In the spacious and messy room, the outside wind was blowing constantly, with heavy rainstorms blowing around.

Standing in the wind and rain, Adier glanced at the corpse beneath him, and after confirming that there was no problem, he turned his attention to the wooden bed behind him.

At this point, after such a fierce fight, the spacious room had already become messy, and there were dark red blood sacrifice and minced meat everywhere, just like the scene of a murder, but it was not too conspicuous under the cover of the night.

And on the wooden bed in the corner of the room, Rati was still lying there, even if Adier had caused such a loud vibration before, there was no limit to waking up, as if a sleeping beauty was lying there quietly.

In a way, this is also caused by Adier.

Long before he entered the town, he noticed that the town was wrong, and he had already anticipated what would happen next. So specifically casting Lati into a deep sleep state, so as not to disturb his next action.

Quickly walked to the side of the wooden table, he held Radi in his arms, and then stroked her forehead lightly. A Spirit force was instantly transmitted, destroying the previous spell effect.

Under Adier’s gaze, Rati’s eyes slowly opened.

“Ah, Lord Adier.”

As soon as she opened her eyes, she found that she was in Adier’s arms, her face suddenly flushed, and she exclaimed.

Before she could talk to Adier, she found something wrong next moment.

The door of the room was open, and the outside wind blew in, carrying the strong bloody air around her, so that her drowsy Spirit suddenly sobered: “This is it?”

“Latti, go tell Zide, let them come and gather in this room.”

In the dim night, Adier’s calm voice sounded: “This town has problems. The residents are all fake by the monster. Let them be careful.”

While talking, he lifted up Raty, then walked to the side of the room, picked up his long sword, and then walked out quickly against the roaring wind and rain outside.

Outside the gate, the roaring wind outside began to increase, and in the night without a little light, it was very difficult for ordinary people to even see the road.

But this is naturally not a problem for Adier. Elf’s Bloodline has a natural bonus in this regard, even in such a dim night.

He looked at the direction, and then walked out directly against the howling wind. There was no extra sound or breath. Even if someone stood in front of him, it was difficult to find his silhouette.

For the terrain in this area, Adier had the chip record during the day, and walking was not a big problem at this time.

Under the supervision of the chip, the gradually rising radiation response can be detected from a long distance away. At this time, it is directly placed there. It is as dazzling as the light under the night, and he does not need to worry about finding a target at all. .

Walking quietly on the trail, although he walked fast, he did not make any sound of footsteps, and his breath converged to the extreme, and he had done his best in camouflage.

In addition to this, when walking, his Spirit force has also spread out. If there is any wind or grass moving within the range of five meters, Adier can immediately know and react quickly.

After a while, he walked to a corridor. At the end of the corridor, there was a room with a slight flash of light inside.

The door of the room was open, and Adier observed for a while. There was no silhouette at all except light, and only the slight light kept swaying under the wind.

Without hesitation, he entered this room and came to the light source.

It was at the corner of the room. Several torch were burning. The flame above was constantly swaying under the influence of the breeze, making the light constantly change, sometimes bright and dim.

And next to these torch, an intersection enough to accommodate two people walking side by side is open, leading straight to the ground, I don’t know where to go.

Under the detection of the chip, the radiation in front of it is constantly increasing, which is located underground.

Facing the wind, Adier stepped forward and walked down the stairs directly below.

This staircase is not too long, and there are some torch shining around, so it is good to walk.

After this section of the road, Adier came to another spacious room.

A foul odor came from the surroundings, which contained both bloody smell and rancidity and excretion smell of meat pieces. The various tastes were mixed together, which made Adier frown.

A cry and miserable howl came from one side and caught Adier’s attention.

Listening to the sound, he walked in that direction and saw a bloody scene.

In the spacious space, the light of torch is shining.

Blood-stained wooden strips, hardened iron daggers, and fishing nets with blades … Dozens of Chinese torture tools were naked all around, all stained with deep and dried blood, and it seemed to have been used for a long time.

In the surroundings, a large number of corpses fell to all around, and the appearance of death was extremely miserable. Many of the corpses on the corpses disappeared. It looked like they were being eaten alive by something, and the state of death was unbearable.

Walking out of this space, a lot of bloody smell was mixed with the cold and cold breath, and Adier could not help frowning.

“The negative energy atmosphere here is almost comparable to the breeding place of the flower of the dead.”

Looking at the environment around all around, Rao is the mind of Adier, can’t help thinking at this moment.

The opening of the flower of the dead spirit needs to torture people to death in the most vicious manner, and then it can be done with the blood of the venomous blood of the dead person within the body. The negative energy in this place now, even with the It is enough to cultivate the flowers of the dead.

Even if just touched with Spirit, Adier can feel a lot of negative energy contained in the surrounding environment, as well as those remaining madness and resentment, which makes people feel cold.

In this environment, there are people around, even a lot.

It was in the corner of the room, and the huge black iron prison of each and everyone was standing there, with several silhouettes in it, all of them dying to the ground.

There were occasional weeping and venomous curses coming around, and it kept ringing in the room for a long time.

“Don’t … don’t come over.” A voice came from the corner, making Adier look sideways.

It was a girl about twenty years old. At this time, her face was insane. Although there were not many wounds on her body, she was full of asphalt, and her two arms were completely gone. At this time she was not wearing any clothes and was trapped in Crazy and desperate madness flashed on the walls.

In front of the girl, the bones of several arms were placed there, and there was still some flesh and blood left on it, which had not been eaten clean. It seems that the two arms that the girl lost.

In other cages, there are several silhouettes, most of which look like they lack arms and legs, and look miserable.

Watching this scene, Adier sighed and was about to go out.

A slight moan came suddenly from the front, coming from the corner.

Under Adier’s gaze, in that corner, two faces were twisted and haggard, and the tall man was standing there, now wearing clothes.

Under them, a smaller girl was lying quietly on the ground, the same girl who had brought Adier into the town before.

At this point, she wasn’t wearing any clothes, her face was numb, and the bruise on her body increased a lot. At this time, she was naked and didn’t feel anything, but she just got up from the ground and picked up her more damaged clothes.


The crisp sound rang from the front, all the unique tearing sounds when the clothes were torn.

In front of the girl, watching her put on her clothes, a big man laughed, and stretched out her arm with the thighs of ordinary people, and tore her clothes completely into pieces.

Looking at his movements, the girl’s numb face showed a fearful expression, and seemed to be very afraid of them, and looked so helpless in the light of the surrounding torch.

Seems tired, the two men laughed for a while, then walked away and walked towards the other corner.

After they left, the numbness on Bonnie’s face became more obvious, and she barely supported her legs with no energy to stand up, trying to find a fairly complete piece of cloth from the torn clothes on the ground.

“You look like a normal person.”

In front of me, a voice came suddenly, with a kind of gentleness and calmness, so that Bonnie couldn’t help raising her head, just seeing the silhouette in front of her.

It was Adier, who had already walked in front of her at this time, looking at her bruises, her eyes remained unchanged: “Tell me everything here.”

“It’s useless···”

Looking at Adier who suddenly appeared in front of her, a surprised expression appeared on the girl’s face, but then she resumed Mu Ran: “You have entered this town, and those people will not let you go.”

“those people?”

Adier’s face didn’t change at all, except for a little sneer: “Do you mean this town full of monsters?”

“Did you know?” The girl froze, looking a little shocked and a little confused.

It’s just that her confusion, but Adier didn’t explain anything, just took off the black robe on her body and put it on the girl directly: “Stop here.”

Leaving this sentence, he turned and walked towards the black iron prison, pushing the iron doors directly away.

“Save … Save me …”

Looking at Adier’s silhouette, the girl who had lost her arms before was flashing with excitement, as if the dying pedestrian in the desert saw the oasis, and was about to usher in the last vitality.

A fierce sword wind flew across. In the girl’s incredible eyes, the black long sword swept across her neck, and the fierce sword power brought a beautiful skull.

She didn’t feel any pain, her will fell directly into a dead silence, and her torn body began to lose its vitality slowly.

The author is making the third change! But it’s a bit late, and the next time is estimated to be early in the morning!

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