After walking to the familiar laboratory and closing the heavy door, Adier looked at all around at will, and then sat on the side of the bed.

“According to my instructions, martial law has begun inside the manor, and special Wizard Array protection has been arranged outside the laboratory. Anyone who wants to enter will be immediately discovered by me.”

Sitting on a huge wooden bed, Adier calmed his mind: “I have already done all the defensive measures I should take, and I can only rely on myself.”

Thinking of this, he took a box on the wooden table and opened it directly.

Inside the wooden box is a bottle of dark green potion.

The dark green potion is very crisp, and the liquid in it seems to have life, in which it constantly emits slight pulses, which looks very out of the ordinary.

This is the sap of the ancient thorny tree, which can play a good supporting role in the process of being promoted to a formal wizard, and it is extremely precious for third-class apprentices.

This bottle in the hands of Adier is still a gift from the teacher in Academy.

“Chip, how is the improvement of the Warping Barrier?”

Sitting on the bed, Adier asked the chip in his head.

After getting the appearance of this first-level spell from Edith, Adier ordered the chip to analyze and simulate the spell to make the effect of the spell better.

After all, for wizards, the spell that is solidified in the Spirit sea is too important, and of course it must be optimized as much as possible.

“Improvement has been completed …” In a split second, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

“Compared with the original version, the improved version has an increase in stability of 17.1% and the formidable power has increased by 67% …”

The sound of chips reminded in Adier’s mind.

“let’s start!”

Feeling a lot of information emerging in his mind, Adier took a deep breath, and his fortitude appeared in his eyes.

“I am ready to make preparations, and the next thing depends on my luck …”

Drinking the sap of the thorny old tree in his mouth, Adier flashed the thought in his heart, then closed his eyes directly, and entered a deep meditation state.

After drinking the sap of the thorny old tree, in Adier’s body, a feeling of being burned on the fire appeared, with a sense of weakness extracted by vitality, at this time all emerged.

“Subject’s physical activity begins to decrease … The Spirit upper limit begins to increase …”

In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again, but at this time Adier had no psychological understanding for a while.

A sense of bewilderment appeared in the body, and then the dim Spirit Sea appeared in Adier’s consciousness, illuminated by an inexplicable Strength.

A large number of Spirits are as powerful as surging seawater, where they are constantly tumbling, as if a tsunami is raging in the Spirit Sea.

Under the action of the ancient thorn tree sap, Adier only felt that the Spirit was unprecedented and full at this time.

It felt fascinating as if to break free of restraint, but it also made Adier wary.

While at Wlardo College, relying on Edith’s relationship, Adier has consulted many valuable materials in the Academy’s library, including various issues that need to be faced when promoting a formal wizard.

This situation now appears to be the crazy growth of Spirit, but it is actually the result of burning the vitality of the body. Once you reach a certain threshold and have not completed the promotion, this promotion will completely fail. It will be hard to say whether there will be any repercussions at that time, but these burned vitality is really lost.

Even if Adier’s lifespan is long enough, even if the promotion fails, it can still save lives, but it will also affect future promotion, making it less likely to be promoted to a formal wizard.

Various thoughts flashed in my heart, sensing the Spirit Sea illuminated at this time, Adier resisted the pain of burning vitality, and tried to build a magic template for the Warping Barrier in the Spirit Sea.

This is also the most difficult level for third-class apprentices who are trying to promote a formal wizard.

The magic template, even if it is the most basic, is difficult enough to trap countless people. Ordinary apprentices need to talk less and learn for several months from learning to constructing. This is especially true of the first-level magic template, which is hundreds of times more complex than the basic template.

If it is said that the template for building the basic spell is to contemplate an ant out of nowhere, then contemplating the first-level magic template is to contemplate a human in the mind. Every blood vessel, every hair, and details of any structure of the body must not be wrong, otherwise this spell will fail, and the complexity can be imagined.

It is a huge challenge for any apprentice to build a first-level magic template directly in the Spirit Sea without ever building a first-level magic template. Not to mention that it must be guaranteed a successful one, psychologically. The pressure is even greater.

This is especially true of Adier, which uses improved magic templates.

Although the improved spell is powerful, its complexity must also be higher. To a certain extent, it will only make curing spells more difficult.

However, Adier also has a big advantage over others.

The wizard is itself a high-powered computer, and the more powerful the wizard is, the more powerful the computing power is. In this regard, Adier’s Spirit power also far exceeds the level of ordinary third-class apprentices when they are promoted.

Coupled with the existence of a chip, although Adier has not built this spell in his mind, he has also tried many times through the chip’s analog function.

These conditions add up, even if the improved Warping Barrier difficulty is greatly increased, but Adier still has confidence in himself.

In his mind, the dim Spirit sea lit up.

Amid the surge of Spirit force, a little light was gradually shining.

This light was extremely faint at first, as if it might go out at any time. But then it became brighter and brighter, and it became larger and larger. It gradually rose up in the vast Spirit Sea, illuminating the entire Spirit Sea like a sun.

If you can carefully observe in the Spirit Sea, you can find that in the interior of this light is a pure crystal with a complex rune on it, which together form a Perfection structure.

And this whole crystal is the magic template after curing. At this time, it is standing quietly above the Spirit Sea, releasing a faint brilliance.

This light is very bright and thorough, but it does not have real heat. It only emerges in the Spirit Sea and can only be observed by Adier.


When the crystal in the Spirit sea successfully ascended and condensed, he felt the change coming from the Spirit sea.

In the vast Spirit Sea, with the successful curing of the magic template, the entire Spirit Sea seems to have undergone some unknown changes, causing the originally boiling sea water to begin to calm down.

And the changes in the Spirit Sea will also extend the body, making the body of the third-class apprentice slowly metamorphose, and complete the changes in the level of life.

However, to do this, things are not over.

After the magic template is cured, it is still very fragile at this time. If an accident occurs at this time, the crystal generated after the magic template is cured may collapse at any time.

So at this stage, Adier must maintain as much as possible the Spirit crystals in the Spirit sea. Before this, not only cannot use Spell, but also focus on Spirit as much as possible, otherwise this process may fail.

Adier’s previous defense measures were actually prepared for this time.


Time little by little past.

When the spell crystal in the Spirit sea was probably stable, Adier eyes opened again.

If you look closely at his eyes, you can see a faint light from his eyes. If someone looks directly, he will immediately feel a strong tingling sensation.

This is a phenomenon that can’t be controlled by the surge of Spirit power, and it is also a symptom often seen in the newly promoted formal wizard.

“Finally … it worked!”

Sitting on the bed, opened his eyes quietly, feeling the sun shining through the window, and the feeling of weakness from his body. Adier was a little excited, and a little more joy in his eyes: “Official Wizard!”

At this point, he felt very bad, because the thorn sap was used to impact the formal wizard, and his vitality was burned a large part. At this moment, the whole person was in a very poor state and looked very weak.

But under this extreme sense of weakness, he could sense the Strength on his body, which was more than several times stronger than before he was promoted.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 13.5 (15.7). Agility: 13.9 (16.1). Constitution: 14.1 (16.5). Spirit: 16.8.”

In front of him, the familiar attribute panel reappeared, giving Adier a full understanding of his body.

In addition to Spirit’s one-time increase of 4 points, the other physical attributes have also increased greatly, only temporarily in a weak state.

And over time, in the period of just being promoted to a formal wizard, Adier’s physical attributes will still grow greatly, and will not stop until the end of the Metamorphosis Stage.

In theory, this Metamorphosis Stage is also the weakest time for a formal wizard, not only ca n’t use too many spells, but his physical fitness has not reached the level of a formal wizard, although he is far better than a third-class apprentice in combat effectiveness But it is not an opponent of other formal wizards.

For Adier, of course, this may not apply.

With his powerful physique, even if he has just been promoted at this time, I am afraid he can directly confront the formal wizard.

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