In the morning, the sun shone on the earth, bringing a touch of warmth.

In a bustling port, merchant ships travel to and from here, wandering around.

“It’s almost time, send it here.”

Standing in front of a huge black cargo ship, watching the crowd behind him, Adier opened the mouth and said.

Behind him, some people are standing there, including Kelder, the Southern League’s Elder, and some big nobles nearby.

These people came to see off after learning that Adier was about to leave.

At this point, Adier had been here for half a month, and after finishing some things, he started preparing to leave.

“Master Adier, don’t you spend more time here?”

Aside, Kegg opened the mouth and said: “According to the news, after knowing that Lord Adier you are back, someone from the Kumar Kingdom has been sent over. The head is Zidane Great Knight, which is said to be familiar to you.

“Just wait another week and they will be here to meet you.”

“no need.”

Standing in place, Adier looked up at the black cargo ship in front of him: “I’ve been here for a long time, and it doesn’t make sense to wait any longer.”

“After I leave, help my Sect person tell him and let him take someone straight back.”

Turned and looked towards Kegg aside, he said with a smile.

“That’s … okay.” Hesitating for a while, Kegg ended up being nodded.

While they were talking, the others on the side were quiet.

For them, the deterrent power of a formal wizard is too powerful. Except for Kegg, an Adier’s past acquaintance, others are standing in front of Adier, and I am afraid to say a few words.

After a while, the outside boat slowly entered, and Adier stepped onto the black cargo ship in front of him, waiting for the ship to set sail.

Under the respectful guidance of a servant, he walked to his own room, only to put his saluted down before walking to the deck again.

At this point, the ship had begun to set off, and a faint wind blew into his face, bringing a hint of coolness.


Looking at the distant land slowly becoming distant, and the faintly visible Silhouette Adier muttered to himself.

At this moment, there was an inexplicable feeling rising in Adier’s heart, and this time he left, I am afraid that it may take a long time before he can return.

By then, everything in front of you may no longer look like this.

However, this is also an inevitable result.

Mortal life is too small and short, and for decades, nothing can’t be considered for wizards.

Even a third-class apprentice, in fact, just lives for decades more than an ordinary person that’s all, and cannot be compared with a formal wizard.

After a hundred or two hundred years, the people familiar to Adier will pass away from each and everyone, leaving only the memory that once existed.

This is a scene that most wizards must go through.

Standing quietly on the deck for a while, after a while, Adier walked towards his room.

There were too many accidents during the trip at not all, and soon, more than a month later, the vessel was about to reach its destination.

After disembarking, Adier bought two horses around and continued on his way.

He crossed the margins of the Southern Continent and walked all the way to the Northern Section plain.

On the way, he also heard many things.

Almost all the wizarding organizations that originally existed on Southern Continent disappeared. According to what Edith once said, they collectively relocated and chose to open up to a new unknown area. There are only a few small wizarding organizations remaining in the continent, but it seems that it will not last long.

The entire continent is filled with the breath of death, with powerful pollution spreading in this area, plundering all life above it, forcibly turning a large area into a dead place, creating many polluted creatures.

All of this is said to be from the leak of the former ruins. It is not known what was sealed. Even if it was jointly sealed by many wizarding organizations, there were still some things leaked, which caused such serious consequences.

While hurrying, Adier also inquired about some Academy news around, and wanted to inquire about the location of the Academy relocation.

The news is very inquiring.

Several local wizards organized a collective relocation and evacuated. The noise in this area was so great that it was impossible to hide it.

Adier just inquired casually and knew the direction Academy chose to evacuate, but he couldn’t know the exact location.

Secretly recording the news of Academy, Adier headed all the way north, quickly passed through the vast area of ​​Southern Continent, and reached the area of ​​the Northern Section plain.


A few months later.

In the morning, the sun was shining on the earth.

The long convoy was driving on a narrow road, at which point it was slowly stopped and ready to rest.

As the team stopped, there were people around from time to time taking something from the carriage behind, it seemed to be preparing a fire for cooking and preparing for a lunch.

“Sir Adier, it’s lunch time.”

Aside, a girl in a green dress quickly ran to the carriage and shouted at it.

After a while, from the carriage, one person came out.

It was a young man with a handsome appearance, wearing a long sword on his waist, and wearing a black robe. The whole man looked calm and calm.

He stepped off the carriage, smiled at the young girl in front of him, and went to the side.

There, someone was shouting his name at this time, and let him walk quickly.

“Adier, you are here too.”

Among the crowd coming forward, a middle-aged person with a beard and a beard held a piece of barbecue in his hand, and at this time, said to Adier with a smile.

“Well, it was just called down.”

Adier nodded, then looked at the people around him: “What’s going on here?”

“I don’t know yet.”

The beard shook his head: “We were suddenly called here, and it looks like something should have happened.”

At this moment, a heavy footsteps came from the front, attracting the attention of everyone present.

“Sorry to bother you.”

In the front, a middle age person wearing a black armor came to the front, and the whole person looked very mighty. At this time, the mouth and said: “However, there must be something clear to everyone.”

“We received this thing last night.”

As he spoke, he took out a long black arrow.

This arrow is unique. The whole is made of black spar. The arrow is also engraved with a pattern of a strange bird, like some kind of logo.

Looking at this arrow, the faces of the people present suddenly changed: “This is the sign of the hand of the wind, why?”

“That’s right, as you think, we are already being watched by those of the Storm Hand.”

Standing in front of everyone’s eyes, speaking of this matter, the middle-aged man’s eyes also became dignified: “Although I am also very surprised why these lunatics suddenly stared at us, but now that we have reached this point, we must Make a response. “

“Here, I give you the right to quit.”

His eyes quickly glanced around: “If you choose to withdraw from our team, we can refund half of what you paid before.”

“But if you choose to stay, then as a cost, you must pay double the cost for the next journey.”

“How can this be?”

“You don’t talk about credit?”

“Didn’t you just negotiate the price!”

Below, listening to the words of middle age person in front of you, the people below have changed color, no longer worry about it, and directly asked.

Faced with their interrogation, the middle-aged man in front of his face was very calm. He waited for the voice of these people to fall before he suddenly moved.

With a soft squeak, the long sword on his waist was pulled out, with a little green light on it, and chopped heavily on the ground to draw a deep sword mark, fully showing Knight’s strength.

Looking at the scene caused by this sword, the place fell into silence and faintly heard the sound of someone swallowing.

“I don’t have time to joke with you …”

In front of the people, the middle-aged Knight looked a little impatient: “I only give you one day, and give me an answer immediately before tomorrow morning. I don’t want to stay and leave with me!”

Having said this, he walked away with a few servants on the side, and it seemed that he had no patience with these people in front of him.

When he left, these people in the place dared to speak, each and everyone stood there sighing and sighing.

“Hmm … I walked well, how could it cause these things.”

Standing up from the ground, the bearded man who had spoken to Adier before had an ugly face, and stood sighing constantly.

“Gru, are you leaving or staying?”

Looking at his appearance, Adier asked, standing still.

“Stay …”

Regarding Adier’s problem, despite his uncomfortable heart, the bearded Grew did not hesitate: “I’m not like you, I still carry a lot of goods. If something goes wrong, I will be terrifying. Go when the slave is in debt. “

“A very sensible choice.”

Standing aside, picking up a small loaf from the cloth covered in front of her eyes, Adier looked nodded while looking towards a corner.

Those were the few people he had noticed very early. Not only did he rarely have contact with other people, but when he faced that Knight just now, he looked calm and did not show the slightest nervousness.

From these people, Adier also felt a familiar smell.

That was the smell of energy particles, even though they were well covered, but they were still noticed by Adier and could not hide a formal wizard.

“Interestingly, the Northern Section plain is much more prosperous than the Southern Continent. Even if you just find a caravan to rush on, you can meet so many colleagues.”

Adier looked calm, turning and looking towards a distance.

There, the former middle-aged Knight was walking to a carriage, and it looked like he was reporting something.

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