“Really familiar …”

Walking quietly in front of the palace in front, looking at the familiar surroundings, Adier sighed, “Everything here is almost unchanged.”

“who are you?”

It wasn’t until Adier’s voice came out that the surrounding guards responded. At this time, they surrounded Adier, with dignity and vigilance in their eyes.

This is the headquarters of the Southern League. Not only are guards around, but also some simple Wizard Array guards. Under normal circumstances, no matter who wants to come in, it will inevitably cause reactions from those around them.

But now, this place was dignified and walked in. In the process, it did not even cause any reaction, and it was not discovered until the other party took the initiative to speak.

This is very abnormal, and what it means is that people around here have a faint guess. At this moment, they stare at Adier with a serious look, for fear of any action.

“Don’t be so nervous.”

Looking at the grim eyes of the people around him, Adier smiled: “I am also the Elder of the Alliance. This time, I just want to find some people to tell the story.”

“Is Kegg Elder inside?” He asked, looking at a Knight in front of him.

“This …” Listening to Adier’s words, the leader in front of him was hesitant, but still opened the mouth and said: “Kegg Elder is negotiating with other Elders …”

Just now, he jumped in his heart, raising an inexplicable doubt: “What’s going on? Why did I say these things so easily?”

“Is it another regular meeting?”

Adier looked towards the palace in front of him: “It just happened once.”

In while speaking, he walked forward.


At this time, the surrounding talents reacted, and no longer care about it, they rushed to the front and wanted to stop Adier.

Just next moment, a spell force field enveloped the surroundings, obstructing their vision, their minds became chaotic, and they fell directly into place.

This is a simple use of charm spells. With Adier’s current strength, against several ordinary guards who are not even Knight, it is natural to get one.

When he reached the palace, he cast a spell again to conceal his figure, and walked directly into the palace in front.

After a while, he came to a hall and pushed open the door and walked in.

“Who!” A shouting loudly came from the past, waking everyone up in a flash.

It was a second-class apprentice in a white robe, and at this point fiercely looked towards Adier’s location.

The Spirit of the wizard is very powerful. In terms of concealment, Adier can easily escape ordinary guards and even Knight, but it is easy to be noticed by some Spirit’s powerful second-class apprentices.

However, he was not ready to conceal, and directly exposed the silhouette, revealing his appearance.

“Adier Elder!”

Looking at Adier’s appearance, there was an exclaiming voice.

Unlike ordinary guards outside, most of them are wizard apprentices in the palace. Many of them have seen Adier before, and they can be recognized at this time.

Only relative to the past, this time, they looked at Adier’s eyes more diligently.

Basically there were some apprentices of wizards, even the lowest were second-class. Many people have gone to outside Academy to study and have seen real formal wizards.

At this time, in their field of vision, Adier radiated a wave of force field. If he looked directly at him, he could feel a tingling sensation from Spirit, which made them feel like them. The formal sorcerers they had seen had made them wonder.

“No … it won’t.”

In an instant, the eyes of many apprentices suddenly changed, and some guesses came to mind suddenly, but they couldn’t believe it.

After all, Adier is too young, and it’s been more than a year since he last left, and it would be too fast if he was promoted to a formal wizard.

Adier can guess one or two of the ideas in the hearts of the apprentices around, but not at all, but looked towards another corner.

There, a familiar person was quickly coming out. The first person was wearing a gray robe and a smooth top hat. It was Kegg who introduced Adier to the Southern League in the past.

“Adier, is it really you?”

Under the gaze of many apprentices, Kegg walked to the hall and suddenly held his breath. He felt a stronger sense of Spirit pressure coming from the front, and his face became shocked in an instant: “You … A wizard? “

Suddenly, all around became quiet, and everyone’s eyes could not be focused on Adier.


“I didn’t expect that you would be here just over a year ago.”

In a manor house, walking on the small stone paved aisle, looking at the handsome boy standing behind himself, Kegg’s eyes were a little complicated and awed.

In acting, Adier not at all what the idea of ​​playing the pig to eat the tiger, since coming here, he has never concealed his powerful breath, and some of the characteristics revealed after being promoted to a formal wizard.

This is to not waste time. On this continent with few wizards, a formal wizard is powerful enough to suppress everything. Anyone who encounters it can only obediently acknowledge allegiance. There is no need to cover it up.

In fact, the effect is very good.

The group of Elders in the Southern League changed their attitude at the first sight of Adier, directly overwhelming the weird third-class apprentices of each and everyone.

In order not to annoy Adier, and by the way to better connect with Adier, they also specially launched Kegg, who is close to Adier, as a representative to entertain Adier.

In Kegg’s eyes at this time, Adier exudes a strong Spirit force, and strands of energy particles instinctively rush towards the other side. The mana contained in the body is extremely deep, even if it is just a peep.

These strengths have greatly surpassed the third-class apprentices, and should not be even weak among formal wizards. They are not the kind of newly promoted formal wizards, and have passed the period of weakness.

The discovery made the group of Elders in Southern League tremble even more.

The weak period after the formal wizard promotion is less said to take more than half a year, and Adier’s current status has clearly been promoted for some time. Maybe he just left and was completely promoted immediately.

“It’s just luck, that’s exactly what happened.”

Walking on the trail, Adier’s face was calm, and he didn’t seem to have the slightest fluctuation in his heart: “Lader, how is he now?”

“Lader …”

Standing next to Adier, Kegg’s face was a bit bitter, and he was a little bit sorry: “He’s dead.”

“Dead.” Adier froze.


Kegg sighed: “He is not like those of us who are willing to hide in the corner. He still has ambition in his heart. He wants to impact the formal wizard, but fails again. Was brought back. “

“So …”

Listening to the news, Adier was also a little silent.

At this moment, he remembered the scene when he met the other party, as well as the cooperation and transaction with the other party.

The roots of Chennai’s tree obtained in the original expedition are still carefully preserved by Adier, but the other party is dead.

However, if you think about it, this is normal.

The other party is very old, and before it failed to shock the formal wizard, his vitality was burned.

Even if later they tried to make up for their vitality, the chance of striking the formal wizard for the second time must be much smaller than the first time. It was a desperate fight, and failure was actually normal.

Standing in place, the two fell into silence for a while, until next to Adier, Kegg said again: “How come you suddenly come back this time?”

He looked at Adier with curiosity and doubt in his eyes.

This continent is really small and remote. It is not only short of resources, it also lacks a powerful wizarding organization, and it lacks a lot of knowledge.

Without these, any wizard can only be trapped alive. Except for a few wizards, any wizard who still wants to advance on the path of the wizard will not choose to stay.

As Adier and Strength now, something must come back this time.

Facing his gaze, Adier also nodded: “I’m going to take a long trip, so I come here first and look for some information about the Maison Region.”

“Maison Region?”

Listening to this somewhat unfamiliar word, Kegg frowned: “It’s a long way away, it already belongs to another witch’s gathering place, some distance from Southern Continent.”

“However, that place is much more prosperous than Southern Continent, and it is a good place for Adier.”

Speaking of which, he looked at Adier’s handsome young face and couldn’t help laughing.

Maison Region, another witch gathering place in this world, can’t help but be more prosperous than Southern Continent. It is not only rich in resources, but also has more powerful wizards. It is also said to connect the central area of ​​World with a safe road to the central area, which has attracted countless people.

“Here we have some records about the Maison Region here, so you can check it out.”

Looking at Adier, Kegg opened the mouth and said.

“Many thanks.” Adier nodded.

“You’re welcome.” Kegg was somewhat restrained, as Adier said, “You were originally Elder of the Southern League, and you are eligible to consult this information.”

“In addition, in this area, if you have any needs, we can try to help you get it.”

“Help me look after my family.” Adier opened the mouth and said.

“Of course this is okay.” Kegg nodded, remembering this secretly in his heart, ready to take care of it later.

And listening to his answer, Adier was equally satisfied.

The reason why he is visiting the Southern League this time is to show Strength so that these people can look at the face of a formal wizard and take care of the Fax family. As for the information of Maison Region, it is incidental.

With the deterrence of a formal wizard, even if Adier leaves, presumably for a long time, Duke Aries need not worry about any threats.

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