“Try it …”

In the spacious laboratory, Adier lightly said, and then his heart moved, and a little mana was instantly drawn.

On the surface, a faint force field appeared on his body, looking like an extra shield, with the collision reaction of energy particles on it.

With the advent of Adier, at the next moment, the surface shield directly burned, and Adier’s body was immediately shrouded in flames, with a hot breath.

“Sure enough, the cured spell is equivalent to its own innate talent. Not only does it require no mana to motivate it, it is even more flexible and powerful on the formidable power than the original!”

Feeling the change in his body, Adier’s face was happy.

For wizards, solid spells are the most important. Because after curing spells, not only can you directly convert a spell into your own innate talent, you can also use spells more flexibly.

If you want to give an example, it is the difference between a tool and your own arm.

Although external tools can help you achieve your goals, not only are they stiff, they also need more energy to handle, how can your arms be so free and effortless to use.

“Like the spelling of the Warping Barrier in front of me, if it is only used as a spell, it will work well, but it is also just a formidable power. It is not at all all amazing.”

Adier smiled. “But once cured, Spell’s Strength becomes instinct, and you can be much more flexible.”

With the change of heart, the shield in front of Adier immediately began to transform, and the structure in it began to change. The fire energy particles that originally filled it gradually subsided, and then changed into the original layer of transparent shield, and then disappeared.

Of course, this is just appearance. In fact, the protection provided by the Warping Barrier still exists, but it covers the surface of Adier and is hard to be found by others.

This state is more concealed. Not only is it difficult to find the protection on the body, but the consumption is close to nothing, but the defense will be reduced.

If the spell is urged with full force, at the same time as the defense strength increases, the surface shield will be fully exposed, allowing others to find that it has lost concealment.

Probably after detecting the changes brought by the innate talent spell, Adier turned his attention to the changes in the body.

In front of his eyes, a large number of data streams are constantly being gathered, and finally they are constantly transformed into a three-dimensional figure of a human shape.

From this image, every inch of muscle and every minute organ in Adier’s within the body can be found. Many of them are marked as red and green, which indicate differences.

Among them, red refers to the place that has been changed after being promoted to a formal wizard, and green is the part that is being changed.

The transformation of life does not happen overnight, it always needs a period of adaptation to allow the body to complete this change. And this period of physical adaptation is actually the Metamorphosis Stage after the wizard’s promotion.

“It feels less and less normal.”

Looking at his body structure and comparing this ordinary person’s body, Adier lamented.

Whether Knight or Wizard, in the step-by-step process, they will change their body structure step by step, making themselves different from the ordinary person class.

This change was not too obvious when Great Knight and third-class apprentices, but only some parts of the body were optimized.

But when it comes to a formal wizard, this situation is obviously a lot. Not only has it been optimized on the basis of its own structure, there are even signs of growing new organs. Although it belongs to the scope of humans, it has already become essential with the ordinary person Different.

After a while, with a squeak, Adier gently opened the laboratory’s locked door.

After the door was opened, outside sunlight came in, which made Adier slightly disoriented and looked a little uncomfortable.

At the gate, Bonnie was standing there, seeing Adier come out, and quickly saluted forward: “Master Adier!”


Listening to the voice, Adier glanced at the little girl in front of her, “How long have I been in?”

Adier glanced at it, and Bonnie’s heart suddenly jumped, just as if she had been stared at by some horrible beast.

This feeling comes fast and goes fast. Looking at Adier in front of her, she barely pressed the sudden palpitations in her heart: “Sir, it’s been five days.”

“Has it been five days?”

Adier hesitated, and then said, “Go to the kitchen and make an order for me to prepare a hearty lunch.”

“Yes!” Listening to the order, Bonnie nodded, and quickly went down.

After a while, in the clean and bright restaurant, a variety of dishes were put on the table, full of wooden tables.

For these, Adier was not polite, and began to eat directly.

He has just been promoted to a formal wizard, and his body is not only weak, but also in the Metamorphosis Stage, when food is needed to replenish his energy.

Although drinking some potions can also do this, but since there are abundant foods to enjoy, Adier naturally does not want to suffer the crime.

After a while, in the surprised look of the servant, Adier finished eating all the dishes on the table before leaving the restaurant and walking around the manor accompanied by Zide Mu.

On the way, Adier is thinking about what he plans next.

“According to the information found in Academy previously, after being promoted to a formal wizard, if you want to go further, in addition to continuing to grow the Spirit force, you need to purify the Spirit force.”

Thinking about the information about the official wizard, Adier frowned: “Let ’s not increase Spirit ’s power, although it is difficult, but there is at least one clear direction. But Spirit’s power is purified. At this point, I cannot find any information, it should Blocked by Academy’s executives. “

Such precious knowledge involving formal wizards has always been monopolized by those powerful wizarding organizations. Even in Wizard Academy, it should belong to the materials that only formal wizards can access in person.

“Some trouble …”

Thinking of this, Adier frowned: “It seems that we still have to find a way to return to the Wizarding World and find some wizarding organizations.”

“And the commission from Edith teacher, it’s time to finish.”

In a flash, he thought about it again.

When Edith was funding Adier, Adier had asked Adier to make a promise to promote him to an official wizard, and went to the Maison Region to find a wizard family named Yall, and took care of it.

Adier does not intend to violate this commitment.

Not to mention the other party’s long-term help, there are gifts for those who promote formal wizards. It’s just that Edith himself was very good to him, and it was right to help Ben when he could.

It’s just to help look after a fallen wizard family. For Adier, who has now reached the formal wizard level, it is not a major event.

Making a decision in his heart, Adier closed his eyes and felt the change in the depth of one’s soul.

In the depth of one’s soul, there were two dim light gates floating quietly. At this time, the idea of ​​Adier was sensed, and the gate trembled slightly, transmitting a certain message back.

“It takes more than half a year to accumulate energy …” Standing in place, Adier muttered to himself.

After being promoted to a formal wizard, the speed of soul accumulation undoubtedly increased again, reaching a level that surprised Adier.

Until now, if you want to go from Wizard World to Doomsday World, even if you start from scratch, it only takes one year.

As for the unknown World, the time required is also greatly reduced, and only needs to be stored for about 6-7 years.

This cooling rate, although still slow, will at least not be as difficult as it used to be, which is undoubtedly good news for Adier.

“From now on, it will take almost half a year to return to the original World, just to pass the Metamorphosis Stage of the official wizard.”

Adier thought to himself: “During this time, it is time to increase the digging of this world!”

He looked up towards the distant road, his face calmed, thinking so.

Beside him, the Zidem were standing behind him, guarding silently.


Time passed quickly, and a year passed quickly.

On a flat training ground, a loud noise rang from the surroundings.

Those were a few people in training clothes. At this time, everyone was holding a long sword and rushing towards the center of the training ground.

In the center of the training ground, a handsome man with a black long sword in his hand was standing. At this moment, he looked at the people who besieged gently. His face did not change at all.

bump! bump!

Almost instantly, a few muffled sounds came from the training ground, and several people were knocked out on the spot and fell heavily to the ground.

However, taking advantage of this gap, the others rushed forward, headed by Zide, fiercely rushed towards Adier in front.

In the end, their movement was not as fast as Adier. Soon, several people were beaten and flew out. In the field, only Zide was left.

“Master Adier is so fast!”

Picking up the flying long sword, sitting in the corner of the training ground, looking at Adier in front, someone sighed.

“I don’t know what Zide can do.”

“It depends on what Master Adier means.”

On the side, Rati picked up his sword and sat aside. At this moment, he watched the match in front of him intently: “Maybe there will be a surprise?”

“You mean?” On the side, listening to this, Stanr, with blond hair, thoughtfully, looking at the front more than Dou’s eyes could not help focusing.


The shouting loudly flashed from the front.

In the envious eyes of everyone around, Zide was loudly roared, the long sword on his hand flashed a green light, injected Life Energy into it, and fiercely chopped it towards Adier.

The speed of this sword is extremely fast. When it is wielded, it carries a sword wind that brings a green sword glow in the surrounding space, which is frightening.

However, such a furious sword was finally blocked by people, and it didn’t even seem to take much effort. With just one touch, all the strength on the sword was completely invalidated.

At the next moment, a huge impact came from his body, and before Zide had time to respond, he immediately flew him out.

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