“Arul, how are things going?”

Before the seemingly ordinary carriage, a female voice suddenly sounded.

“It’s almost done.”

Listening to the voice of the woman from the carriage, the middle-aged Knight respectfully said before, “As expected, most of these people will leave our team to distract each other’s attention.”

“We just need to make the illusion that you are hiding in these teams, even if the other party knows that there is a problem, but in order to prevent you from leaving this way, you will definitely send someone to intercept, thus reducing the enemies we need to face . “

“Well, you did a good job.”

In the carriage, the woman’s voice sounded again: “Remember to be more vigilant during this time, as long as we get to Wind City, we can be safe.”


Middle-aged Knight nodded named Arul, after speaking a few words with the woman in front of him, looked towards aside, it seemed to be ready to handle other things.

On the other side, similar conversations are taking place.

In the corner, an old man and a young man looked around, his face a little dignified.

“Teacher, things look a bit wrong here, are we leaving?”

Standing in place, looking at the old man in front of him, the young man asked, “The hand of Gale is a well-known thief in this area. It is said that the leader is a top Great Knight who once called the Gale Knight on the battlefield. , He killed three Great Knights of the same level alone. “

“This kind of strength, if we bring people out ourselves, we are not rivals.”

Looking at his teacher, he said hesitantly.

Listening to his words, the old man in front of him frowned.

Although in the eyes of a powerful wizard, the so-called Knight can’t be considered, it does not include some extremely powerful Great Knights.

After all, the two of them are just second-class apprentices. If they are facing Knight or ordinary Great Knight, it ’s okay to say, but if they are a top Great Knight, or even a lot of Knight ’s siege, they ca n’t be good, and they may end up bad .

“Let’s wait and see.”

After thinking about it for a long time, the old man was still a little unwilling, biting his teeth, “We finally found out the news of the crimson sword. It would be a shame if we left like this.”

“Even if the hand of the gale comes, with their restraint, they can just drag the caretaker’s Strength, which is more convenient for us to start.”

He looked at Middle-aged Knight in the distance and said lowly.

Aside, the young apprentice also slowly nodded, looking equally unwilling.

They didn’t find that, while they were talking, a teenager was watching them silently beside them, and their minds were moving at the same time.

“Crimson Sword?”

Standing in the distance, listening to the conversation between the two apprentices, Adier’s heart moved: “I heard that in the previous ruins, some people did find several Alchemy drawings of Magic Transformed Item, among them there is the refining information of the Crimson Sword , I did not expect to appear here. “

This is something that Adier heard a long time ago.

It must be said that although the ruins of ancient wizards are dangerous, there are indeed many good things in them.

When the ruins of Southern Continent had not been blocked, many things had been unearthed, including several copies of high-level Magic Transformed Item refining materials, and they were dressed up at that time.

The refining materials of the Crimson Sword were also unearthed at that time, but I do n’t know what happened later. After disappearing, it disappeared directly. I do n’t know who was taken away, and my heart appeared here.

“The Crimson Sword is not only a high-level Magic Transformed Item … but also can be used directly as a weapon. It is very rare, and its value can be compared with some low-level magic weapons.”

Standing in place, Adier looked at the carriage in the distance: “This high-quality goods, since you have encountered them, you can’t let them go.”

He looked at the crowd in the distance and made a decision in his heart.

The next day, when the sky gradually became bright, the team traveled again.

By noon, the team came to a small town.

At this point, many of the people who originally followed the team chose to leave, and each took their own things and went on different paths.

After the absence of these people, the number of the entire team has been reduced by almost half, leaving only two hundred and three people still moving forward.

The days of calm lasted for several days, and it was only after a few days that things started to change on the roads in the wild.

The distant scenery quickly passed by, and after a footstep, the surrounding area suddenly became silent.


Looking at the surrounding anomaly, the middle-aged Knight named Arul did not change his face, and quietly looked towards the front.

In that direction, heavy footsteps were sounding at this time.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a silver and white armor with several scars on his face, but he was very handsome. At this time, he rode on the white horse and looked very attractive.

“Fighting Knight, Funon …”

Looking at the mighty middle-aged man in the distance, Arul frowned slightly: “I didn’t expect it to be you …”

“Give it up.”

The farmer wearing a silver-white armor opened the mouth and said indifferently: “The news has been leaked, you can’t keep that thing.”

“Without us, there will be others coming to intercept.”

“I do not know what you’re talking about.”

Arul’s eyes were calm, listening to the other person’s words, and a little doubtful expression appeared on his face.

“It seems that without a fight, you will not be honest.”

Looking at Arul, Fu Nong looked aloof, looking mighty and decisive.

At the next moment, he took a decisive shot, a silver white light passed through his eyes, a silver white sword was quickly pulled out by him, and a white Battle Qi was picked up, chopped on Arul.

“Great Knight !!!”

Looking at white Battle Qi, a horrified cry came around.


Another white Battle Qi lit up quickly, rushing forward in an instant, offsetting the white sword glow in front of him.

Arul’s face was dignified. On the black long sword, there was a faint white lingering, and he was also a great knight.

Someone who wasn’t waiting to be surprised was suddenly surprised.

An electric arc rushed over, with strong energy particles on it, and rushed over for a moment. When Arul had not responded, he smashed onto him and shot him fiercely to the ground.

There was a moment of silence in place.

Everyone couldn’t believe watching this scene and almost thought that they had hallucinations.

A Great Knight is a top character no matter where he is, as long as he doesn’t run into a powerhouse of the same level, he can almost run rampant, but now he is easily shot down and dismounted. It seems Life and Death is unknown.

A bloodstain passed gently.

Under the gaze of everyone, Fu Nong’s face was indifferent, and he walked directly to the front. With a light stroke of the silver white long sword, a head flew out, leaving only a headless body.

After doing all of this, he walked aside in a middle-aged man wearing leather armor, looking no different from ordinary Knight, his face looked very respectful: “Master Warren, it has been solved!”

In front of him, a middle age person nodded in leather, and then under Knight’s guard, he led the horse directly to the front.

“Emmera, your guards have been resolved. Can’t you come out yet?”

Zerma walked to the front, and the middle-aged man named Warren looked aloof.

Immediately became quiet.

After a long time, new movements appeared in front.

Under Adier’s gaze, a very beautiful girl in a black skirt emerged from the carriage, holding a scepter in her hand.

“As a wizard, you need to use a sneak attack against an ordinary Great Knight. Is this the style of your Amanda family?”

Just stepping out of carriage, she looked at the headless corpse under her feet, and her face suddenly became ugly.

“Where are you going? … Others don’t know your details, am I still unclear?”

Warren’s face was indifferent: “Give things up.”

Listening to this, Amyla sneered on her face: “If it were you, would you choose to hand it over?”


A lightning ball hurried across the surrounding space, blasting several large pits on the originally level ground.

The sorcerer named Warren was obviously an activist. After seeing the other party’s intention of rejection at this time, there was no bullshit, and he rushed directly into a spell.

The arcs kept flashing around, turning into chains, entangled towards Emmera.

In the face of this, Amela complexion changed, turning into a shadow in an instant, hiding the past around.

“Shadow curtain? No, it’s Magic Transformed Item …”

Looking at the other party’s means, Warren murmured to himself, and moved again.

A little white light escaped from his hand, and with a slight crackling sound, a pure crystal ball exploded directly, exuding an inexplicable wave above it.

Enveloped by this light at a short distance, the layer of shadow protection on Emmela’s body disappeared directly, and a jewel on the scepter in his hand faded directly, and it seemed to lose its original effect.


A thunder ball rushed forward and slammed into Aimera, the arc that exploded entangled her body, making her unable to move for a moment.

Looking at her appearance, Warren looked indifferent, and pulled a black dagger from his waist, with a light green luster on it, and stabbed directly.

His speed was very fast, and before the other side had not responded, he stabbed the dagger directly into the flesh, and brought a blood flower.

“caught you···”

Directly stabbed by a dagger, Amyra’s face showed a weird smile.

In an instant, her body began to swell, granulation began to breed in the flesh, and she began to extend to the other’s body along the other’s hand, as if she wanted to grab the other.

A silver white Battle Qi suddenly flashed, and at this time split Amela’s half body directly, exposing the bones inside.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Warren reached out his hand directly, one arm struck directly to Amela’s heart, and pulled out a light green crystal from it.


With the crystal, he looked at Fu Nong’s mouth aside, and then ran quickly.

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