

The slight sound of footsteps outside is disappearing. Under the induction of Adier, this silhouette quietly walked to the window of the room, and very skillfully opened the window.

His movements are very proficient and slight. How much movement caused by not at all appears calm under the cover of wind and rain.

Through the exposed window sill, a pair of green eyes looked over, with terrifying maliciousness in his eyes, and an inexplicable appetite, staring at the wooden bed and staring for a long time.

In the process, Adier kept his eyes closed and did nothing.

After a while, it seemed to confirm that there was no problem, and the silhouette came to the gate.

Obviously the door was locked, but he opened it without any effort, not only was there no damage to the door, and no sound was even heard.

Entering the room, he opened his miserable green eyes, and slowly walked to the bed where Adier was.

On the bed, Adier and Ratty were lying quietly, their eyes closed tightly, and they seemed to be sleeping heavily.

Looking at the two people lying on the bed, this tall silhouette opened a pair of miserable green eyes and stretched out a hand forward.

Maybe it is because of the appearance of Radi’s guard, that his combat effectiveness may be stronger than that of Adier, a noble Young Master, so his hand was the first to reach Radi.

As his hand stretched out, there was a faint ripple in the space, as if a water drop fell on the lake surface, rippling gently, exuding an unknown wave and breath, making people feel a sense of suffocation and blankness from foot to head.

In the face of this black hand, Lati was sleeping very deeply, and with the influence of the inexplicable Strength, it was no longer felt at this time, even if the wide hand was about to catch his neck. There was no response at all.


A light sound suddenly sounded in place, bringing up a burst of dust, directly dispersing the kind of Strength that had originally spread around.

At this moment, the black shadow in front of the bed jumped, and a horror flashed in the miserable green eyes, only to feel that his outstretched arm was firmly grasped by another firm and powerful arm. It was impossible to move even a little. bit.

Not only that, the unknown Strength permeated in him was also affected at this moment. It was forcibly crushed back as if stimulated by something. The enveloped stance suddenly dissipated most of it.

Horrified in his heart, his wide face looked subconsciously to the other side of the foot of the bed.

A breeze blows slowly, a silhouette sits up in an instant, a left hand firmly grasps an arm, a pair of sharp black eyes with the pressure on Spirit, even the night can make people feel clear, positive It’s Adier.


Suddenly I saw Adier sit up and feel the Strength from the opponent’s hand. The shadow was subconsciously horrified. The hoarse and deep voice sounded in the room, and he wanted to pull away.

At the next moment, a violent sudden force came from the abdomen, as if a boulder directly hit it, vomiting blood and flying out, fiercely hit the door beam.

Hong long! !

Outside, a thunderbolt erupted suddenly, and a crazy lightning flashed under the sky, shining the surroundings as bright as daylight.

In the short rays of light, Adier was wearing a black robe with long hair, and Qingjun’s face was cold, staring at the silhouette in front of the gate.

In the brief light created by the outside thunderbolt, he saw the appearance of that tall silhouette.

This is a very tall middle-aged man with wide arms and a wide body, wearing a black clothed suit. At this point there was a huge depression in the chest, and the blood slowly leaked out. It seemed that even the sternum was interrupted by a punch from Adier.

He has a pair of miserable green eyes, and his appearance is very abnormal. Not only is his face showing a kind of green, but he is also faintly twisted, with a kind of confusion, it is not a normal person at first glance.

However, from this man’s distorted face, Adier still faintly felt some familiarity, similar to a middle-aged man next to Bru during the day, but with some twists and subtle changes.

Falling to the ground at this moment, the distorted middle-aged man was blindfolded, with palpitating nausea in his eyes, staring fiercely at Adier.

However, in his malicious eyes, there was a trace of fear.

In his fearful and malicious eyes, Adier quickly stepped forward, lifted his whole body with one hand, and leaned against the wall: “What are you?”

“hehe ···”

Raised by Adier alone, this person didn’t say anything, but hehe’s smirk kept on, and his eyes saw crazy malice.

“Did not say?”

Adier raised an eyebrow and slightly raised his arm. He directly raised the middle-aged man in his hand, and then fiercely smashed it to the ground.


A huge roar sounded throughout the room, with a violent vibration, but was covered by the mammoth rain outside, and could not spread too far.

On the ground, being fiercely hit by Adier, blood splattered continuously, and the small half of that silhouette on the ground became flesh and blood, and a thick arm softened directly, and it seemed to be wasted.

“Don’t you say?”

Lifting up the silhouette on the ground again, Adier expression was cold.

But in the face of his problems, the man in front of him only smirked, as if he didn’t feel the pain at all, only a pair of malicious eyes kept staring at Adier, with an uncomfortable appetite.


Without hesitation, Adier right hand held the person in his hand and smashed to the ground again.

This time, he used much more energy than the last time, and the blood splattered will be everywhere.

But this time, Adier didn’t mean to stop. After the smashing, his arm was raised again, and he continued to smash down until the chip ascension in his head sounded again, reminding the other party to stop with only one last breath.

In a short period of time, he was smashed by Adier in such a fierce manner. The middle-aged man in his hand could not see any human appearance. Except for his face, which was still intact under the special care of Adier, the whole body was flesh and blood. Blurred, like a squeezed blood clot.

At this point, the intellect of this person has begun to blur, on the verge of syncope, and may faint at any time, but his mouth is still murmuring and smirking.

Standing in place, Adier looked at this person, and the energy particles on the right hand began to condense, with a special flavor, directly grasped on his head.

Suddenly, the eyes of this person began to become dull, and the murmur that had been constantly emitted also began to fade, as if suddenly stupid.

This is the effect of spell. Use it when the opponent’s consciousness is blurred, and immediately control the opponent.

“who are you?”

Looking at the man in front of him with flesh and blood, Adier’s eyes remained cold, his sleeves slowly hung by the wind blowing from the outside, and he asked the middle-aged man in front of him, with a psychedelic Strength .

Under Adier’s gaze, the middle-aged man’s eyes in front of him became more and more confused, and the miserable green eyes at this time looked towards Adier, it seemed to be affected by some Strength, and the lost mind was controlled at once: Whisk ···· “

“What are you doing?” Adier asked.


Middle-aged man looks dull, a pair of miserable green eyes with confusion, and an inexplicable fear: “eat … sacrifices …”

Speaking of wow, he closed his eyes directly, and the consciousness, which was almost comatose, fell into deeper fatigue after being cast by Adier. At this time, he was fainted and fell into dying state.

But even so, there was still a breath on his body. There was still a little bit of granulation growing on the wounds on the body of the god, which constantly made his wounds heal like creeping meat worms, which seemed disgusting and scary.

This is similar to the strangeness of corpses and blood corpses, and it also has similar regenerative properties, but it is not too thorough. Even if it is injured, it can only heal slowly. It is not as scary as the real strangeness.

“The similarity between the target blood and ordinary people is 87.1%, and an unknown mutation occurs …”

Wiping a little blood on the ground at will, in Adier’s mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

bump! !!

A light sound rang around, and the middle-aged man’s head was smashed by Adier, like a big watermelon, with blood and minced meat splashing everywhere.

“An unknown Strength was detected and the subject’s physical fitness began to improve.”

In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again, making Adier startled: “Is this OK?”

Listening to the sound of the chip in his head, Adier was really surprised.

Although the middle-aged man in front of me is a little weird, not only has his body mutated, but also his mind seems to have some problems, but it should still belong to the scope of human beings, which is slightly different from those mutant creatures.

“Maybe this person is already another mutant.”

Standing in place, looking at the corpse on the ground, Adier’s face showed an interested expression.

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