“Without leaving any traces or breath, even if a formal wizard is present, I should not be able to trace my breath.”

Walking on the ground, thinking about the scene just now, Adier opened a few bags on the side.

Open the bag, there are some polished high-end magic stones, and some materials.

The value of these materials is pretty good, after all, they can be kept by third-class apprentices, and the value must not be lower.

What surprised Adier was that, from these two small bags, Adier also found a detailed map of the surrounding area. The topography of the area and the nearby resource points are marked in detail, which is extremely concise.

“It saves me a bit of effort.”

After carefully collecting the map in front of you, Adier could not help saying with a smile.

In this world, a detailed map is very precious, especially this map is still from a third-class apprentice, which has detailed labeling of the surrounding resource points.

This is extremely precious, and sometimes it is difficult to buy such a detailed map, even if it is a magic stone.

“According to previous estimates, it will probably take a few days to get to Ann Wind City … while taking advantage of this time buffer, I can just sort out the information of the Crimson Sword.”

Looking around, he gently put away the things on his hand, and Adier walked quickly to the side.

A few days passed quickly.

In the early morning, the rain outside was slowly falling.

On a rainy day, Adier stood quietly in the hotel room while watching the rain outside.

The heavy rain outside continued to be accompanied by the breeze, which brought some coolness.

At this moment, a faint mana breath came from a distance, making Adier look down.

“Starting again …”

Feeling the flash of mana in the distance, Adier shook his head.

There are more wizards in this city than he thought.

Northland Plains is no better than other places. This is the center of the wizard in this area. The road connecting to the Mason area is far more prosperous than other places. Even the Southern Continent where Wlardo College was originally located. Northern Section is also a remote place.

In Wind City, this situation is even more common. Many people around are not only wizards, but even ordinary people know the existence of wizards.

The city is proud of wizards, powerful wizards control the city, and many wizards settle here.

Of course, in order to avoid certain effects, many wizards live in the inner city. On the one hand, they are much quieter. On the other hand, they can reduce the effect of radiation on ordinary people.


Standing on Yantai, suddenly, Adier looked to the side.

He looked towards a corner of the city street, where someone was walking by and heading towards the hotel.

It was a thin old man, wearing a rain-proof coat and holding a little boy in his hands. It seemed that he had just arrived from the outside and was preparing to board at the hotel where Adier was.

Watching this scene, Adier laughed, opened the door of the room directly, and walked to the door, ready to wait for the person to come up.

This rainy season, for some reason, there are so many extra people, which makes the hotel business in this area suddenly improve.

Although this hotel is not small, there are not many rooms left at this time, all are located near Adier’s room.

Soon, with the sound of footsteps, the old man led the boy and walked up quickly from below, and soon came to Adier.

“Hello, I’m Adier.”

Watching the old man on the other side approach, Adier smiled and took the lead in greeting him.

Listening to Adier’s voice, the old man was obviously hesitant for a while, and only when he felt a unique breath from Adier, a smile appeared on his face: “Hello, I am Terence.”

“Is this your child?”

After saying hello, Adier’s expression remained unchanged, and he asked the little boy looking at the other hand.

“No … this is my grandson.”

Looking at Adier, after thinking about it, the old man named Terence still opened the mouth and said, but his face was a little bad.

“He looks a little bad.”

Regardless of the expression on his face, Adier directly opened the mouth and said.

“Can you see?”

Listening to Adier, Terence was a little surprised.

“I’m a pharmacist.”

To the other side, Adier just smiled.

From behind, he took out some potions from the package and put them on the table: “These are all potions I made myself. If you need it, you can choose to trade directly with me.”


Listening to this title, Terence could not help looking more solemn, and looked at Adier’s eyes could not help but move.

In the wizarding world, pharmacists have never been an easy career, and without enough innate talent, they simply cannot become a qualified pharmacist. Even in the bustling Northern Section plains, the status of a pharmacist is equally high.

Among the bottles of Adier placed, Terence even saw a few bottles of intermediate potions.

“I live here. If I have time, I can bring this child to see.”

Looking at the other party’s performance, after saying hello, Adier also gave way to the front, leaving room for the other party to pass.

For Adier’s words, Terence was nodded, and then took his grandson’s hand forward.

His room was right across from Adier’s room, and the two were so close that they could see it when they left.

After Terence entered the room, Adier also walked into his room and closed the door gently.

After more than an hour, it was still raining outside.

boom! boom! boom!

Outside the door, a slight knock sounded.

“Please come in.”

Looking at the door, Adier opened his eyes and opened the mouth and said over there.

Soon, with a light sound, a silhouette quickly walked in from the outside, just before Terence.

At this time, his original raincoat had been replaced with a black robe. Although his body was still a little thin, his movement was still very Agility, which did not match his old appearance at all.

It’s no wonder that although the wizard pays attention to knowledge and Spirit, in fact, the physical strength is also very strong. After being a formal wizard, he has generally surpassed the Great Knight and can be compared with some top Great Knights. Even at this age, the movement will be very Agility.

“Sir Adier, take the liberty to bother.”

When he came to this room and saw Adier on the bed in front, Terence smiled and looked at Adier greeting.

“Please sit down.”

Seeing the arrival of the other party, Adier also showed a ceremonial smile on his face. At this time, he asked the other party to sit down politely.

“Master Adier is a pharmacist, so I should be able to see the body of my grandson …”

As soon as he sat down, Terence asked, looking a bit impatient.

When talking, his eyes were fixed on Adier, it seemed that he was waiting for Adier’s answer.

“If I read correctly, it should be legendary Bloodline disease.”

Sitting in front of the other person, listening to the other person’s question, Adier frowned seemed to hesitate for a long time before giving the other person such an answer.

Hearing this answer, in front of Terence’s eyes, his arm trembled slightly, and seemed to be excited: “Then what else can Master Adier see?”

“Sorry, I don’t know much about Bloodline disease. I can only see it without specific contact.”

shook the head, Adier opened the mouth and said.

These words are not false.

Although the knowledge of Bloodline has been studied for a long time, there are too many Bloodlines passed down from ancient times in the entire wizarding world. Without detailed contact, even if there is a chip, it is impossible to know the specific situation of the other party.

“It’s okay, I’m in a hurry.”

Upon hearing Adier’s words, Terence’s face showed an admiring expression instead: “In fact, I have looked for some pharmacists before. Many people even judged the specific illness wrongly. You can tell that it is Bloodline disease, Adier Already pretty good. “

“I’ve heard of the reputation of the ancient Bloodline wizards.”

Adier smiled. “In fact, the Sect I am at is different from many pharmacists and belongs to Bloodline.”

Listening to this, Terence suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, then he did not hesitate to open the mouth and said: “Since Lord Adier can recognize Bloodline disease, I wonder if there is any way to stop it?”

“It depends on the exact situation.”

Sitting in front of Terence, Adier shook his head.

The so-called Bloodline disease is actually the repercussions caused by transplanting Bloodline.

In ancient times, powerful wizards expeditioned many Worlds, plundered countless World resources, and nourished wizard civilization to its heyday.

In the wizarding civilization, in addition to the orthodox wizard, there are also many branches, and the Bloodline wizard is one of them.

In ancient times, there were powerful wizards trying to transplant the Bloodline of ancient creatures such as within the body, so as to obtain the powerful vitality and innate talent of the ancient creatures.

These wizards are the original Bloodline wizards. They have the Bloodline of the ancient creatures. Under the same conditions, they are often stronger than other wizards.

However, this powerful Strength also has certain consequences, and Bloodline disease is one of them.

Any creature has its own characteristics, especially some powerful ancient creatures, and some characteristics are deeply rooted in the Bloodline and cannot be suppressed at all.

Adier has some experience in this area.

At Kuma Principality, he transplanted Silver Behemoth’s Bloodline for some clansmans in the Fax family.

After transplanting Bloodline, Strength will be greatly improved, but it will also be affected by Silver Behemoth Bloodline. Not only will his character become irritable and belligerent, but white silver hair will also grow on his body.

This is actually a type of Bloodline disease, but the symptoms are very slight, and there is no harm in not at all.

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