A few days later, when the outside earth was shone by the low light, Adier and his party set off again.

This time, in addition to Zide and some ordinary guards, not at all brought extra people and went straight along the rough road towards the castle where Thor was.

It didn’t take long before, after rushing for more than a day, the castle began to appear in the distance, with an ancient and old atmosphere, standing quietly at the end of the front.

In the front, as previously agreed, Thor was already waiting with someone there, apparently receiving news from an Adier person.

“Haha, Lord Adier, you are finally here!”

As soon as he reached the front, Thor couldn’t wait to ride the horse forward, his face looked hospitable, and he seemed to miss Adier during this time.

After months of missing, Thor has changed a lot.

His body became stout, his muscles looked strong and strong, and he looked a bit more full on Spirit. He looked energetic, as if he had returned to his prime, and the whole man became a lot younger.

I have to say that although the portion of Knight’s breath given by Adier has serious side effects, the effect is still very good. In just a few months, it can make an ordinary person who has never been exposed to Knight training. , Turned into a powerful Knight apprentice, if those hard-trained Knight apprentices know, will definitely be envious of envy.

Of course, the effect is so good, and the side effects brought by it are naturally not trivial. If it is not maintained by Adier’s carefully formulated medicament, it will immediately be a dead letter.

For the knight training, a third-class apprentice who is about to be promoted to a formal wizard is specially prepared to make a potion. Such a luxurious treatment can be enjoyed by few people even in the wizarding world.

In the place, Zema talked for a while, and they quickly entered the castle in front of them.

Compared with a few months ago, the castle in front of it looks a little different, but the warrior faces all around seem to have changed, but it is not conspicuous.

At all around, the bloody air left after the big cleansing has been completely dissipated, and the residents of each and everyone seem to have forgotten what happened a few months ago, and each and everyone is busy with their lives.

After a while, they reached the center of the castle and came into a hall.

Here, Thor ordered a few words to the servant on the side, then sat down with Adier.

Without waiting long, the black robe servant wearing a black robe came out again, holding a black wooden box in his hand, and it looked like there was something in it.

Respectfully put the wooden box in his hand on the wooden table in front of Adier. The servant in the black robe stepped down respectfully, standing silently beside Thor, waiting for the next order.

“These are the dead spirit grasses I have collected around this time. In order to exchange these little things from those aristocratic people, I have also paid a lot of favor.”

Looking at the black box on the wooden table in front of him, Thor smiled, while while speaking, pushed the wooden box in front of him to Adier’s eyes, and signaled him to open it.

Adier didn’t hesitate, picked up the wooden table in front of him, and opened it.

When the wooden box was opened, a scent of lilies diffused out from the inside, and it was shocked by Spirit.

In the wooden box, there are some hay covered in black, all of which have dried up, depending on the situation, there are about a dozen plants.

“it is good!”

Looking at the dead spirit grass in the wooden box in front of him, although Adier had anticipated it, his face still couldn’t help but show his delight.

Although all the dead spirit grass in front of them is withered, it does not affect the medical properties of the material too much. Based on the quantity in front of you, you can make ten drops of spirit medicine.

Ten full parts, even if Adier’s luck is not good, at least two finished products can be refined, naturally Adier is happy now.

“how is it?”

In front of him, looking at the undisguised joy on Adier’s face, Thor’s face also smiled: “Is Lord Adier satisfied with these things?”

“I am very satisfied.”

Facing Thor’s wink, Adier didn’t hide anything, and directly nodded: “These materials are very important for one of my experiments, and Lord Thor helped me a lot this time.”

“In return, when I go back, I will allocate a few more bottles of crimson blood to send to the adults!”

“haha, then many thanks!”

Thor was very pleased to hear Adier’s words, and he was also very happy.

For the crimson blood configured by Adier, he has always wanted to get more after using it.

Not only does your body need regular use of crimson blood for maintenance, in other aspects, crimson blood also has a very good effect, which can not only cure the pain, but also delay the aging to a certain extent.

After all, it is calculated based on the level of the potion. The crimson blood specially configured by Adier has been regarded as a primary potion. For ordinary wizards, it is also considered a very precious thing. Simplified version, but for Thor, an ordinary person who is not even Knight, the effect is still very significant.

Moreover, in order to better control, Adier also made some tricks in these potions. Although it will not affect the effect of the medicament, it will cause the user to have an extremely strong addiction.

Judging by Thor’s thirst for crimson blood, it is clear that he is already addicted.

Sitting in front of Adier, although happy, Thor did not forget another thing, and at this time made a look of sudden realization: “Yes, Lord Adier said in the letter before, it can be in my clansman Admit a few people as apprentices and teach their Knight training in person. “

“While it’s fine now, how about we start now?”

He looked at Adier and smiled opened the mouth and said.


Sitting on a wooden chair, after thinking about it, Adier also nodded, but still reminded: “But I must remind, even if I am willing to teach, but if I have not become Knight’s qualification, there is no way to learn.”

“Knight’s qualifications?”

Listen to this, Thor’s frowned.

He originally thought that as long as he was willing to teach by Adier, everyone could learn, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

“Is the chance of having Knight qualifications low?”

After thinking about it, he was a little skeptical that Adier was saying it on purpose, and he tentatively said at this time.

Under his gaze, Adier directly nodded: “Yes, very low.”

“Since I settled in this area, I have looked around a lot, but now, apart from Lord Thor, you have only found five people with Knight qualifications.”

“However, Lord Thor, you are better off.”

“Oh? How?”

Sitting opposite Adier, Thor was still frowning for such a low probability. At this time, hearing Adier’s words, he could not help asking.

“People with Knight qualifications have a greater chance of descending to possess Knight qualifications.”

Facing Thor’s sight, Adier’s face was calm: “Since you have Knight qualification in Lord Thor, then in your clansman, the Knight qualification may be far greater than ordinary person.”


Listening to this statement, Thor had a thoughtful expression on his face, apparently thinking something.

They sat here for a while, then got up and walked to the side.

Stopping all the way, after a while, they walked to a small square, where there were already some people waiting.

Most of these people are teenagers. The oldest of them looks like they are only in their twenties and the youngest is only seven or eight.

In the forefront of these people, three teenagers are standing side by side, each wearing different costumes. The faint leader in this group should be Thor’s child.

“Why are you so kind?”

Before walking in the square, looking at the crowd standing in front, Adier frowned.

Although there are many people in front of me, there are actually only a few thirty people at most. Compared with Knight’s extremely low probability of ownership, there are not many at all.

Just these people, it is undoubtedly extremely difficult to find some people with Knight qualifications.

Aside, listening to Adier’s words, Thor had a weird look on his face.

These people in front of him are naturally recruited by him in advance, basically all of them, either their own children and their descendants, or some clansman with a closer relationship.

Originally, he felt that there were too many people, but now it seems that it is still a little less.

“Relax your age.”

Standing in place, Adier turned and looked at Thor. “As long as you are Thor, your clansman, anyone under 40 can test it.”

“In addition, not only men, but even girls can come and test.”

“Then trouble Lord Adier.” Thor nodded: “I’ll send someone to call someone now.”

Listening to him, Adier nodded before turning around and looking forward, letting each and everyone come forward.

With the existence of the chip, the detection of these dozens of people is quickly over.

What surprised Adier was that among the dozens of people in front of him, they actually found two apprentices with Knight qualifications, one of which happened to be Thor’s own child.

Compared to dozens of people in this area, this probability is already very good, and Adier is somewhat surprised.

“Sure enough, looking directly at these Knight families is the fastest way.”

Looking at Thor aside, Adier somewhat understands why the wizarding world attaches so much importance to Bloodline.

This group of people soon finished the test, and the losers were naturally discouraged. As for the two only successful ones, they stood behind Adier with excitement and looked a little excited.

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