Low roar sounds echoed in the dim space.

At the forefront, Bru’s face was gaunt, a pair of miserable green eyes with malice, permeated with a dangerous atmosphere, holding a petite girl with one hand.

“Stop!” Angry roar came from the side, and a silhouette rushed out.

Brand had a dagger that didn’t know where to come from, with an angry expression on his face, and forgot about the danger in front of him for a while, and rushed to it.

Before he was close to Bru, he was pushed back by a huge force, and the whole person fell directly to the ground. The dagger capital he held in his hand was blown away and went straight into the side wall.

“Isn’t this our Brand? He ran out?”

Bru’s face looked surprised, and walked in doubt, seeming to want to torture.


Here a light sound sounds, like the sound of arm-to-arm contact, crisp and loud.

Bru only felt that the scene in front of him changed rapidly, as if it were spinning in circles, and it took a long time to settle down.

A painful feeling of being squeezed by heavy objects came from his arm. His arm, which was clenched tightly, could not help but loosen the original Bonnie who was holding it.

It wasn’t until this was over that he reacted to the past and saw the scene in front of him.

But at this instant, Adier had rushed out, bringing a breeze around him at a very fast speed, and in a split second, loosened his arm that was clinging to it, and then punched.

bump! !!

A violent collision sounded. Standing in place, Adier let go of his opponent’s hand and punched him in the past. He took a fierce fist and hit him directly with his hand, sending out a blow. Sandbag-like sound.

After receiving the blow on the front, Bru’s chest was penetrated alive, and the whole person flew straight for seven or eight meters. He didn’t know how much blood was sprinkled all the way, and then fell heavily to the ground.

“Cough … cough …”

He fell heavily on the ground and suffered a punch from Adier. Bru had not died immediately. A large number of granulations were growing on his wounds, and healed at an alarming rate.

“Look at what you look like now, not too far from the real monster.”

Right hand gently pulled up the long sword on the waist, looked at the look of Bru, and looked around, Adier couldn’t help but said with a smile: “Very well, it seems that the whole town is here , Just saves me the time to look for it! “

In the spacious surrounding space, the silhouette of each and everyone wearing a gray robe is sitting in front of each other, and each and everyone has a pair of miserable green eyes, at this time all looked at Adier.


Reluctantly got up from the ground, Bru began to grow some azure scales on his face, and it seemed to be affected more completely: “If we count monster, what are you?”

With a mocking smile on his face: “A normal person can’t hit me with a punch.”

Standing in place, listening to his words, Adier didn’t mean to reply, strode forward, with a little smoke on his feet, and chopped down with a sword.

The sharp silver light flickered in the surrounding space, as if put on a little silver light, rushed forward with the beautiful killing intent, and fiercely split on the opponent’s body.

Before he had time to react, Bruce felt cold on his body, and then the pain that made him feel uncomfortable surged from his body, making his face even more embarrassed and scary.

Under Adier’s sword, his entire body was directly cut off, and the upper body was separated from the lower body, allowing countless blood to continuously flow from the wound.

But even so, he did not die, but was struggling in pain, with granulation growing on his wounds, fully expressing his horrible regenerative ability.

“Come on!” He yelled angrily, his miserable green eyes stared at Adier in front of him with deep malice and fear, and he was ready to rush forward to the next moment.

But to his surprise, Adier just ignored him and ignored him completely, rushing directly to the open space in front of him.

There was a densely packed crowd in the open space in front of me, and the enthusiastic appearance disappeared completely during the day, leaving only a horrible face, each and everyone snarled towards Adier.

Nearly a hundred monsters rushed together, and the scene was indeed a bit scary, even more so in the dim light around.

But looking at this scene, Adier is not surprised.

The strength of these mutants is not too strong right now. Even the stronger ones are just equivalent to Knight apprentices. Even Knight is no match.

But the Strength that can be obtained by killing these people is far more than that, even if the strength is far worse than Knight, but the Strength that can be obtained after killing is more than killing some Knight-level monsters.

There are nearly a hundred people in front of us. If all of them are slaughtered and the accumulation is small, the final harvest will be very amazing.

And these are just the beginning dishes, not even a meal.

Under the detection of the chip, the radiation here is becoming more and more powerful, and a weird force field is being uploaded from the altar in front, like an enchantment, covering the whole space, obviously there is something in trouble.

This is likely to be the weirdness of doing haunting work in this area. If it can be killed, there will be some gains.

“Hope you don’t let me down!”

Facing the crowd rushing forward, Adier stepped on one step, and the energy particles on his body began to condense. On the long sword held by the right hand, a bit of cold light was flashing, and the blessing with the mana also flashed. , Strength is contained in it.

The next moment, with everyone’s gaze, his silhouette began to blur and the shadow on the ground disappeared.

Silver’s sword light quickly flashed around, with a fierce sword wind and Strength enough to crush the flesh, flashed around, took one after another sloppy skull, and fell heavily to the ground.

The body of each and everyone monster settled quickly, and the body began to fall forward under the action of inertia. The upper skull and large flesh flew out directly, bringing strong bloody air to the surroundings.

This process is fast and very neat. When each silver sword light comes down, there are several heads on the ground. There is no extra movement at all. It seems to have been practiced thousands of times without any mistakes, only one after another. Flying head.

“This is impossible!!”

Paralyzed on the ground, looking at the scene behind him, Bru growled loudly, and could hardly believe what he saw.

In the distance, leaning against the wall, Brand and Bonnie both stared.

This was not a fight at all, but a naked slaughter. In front of Adier, those monsters eating carcasses seemed to line up to die, accompanied by a silver sword light flashing, each and everyone’s head fell directly to the ground, with an inexplicable sense of neatness.

The difference between SLRs is too great.

For ordinary people and even Knight apprentices, these monsters with powerful immortality may be very difficult to entangle. Once gathered, even Knight can only flee. But for Adier, it’s just a few small characters, and there is no difficulty or problem to kill.

Once his terrifying physical fitness is launched, these cannibal monsters, which are not even as good as Knight, may not be able to see his movements clearly, not at a level at all.

“Under the influence of unknown Strength, the subject’s physical fitness has begun to improve!”

As Adier kept slaughtering, in his mind, the sound of the chip machinery was also sounding, and he never stopped.

An unknown Strength is affecting Adier, causing his body and soul to slowly change, and it is approaching a certain threshold.

Feeling all this, Adier’s movements were getting faster and faster, while silver sword light flickered, dozens of headless bodies quickly fell.

Roar! !

Killing monsters all the way along the way, the strong bloody smell filled the whole space, it seems to lead out something in front of the altar.

The violent roar sounded at this moment, squeezing all the voices, and the huge silhouette of the latter rushed out from under the altar.

It was a huge monster with five meters in height, with a body odor, and looked bloated, like a big fat, but a huge mouth was growing, revealing the steel-like teeth inside. tooth.

It just came out of the altar, immediately found the target, shouted and re-entered Adier, the huge body brought a smell of corpse, intertwined with the surrounding bloody air.

bump! bump! bump!

The huge body walked on the ground, like a shot put on the ground, making a dull sound, leaving each and everyone footprints on the ground.

Listening to the sound, Adier looked back with stern eyes, turned back with a sword and chopped down, and chopped the bloody air attached to the long sword.

This sword is lightning fast. It not only carries the Life Energy owned by Great Knight, but also adheres to the mana of Adier within the body. It is transformed into a road arc by the enchanted rune engraved on the Hei Rui long sword, which directly turns into a several meters length. Sword glow.


A violent collision sounded, as if the sword had been chopped on the hardest steel, making a dull sound, without any lightness on the flesh.

The sword was cut in the front by Adier. The monster’s chest was broken open, and a black piece of stiff meat was exposed. There was a little bit of black blood flowing continuously. It also looked like it was not injured and was directly damaged by the long sword. The Strength attached to it retreated, and fell straight on the altar, smashing the entire altar directly.

“Not good !!”

Looking at this scene, underneath, struggling to fall to the ground, Bru ’s complexion greatly changed: “Where is …”

Before he finished speaking, a miserable howl suddenly sounded in front, like a woman’s painful sorrow, and like the last roar of an undead person, with the most vicious and terrifying curse, lingering, and could not fade .

“An unknown force field is detected … There is a high-energy radiation response in front of it, and long-term effects will produce irreversible differences …” At this moment, the sound of the chip machinery in his head sounded again.

Listening to this voice, Adier frowned and rushed straight forward.

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