On the spacious training ground, Zide was hit by Adier and flew out.

However, despite this, he was not injured. Except for the long sword in his hand, he was not at all.

“Congratulations, Zide.”

Standing in the middle of the training ground, and looking at Zide, who was lying on the ground, Adier’s face smiled: “Congratulations on becoming Knight.”

“Thanks to Lord Adier’s teachings!”

Listening to Adier’s words, Zide quickly got up from the ground, looked respectfully at Adier, and it seemed that he really thought so.

“Anyway, now that you’ve been promoted to Knight, it’s time to give you something.”

Looking at Zide in front of him, the expression on Adier’s face remained the same: “After a while, I will let Sid hand over a piece of land to the south as your private territory.”

“many thanks adults!”

Listening to Adier’s words, Zide’s face suddenly showed joy, and her heart was very excited and excited.

On their side, listening to Adier’s promise, some of the other apprentices were envious and even jealous.

The land Adier allows is not the kind of dangerous wasteland outside, but the land that has been cleared by Adier. Not only is there no dangerous forbidden land, even mutants are rarely seen.

These are the achievements of Adier this year.

During this year, Adier looked around for various forbidden grounds. While paying off the weirdness, he also cleaned up several forbidden grounds by various means.

After these forbidden areas have been cleared, the land that was originally full of danger has naturally become much safer. You only need to clean up some of the mutant organisms that remain on it, and you can immediately turn into available land and let people on it. settle down.

This kind of safe land with no weird residue is the most precious in this world. Now that it is directly given, it is naturally exciting.

For Adier, the land itself is not at all very useful. There is not enough population to cultivate it. Even the most basic human resources cannot provide it. It is better to donate it directly to these knights and let them go to the top and cultivate well.

“Unfortunately, these people’s ancestors are not Knight. Although they have qualifications, they are basically not good. Even with my assistance, it took such a long time for a Knight to appear.”

Standing in the middle of the training ground, I put the long sword back in my hand and looked at the other apprentices aside. Adier was a little stunned. Although this title sounds very good, it actually represents a kind of bottom line. Missing.

Regardless of the Knight family or the wizard family, in fact, the qualifications of the first generation belong to the worst group, far less than the descendants of innate talent.

Just in terms of wizarding qualifications. If there is no Wizard Bloodline on the ancestors, then often they will only have the worst first-class qualifications, even if they are second-class qualifications for the civilian apprentices.

In the wizard family, the chances of higher qualifications will increase significantly. The stronger the ancestor’s strength, the higher the chance of higher qualifications.

The same applies to Knight.

When the Zide group of people reproduce Bloodline in this world, if their descendants have Knight innate talent, they are likely to surpass their ancestors and be able to go further on the road of Knight.

After staying on the training ground and explaining a few words at will, Ailier and some maids accompanied him, and Adier stepped off the training ground and headed for the other places.

At this time, after more than a year of operation, the landscape in the manor had changed. Not only did the number of people everywhere increase, but also some rare plants were planted everywhere, and the servants in the manor cautiously took care of it.

On the other side of the manor, there is a breeding area, which also breeds some weird creatures. Not only are the dark crows flying around, but also some traces of mutant monsters.

These are the gains of Adier for more than a year. Through the exploration of this world, Adier has found many useful materials, some of which can be cultivated naturally, and they will find ways to cultivate them in the manor.

Although this kind of material that can be cultivated naturally and has low environmental requirements is basically some basic materials, it is better than quantity.

In the future, Adier will try to let the surrounding nobles to cultivate these materials, and then directly recycle them.

“After so long, it’s time to leave …”

Walking around the manor all the way, looking at the surrounding scenery, Adier thought calmly.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 16.5. Agility: 17.1. Constitution: 17.3. Spirit: 17.8.”

In front of it, the familiar attribute panel is re-emerging, and there is a big improvement in data compared to a year ago.

Unfortunately, the reason for this progress is entirely due to Adier’s crazy hunting of weird and mutated monsters. The real progress caused by meditation is minimal, and it has basically stopped.

And after such a long time, all the powerful mutant creatures around here were basically killed by Adier, and those same forbidden places were not let go. All the places where there might be weirdness were basically trampled by Adier.

Strange is not so easy to find.

Although there are many forbidden areas around, most of the forbidden areas have only some weird remnants, among which weird lives are not at all. And there may be weird places, which have basically been cleaned up by Adier once.

Continue to stay in this world, it is impossible to gain much in a short time, unless this area is likely to enter an outbreak period.

However, it is necessary to try one’s luck to meet the outbreak period. At least Adier has stayed in this place for more than a year, and did not find any signs of an outbreak period in this area.

Thinking silently for more than a year, Adier turned and walked towards the manor.

Soon, he announced to others that he was about to leave for a while.

After simply ordering things down, a few days later, Adier took his luggage and quickly walked out of the manor.

After walking all the way to a remote corner, after confirming that there was no one around, Adier did not hesitate to close his eyes and instantly connected to a point in the depth of one’s soul.

In the depth of one’s soul, two dim light gates are standing quietly. At this time, the idea of ​​Adier is sensed. One of the light gates is slowly opened, and a little world light shines out from it, instantly admiring the whole of Adier. Body shrouded.

The next moment, in place, Adier’s silhouette disappeared completely.


In the dark corner, a pair of eyes gradually opened, looked towards all around.

Sudden changes in the environment made Adier somewhat unaccustomed to walking towards the outside world.

呲 roar!

A low roar suddenly sounded, constantly echoing in the dim surrounding caves, making the sound constantly expand.

Listening to the sound, Adier looked towards.

In the corner he looked towards, a black creature, a giant creature like a tiger, slowly stood up, supported his four legs, and watched Adier vigilantly, with anger and fierceness in his eyes.

At the next moment, he rushed straight up, a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl opened, with a ferocious momentum, biting towards Adier’s head, it seemed to be about to bite Adier’s head off.

In the process, Adier stood still, as if frightened, and let the tiger in front of him.

Weak particles of energy began to gather, and a layer of ripples appeared on the surface of Adier’s body, blocking this black tiger directly.

Feeling the action coming from his side, Adier glanced at the black tiger under his feet. The twisting force field on his body began to change instantly, turning into a burning flame entangled in the opponent, with the breath of particles of fire energy, which dim the original Cave illuminated.

This layer of faint flames does not seem to be different from ordinary flames, but it is actually an extension of the force field on the surface of Adier’s body. Although it is only a defensive force field, once transformed, it is also comparable to some offensive spells. .

Bursts rang in the cave and disappeared quickly.

Stepping on the black tiger’s body, Adier walked straight out.

A few days later, he came to the nearest city and inquired about it.

Everything is calm.

At this point away from Adier, but only more than a year. In this year and more, how many twists and turns occurred in this continuous not at all. The battles of several major countries basically stopped. Except for occasional wars between some small countries, not at all was a major event.

Here, Adier also discovered the news of the Fax family.

Since Adier became a third-class apprentice and became the Elder of the Southern League, the Fax family has benefited, and its status in the southern countries has also improved. Although it is not as good as those top families, it is better than the past. A lot.

With those resources that Adier left behind, Kuma Principality has produced a number of powerful Knights in these years. It is said that now it has taken the opportunity to completely swallow a nearby duchy, greatly strengthening its strength.

Like this kind of news, Adier also heard a lot.

After spending several days in the city, he left here and walked towards his next goal.

And his first goal was the headquarters of the Southern League.


Half a month later, in the early morning, Adier was outside a huge city.

On the periphery of the city, there is a tall city wall, where a team of elite soldiers are guarding it. Just looking at it, it is much better than other cities.

Coming here, Adier didn’t hesitate, and directly followed the route in his memory, all the way to the central part of the city, outside a magnificent palace.

You guys help calculate! How many chapters do I owe Aaahhhhhhh!

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