In the small, neat room, the two wizards were talking.

In the conversation, Adier also knew the arrival of the other party.

As Adier expected, this is a long-lived Bloodline family, with a long history that even goes back to ancient times.

After such a long time, this family has already declined. Not only has the Bloodline contained in the family slowly disappeared, but now there are only two people left.

However, judging by the strength of Terence’s official wizarding level, this family is obviously also glorious. The Bloodline circulating in the family should be extremely out of the ordinary.

The results described by the other party also confirmed this conjecture of Adier.

“Bloodline of the Ancient Mora Earth Dragon?”

Sitting on the bed, listening to Terence, Adier startled.

The so-called Mora Earth Dragon refers to a powerful creature native to the ancient wizarding world. When grown up, the number of 1000 meters is a powerful life comparable to that of Level 3 wizards.

This ancient creature is known for its powerful vitality and lifespan. Wizards with this Bloodline will also have a great bonus on life force and lifespan, much stronger than wizards of the same level.

“Just a little thin Bloodline that’s all.”

Opposite Adier, looking at the surprised expression on Adier’s face, Terence smiled bitterly: “No matter how powerful and prosperous Bloodline is, once it declines, that’s it.”

“If it weren’t for the Bloodline of Mora Earth Dragon, which has a great bonus to lifespan, then I am an old bone, and even enough to be promoted to a formal wizard.”

Bloodline is constantly diluting. Perhaps in ancient times, their family flourished, but after thousands of years, after a generation of reproduction, Bloodline will eventually decline slowly, no longer the concentration.

This is also the ultimate fate of most Bloodline families.

However, they are already very lucky compared to ordinary person.

With the ancient Bloodline, they are very superior in all aspects. It can be said that they have won at the starting line from the beginning.

Some wizards with powerful Bloodline are said to have no obstacles from apprentices to formal wizards. They just need to wait for the body to grow and let Bloodline lead to the improvement of life level, which can lead to the promotion of wizard levels, without any obstacle in the middle.

Just like Terence in front of him, even though the ancient Bloodline is already extremely thin in his within the body, it still brings him more vitality and lifespan than other wizards.

Although this help is weak, it is very important for the apprenticeship period. At least with a longer lifespan, not only can you live longer, but you may be more likely to be promoted to a formal wizard.

“Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer such wizards with the ancient Bloodline within the body.”

Looking at Terence in front of him, the thought flashed in Adier’s mind.

Today’s Bloodline wizards are basically descendants of ancient wizards.

According to the books, in the ancient times, the Wizard World was not so peaceful now, there are all kinds of powerful and scary ancient creatures, some powerful Bloodline creatures can even cross the entire World, terrifying to the limit.

After the rise of the ancient wizards and the unification of this World, these ancient lives will be completely swept away. The powerful Bloodline is regarded as a cherished resource and transplanted by the ancient wizard to himself within the body. Some of the weak creatures were left behind because they were too weak compared to the ancient wizards.

By now, powerful ancient creatures have basically disappeared. Even if there are occasional survivors, they are distributed in vast and unknown areas, which are by no means an ordinary wizard.

Wizards like Terrence, who inherited the ancient Bloodline, have become scarce due to the thinness of Bloodline from generation to generation.

After a while, knowing the basics, Adier and Terence walked into another room. There, a little boy was lying quietly on the bed and seemed to sleep soundly.

“Has he always been so sleepy?”

Looking at the little boy on the bed, Adier frowned.

Aside, listening to Adier’s words, Terence nodded: “It’s always been this way. When he was a kid, I didn’t care about it, until later I found out that it was wrong.”

“Mora Earth Dragon is also known for drowsiness. His current appearance should be the Bloodline influence within the body.”

Quietly looking at the little boy on the bed, Adier opened the mouth and said.

Under Terence’s gaze, he walked forward, his arms stopped at the boy’s heart.

In my mind, a large amount of data is constantly flowing, and after being organized by the chip, it is transmitted to Adier’s mind.

“Heartbeat is very weak, and there are many parts of the body’s organs that have been damaged. What’s more, this child’s body seems to be affected by something, and the vitality is slowly weakening …”

Looking at the look of the little boy in front of me, I felt the situation of the other party, even the Adier now felt the same.

“If nothing else, this child may live up to three years.”

Standing in place, he turned to Terence.

In the face of this bad news, Terence did not respond much, just calmly nodded, it seems that the situation is very clear.

“Is there a way to solve?”

He looked at Adier with a little expectation in his eyes.

Facing his look, Adier shook the head.

“Sorry, this situation is a bit complicated, and Bloodline’s disease is rooted in Bloodline, and there is no way to improve it in a short time.”

In the anticipation of the other side, Adier said.

Listening to this, Terence’s eyes suddenly showed a disappointment, but did not feel much.

In the past ten years, he has found too many people, disappointed too many times, and has been used to the scene in front of him.

“However, if I just curb this symptom, I still have a way.”

In the other’s unexpected eyes, Adier said with a smile.

“Really?” Terence was surprised and surprised, just looking at Adier and asking, “Are you sure?”

“Of course.” Adier didn’t hesitate to answer the question, nodded directly.

“it is good.”

Terence was nodded with a smile on his face: “It just so happens that I still have some advanced knowledge about Bloodline. I think Adier should be interested.”

“of course.”

Adier’s face smiled as he watched the other talk.

After chatting for a while, Adier turned and walked out.

“I did not expect to have such an unexpected gain.”

Adier whispered to himself on the road.

At this point, he had a little more knowledge in his mind. Although it was part of the basics, it also surprised Adier.

These are some of the consultations taught in advance by the other party. It seems that Adier is unwilling to help, so he deliberately took out some of the knowledge spread by his family.

From the other side, Adier also got some information about this and some information about traveling to the Maison Region.

According to the other party, from the Northern Section plain to the Mason region, there is an extremely long distance in the middle, which can only be passed back and forth by airship.

However, the specific situation is not clear to the other party. If you want to find the exact information, you need to go to the inner city.

“Just so, I also need a more advanced laboratory to help with some things.”

Standing still, looking out the window, Adier muttered to himself.

At this time, the rain outside the window continued to rain, but now it has gradually become smaller, and it looks like it will not be long.

Standing silently on the balcony for a while, Adier returned to his room, ready to rest.

the next day.

After the rain stopped, Adier changed into a black robe and walked towards the inner city.

Beside him, Terence was in a gray robe, and was standing with him at this time.

He came here this time mainly to act as a guide, and by the way purchase some things by himself.

After the communication that night, he also admired Adier’s knowledge and bloodline knowledge. At this time, when he heard that Adier was going to explore the inner city, he immediately took his grandson out.

Walking around, fewer and fewer people around.

Soon, in an uninhabited isolation area, two third-class apprentices appeared in front of him, and he was standing outside a city gate.

Unlike apprentices elsewhere, although these two third-class apprentices look very ordinary, they have a unique Spirit spirit, giving them a sense of oppression.

However, after feeling the fatly discernible breath of the two Adiers, the two third-class apprentices were complexion changed with a respectful expression: “Welcome two adults!”

Glancing casually, the Adier people didn’t stay here any more, and quickly walked forward.

“These are the wizards specially selected by the local wizarding organization. They are all blood wizards who often fight against alien creatures. They are very powerful.”

Looking at Adier, Terence began to explain to him: “Did you feel the kind of Spirit oppression on those apprentices? That’s a symptom that appears only when too many foreign curses represent their record.”

“Are there many aliens around here?”

Adier asked.

“A lot, a lot.”

Terence said: “At the borders of the Northern Section plains, these aliens are everywhere. The wizards who work around them basically have to deal with these aliens. Every year, many people die. It is very difficult.”

“Some of these aliens are the remnants of ancient wizards, some are native to the wizard world, and even Bloodline exist, distributed throughout the northern part of the continent, completely blocking the road.”

Looking at Adier, Terence shook his head and said, “If there weren’t these aliens, we didn’t need to take an airship to go to the Maison Region, and we could just walk directly from the land.”

“These aliens are strong?”

On the truth, Adier asked with great interest.

“Most of them are not strong, but there are too many, and there are also some alien wizards, so they have not been able to solve it.”

Looking at Adier, Terence replied.

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