In the cold space, a bloody human head fell silently to the ground, his face still with a look of fear.

Listening to the sound of the head falling in the distance, watching Adier’s movement, Bonnie turned to look, his face hesitantly flashed, but there was no movement.

“These people have been rescued.”

In the distance, she seemed to understand her thoughts. Adier’s face was as calm and natural as ever, except that the black long sword held by the right hand was stained with blood and brought a little bloody air.

When speaking, he completely solved the people in several black prisons, each sword was beheaded directly, leaving no pain.

Most of these people are disabled, either missing legs or hands. Because they have been tortured for too long, their consciousness has been basically abnormal. In addition, they have been in this environment full of negative energy for a long time. It is impossible to have a good life after being rescued.

To this extent, instead of continuing to struggle on whilst at death’s door, it would be better to give them a painless way to die.

“Cough cough …”

Going to the last black cell, a light cough came from the front, accompanied by a hoarse and vicissitudes: “Let me go, I want to continue to live.”

It was a middle-aged man who looked a bit old, and was also tied by a rope, but his body was still intact. Not at all, there were cases of missing arms and legs, but his body was a little thin.

Taking a casual look at the middle-aged man in front of him, Adier quickly walked over, and the long sword held by the right hand was chopped off directly, with a violent sword wind, and accurately chopped on the middle-aged man.

In an instant, the rope tied to the middle-aged man broke off.

As the original restraint disappeared, his feet softened and he almost fell to the ground.

“Thank you.”

Reluctantly stood up, with a grin on his face: “For the first time, I am Brand, one of the original residents of this town.”

His words caught Adier’s attention, and he asked with interest: “You are also a resident of this town?”

“of course···”

The middle-aged man named Brand smiled bitterly: “But it was just before, it’s no longer.”

“I can see it.” Looking at him, Adier frowned, nodded.

In the other person’s body, Adier not at all felt the unique and strange atmosphere, just a weak ordinary person, not at all or anything special.

Judging from the fact that the other party was held in this place, the monsters in this town obviously did not consider him to be his own.

“Do you know what’s going on here?”

Gently glanced at Brand, the strong oppression contained in that look made the other person’s heart jump, and opened the mouth and said: “I probably know that these are weird.”

Under Adier’s eyes, his face was bitter: “I don’t know the specific situation. I only know that it is a particularly horrifying and weird appearance, which has affected the residents in the town and turned each and everyone who is good. monster. “

“Then how are you all right?”

Adier wondered, looked towards this person, asking with confusion.

“Maybe … because I didn’t eat the meat.”

Standing in place, it seemed to be thinking of some horrible scene, Brand swallowed saliva and said, watching Adier explain: “In that year, weird broke out suddenly, and people in the whole town got a strange disease, as if it were infected. One after another. “

“Later … someone found out that as long as they eat the meat of those who died, they won’t get that kind of strange disease, so the survivors in the town followed suit and let the rest …”

Speaking of this, Brand’s eyes flashed with fear: “But as time passed, the survivors in the town began to mutate. Not only would the eyes become green, but the consciousness would become unclear and crazy every night. After eating all the corpses around the town … Finally, after eating up all the corpses in the town, I even started to attack other people in the town who did not produce mutations, as well as homeless people in the wild … “

“In the beginning, they could still maintain a little sage. Although they would eat corpses and even live people, they would not easily attack people in the same town … But then the situation became more and more serious, and no outsiders could be found. In the case of each and everyone, all the survivors in the town were eaten alive, and only me was left in the end. “

He whispered and said that he couldn’t help shaking while talking, as if he had thought of some horrible scenes that made him horrified.

Looking at his appearance, Adier had no interest in staying here, turned directly, and walked forward.

“Don’t go there!”

Looking at Adier’s footsteps, Brand complexion greatly changed, his pupils shrunk sharply, and he seemed to think something ordinary, and quickly uttered a reminder: “Those monsters are ahead!”

“Monster, are you talking about us?”

The voice just dropped. In front, two husky silhouettes suddenly stepped out of the front. A crooked and distorted face matched with miserable green eyes, with endless maliciousness.

These are the two men before. At this time, I did n’t know why they returned back. I just heard Brand ’s words, a twisted face with a smirk, accompanied by those miserable green eyes. It seems even more scary.

“It’s over …”

Seeing these two men, Brand was soft under his feet, sitting directly on the ground with his hips down, his face showing despair, and he seemed to understand his next ending.

bump! !! !!

It seemed as if the iron rod hit the big watermelon, but for a moment, the silhouette of a person quickly flew backwards, his head broke open, and the minced meat and blood on it were scattered all over the place, like a stream of water spraying everywhere.

Standing next to this person, another person’s entire head was stained with splashed pieces of minced meat and blood, and his original twisted face was red by the fellow’s blood dye, like a layer of realistic fuel.

Because he was too fast, he hadn’t had time to understand what happened, but he instinctively looked at Adier, a pair of miserable green eyes recorded the last scene, and then lost all consciousness.

A black long sword quickly slashed with the Ling Feng sword wind, lit a little silver light in the dark space, with a weak mana attached to it, making the long sword more lethal, directly a sword Poured into this person’s head and split it in half.

“An unknown energy was detected, and the subject’s physical fitness began to improve …” The sound of the chip machinery in his head sounded again.

bump! bump!

With two low voices, the two tall corpses also fell to the ground. When a piece of dust was shaken, a dull collision sound would also be emitted in the surrounding space.

Listening to this voice, the surrounding Brand and Bonnie reacted, and some unbelievably stared at Adier, almost thinking that they had hallucinations.

Facing the eyes of both of them, Adier didn’t have any mood to stop here, walked directly on the body and walked forward, bringing a breeze.

Behind him, looking at Adier’s silhouette, hesitated, Brand followed the steps of Adier.

This small town has become a monster’s nest, and all the people who are still active outside have mutated. If you go out directly, if there are a few people, no one will save him, it is better to follow Adier.

Aside, looking at the silhouettes of the two people around, Bonnie wrapped her robe, completely covered her body, and then followed the back of Adier without the slightest hesitation.

At the forefront, Adier walked quietly on the wide road, staring at the light in the distance, his eyes sharpened.

In the detection of the chip, the radiation in the front is slowly rising, rising with an inexplicable force field, at this time it becomes more intense.

“Why are they not coming back?”

At the end of the road, a voice in front passed quickly and was heard by Adier.

At the end of the road, Bruce was wearing a gray robe. At this time, his face had changed a lot. The original kind and gentle face became distorted, and his eyes also turned miserable green. It looked nothing like the mutants solved by Adier before the difference.

At this point, he was standing in front of an altar, talking loudly to the people in front of him.


Suddenly, he suddenly turned around, and seemed to notice something. He looked directly towards the direction Adier was in, and his eyes were equally malicious: “Come out!”

In the corner he was looking at, Adier’s eyes looked towards the two behind him.

With his strength, it is naturally impossible to be discovered by a role like Bru, but the two people who really caught the attention of the other were behind him.

However, he didn’t have any extra intentions. Sooner or later, he had to face each other face to face. At this time, since the other party found a trace and said nothing, he moved on his feet and prepared to go out.

But going out faster than he was a silhouette on his side.

In the aisle, Bonnie was pale, wearing Adier’s black robe, and passed over Adier directly, came out of the aisle, and was exposed in front of everyone.

At this moment, a pair of miserable green eyes stared, with deep malice and appetite, staring at her thin silhouette, seemingly ready to move.

“Oh, it’s my lovely Bonnie.”

Standing on the high platform, Bru’s face barely extruded a kind expression, and it looked awkward on the crooked and twisted face: “What are you doing here?”

His tone was low, with a cold and forest cold, just like a blood snake that might explode at any time, watching you quietly.

Asked by him like this, Bonnie’s face suddenly turned pale: “I … I just want to see if there is anything I can help you with.”

“This way.”

Looking at Bonnie standing opposite, Bruce’s awkward expression did not change at all: “Exactly, I do have a small favor here to help you.”

Listening to this, Bonnie was relaxed in her heart, and then she heard the sound of Bru in front of her again.

“Give me your heart and flesh!”

In one case, Bru’s face suddenly became extremely horrible, with a thrilling breath, rushed directly to Bonnie, grabbed her neck with one hand.

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