In the morning, the sun was spreading over the earth.

Outside the field, Adier was carrying people, walking on a deserted path.

Compared to the previous time, there were a few more people behind him at this time.

The three young boys and girls, two of whom were male and female, were faintly led by an ordinary-looking boy with blond hair.

These three people are one of the achievements of Adier. They all have a certain Knight qualification under the chip test.

As for the ordinary blond boy, he was named Stanl, but it was Thor’s child. It didn’t seem to be much favored before, but he was selected by Adier this time.

In order to select as many qualified people in the family as possible, Thor searched for almost all clansman and finally selected the three.

For these three, Adier is also quite satisfied.

He is destined not to stay in this world for a long time. After he is promoted to the official wizard, he may leave here, and will rarely return if there is no accident.

After he left, some people still need to stay here to help him collect resources and knowledge about this world.

Right now these apprentices are in the growing stage.

With Adier’s teachings, it only takes a while for these people to grow up and help Adier take root in this world.


The time passed unconsciously, and in a flash, a few days passed.

In the dark and cold laboratory, standing in front of the test bench, Adier was holding a portion of the material and was concentrating on refining the potion in his hand.

A faint scent of fragrance quickly came from the front, with a slight shaking of an energy particle, and a familiar atmosphere.

Feeling this unique taste, Adier looked happy: “Success!”

Standing in front of the test bench, he carefully packed the refined medicine in a special glass bottle, and set it aside.

“Good luck, it’s a very good material, and in the end I made three finished products.”

Standing in front of the test bench, while cleaning up the waste in front of him, Adier looked at the three bottles of excitement a little excited.

I do n’t know if it ’s because of the proficiency. This time, the success rate of Adier’s refining drops of Spirit Medicine is obviously better than the previous one. Three materials are fully refined to produce three finished products. The refining success rate has been Approaching one third.

If other pharmacists knew about Adier’s success rate, they would be extremely surprised, even unbelievable.

After cleaning up the waste in front of the eyes and clearing the test bench, Adier took three bottles of black ink-like potion in his hand, and then turned and walked out.

After walking all the way, he came to his room and locked the door directly.

Sitting on the head of the bed, he didn’t look at it, just picked up a bottle of potion and drank it.

The familiar stimulus came from the body, with an extremely awkward feeling.

But this time, because of the previous experience, Adier just took a deep breath and quickly entered a meditation state.

In the dim Spirit Sea, the Spirit force like the seawater is constantly fluctuating, and it is slowly increasing under the effect of the potion.

“The subject is suffering from unknown stimuli, and the body organs begin to degrade … Spirit power begins to increase …” In his head, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

It took half an hour for Adier to end this meditation and retreat from that hazy feeling.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 14.1 (14.8). Agility: 14.9 (15.4). Constitution: 14.6 (15.2). Spirit: 12.8.”

In front of him, familiar physical data reappeared.

“This time the Spirit power has only increased by 0.6?”

Looking at his physical data and feeling the familiar pain from his body, Adier shook his head and dispelled the psychedelic sensation after taking a drop of Spirit Medicine: “Except for the effect of Spirit’s power increase, which is reduced. , The physical damage is also much smaller than the last time, it should be that the body has developed drug resistance. “

Standing up from the bed, Adier asked the chip in his head: “The chip, based on the existing data, simulates the success rate of being promoted to a formal wizard.”

“It is expected that the promotion success rate of formal wizards is: 84.3% …” It didn’t take long before the sound of the chip machinery in his head sounded again.

“The results are pretty good.”

Listening to this success rate, Adier was satisfied with nodded: “There are still two drops of spirit medicine. After all of them have been used, and then cultivate for a period of time, you can try to be promoted to a formal wizard.”

Thinking about this in his heart, he did not immediately plan to take two bottles of medicine under him.

The use of a drop of spirit medicine will cause great damage to the body. On the other hand, the better the body’s condition, the better the effect of using the medicine.

Adier has just finished taking a bottle of medicine. Now he is in a weak period after using the spirit medicine. If the remaining medicine is used immediately, it will not only cause some waste, but also may cause some irreversible effects on the body. Damage.

Left and right are just a period of cultivation. At this point, Adier is still waiting.

Soon, time passed like a stream of water, and another month passed.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 14.8. Agility: 15.4. Constitution: 15.2. Spirit: 13.6.”

Standing quietly in the laboratory, in my mind, the familiar attribute panel surfaced again. Compared to a month ago, the Spirit force has increased by 0.8 again.

During this time, Adier not only used the remaining two bottles of potion, but also healed the damage caused to the body by the potion and adjusted his body to a Peak.

“It is expected that the promotion success rate of formal wizards is: 88.5% …” In his mind, the prompt of the chip machinery sounded again.

“Is it close to a 90% success rate …”

Listening to this success rate, Adier was nodded first, and then a little bit sorry: “Unfortunately, my body has developed resistance to drops of spirit medicine, unless we can find other formulas that increase Spirit’s power, otherwise how to take it, also Not much growth in Spirit. “

After all, the use of medicines is not unlimited. Once you take too much medicine, it is easy for the body to develop resistance. No matter how you take it afterwards, the effect will not be as good as before. Complete failure.

If it wasn’t for the drop of the spirit medicine, Adier would definitely find a way to refine some medicines to increase the success rate of his promotion as much as possible.

“Although it is still a bit risky, the chance of being close to 90% is enough. If there is no accident, it should be no problem to promote to a formal wizard.”

With this in mind, Adier was certain, and then he made a decision: “Arrange the things around you, and then start promotion immediately!”

Having made a decision in his heart, he turned and walked out of his laboratory.

“Sir, you’re out.” Walking outside, Bonnie’s familiar voice came over.

At this point, she was standing in front of the laboratory door, wearing a white dress, matching her delicate and pretty face, looking very touching.

But looking at her, Adier didn’t have any extra thoughts in her heart, and she opened the mouth and said, “Go and let me know, and let Zide and Sid come over to see me!”

Listening to Adier’s words, Bonnie quickly went out, and it seemed that she had gone to notice.

Looking at her back, Adier stood for a while, then walked in the other direction.

After a while, he came to the hall, where Sid and Zide were already waiting.

“Sir, are you looking for us?”

Watching Adier’s arrival, Zide had respectful faces, opened the mouth and said to Adier.

“I recently had an experiment that might take some time, so some things need to be dealt with now in advance.”

Walking in the hall, looking at the Zide people, Adier did not talk nonsense, directly opened the mouth and said: “If there is anything, you can say it now.”


Listening to Adier, Sid hesitated for a while, but first opened the mouth and said: “Nothing has happened recently around the manor, but there is something wrong with the village outside.”

“Because of your orders, adults, our territory began to accept those homeless people, and after allowing them to exchange some food in the wild for food, the food stored in our manor was consumed a little bit faster, and this may have some impact.

He hesitated about the problem.

“Is the food problem?”

Listening to him, Adier was a little surprised.

Since becoming the lord of this territory, in order to better collect the resources of this world, he specially arranged it. As long as someone can find some materials, he can exchange some things at the manor, such as grain and seeds for farming.

For Adier, this business is very cost-effective. The materials he collects are basically things that are useful to wizards. They are all measured by magic stones in the wizarding world. Now some of the food is exchanged. Natural conversion .

Judging from the situation reported by Sidney, the effect is obviously very good.

“There is no need to worry about the issue of food.”

Pause God, Adier nodded: “I’ll write to Lord Thor and ask him to send some food to him. As long as he stays for a few more months, he can wait until the food is harvested, and naturally there will be no problem.”

Listening to this, Sid respectfully nodded and didn’t speak again.

“Zide, where are you?”

With that settled, Adier turned and looked towards Zide.

Under Adier’s gaze, Zide was a little nervous, but he stepped up and reported something to Adier.

In the hall, after dealing with these things, Adier took a walk in the vicinity and confirmed that there were no major problems before returning to the laboratory.

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